This is the original Involar product.

Revolutionary solution for Solar systems installation

MicroInverter – complete power station in miniature design. Simple installation with minimal maintenance. Full modular system.

Effective and easy solution for independed energy production which maintain connection to standard electric grid. Ideal solution to lower electricity bills. Slow down your electricity meter! (by lowering power consumption).

This MicroInverter is meant for direct connection with Solar panels, outputs are to electric Grid system anywhere in your home. All energy from Solar panels is directly taken to Grid for immediate use. It is important to design your Solar system to have slightly lower power generation then your entire home consumption. This ensure your produced energy is always preferred over standard Grid energy.

Be GridFree!Whole system is scalable (connecting more MicroInverters) and produced power is easily maintained by Current relays. This can prevent unwanted/unused energy feed to standard Grid.

Advantages of MicroInverter:

Long lifetime and reliability, up to 30 years.

Increase of total power generated (up to 16% more)

Lesser loss of energy by using shielded cables

Protection against dust and pollution

Simple design with easy installation

Absolute safety, system using low voltage

Complete internet monitoring

Monitoring of each panel power generation

Electric parameters of MicroInverter GF-MAC230A

Recommended input DC Power: 250Wp/200Wp ~ 260Wp (maximum of 300Wp)

Max. Voltage without load: 50V (Voc of module)

MPPT voltage: 24-40V

Max. Input current: 10,4A

Output (AC)

Nominal AC power @ 25°C: 230W up to 240W

Nominal AC current: 1,02A

Working voltage range: 230V – 184V ~264V

Frequency of grid: 50Hz 47Hz ~ 51Hz

Max. Permanent input current: 1,3A

Connection: One phase

Separation: high frequency transformer – 230V grid is completely galvanic separated from DC input

Maximum amount of Inverters in string: 16

Efficiency: 95,2%

How can be source of electric energy directly connected to grid, isn't that dangerous?
For a limited amount of time it can be connected as testing installation using one or two panels directly in Grid socket (along with device that consume the energy provided with panels). MicroInverter consist of protection which constantly check voltage (disconnect the system if 230V is missing). For larger and permanent installation we recommend to use protection device such as circuit breaker, protector and current relays.

How is possible that energy from MicroInverter is preferred over standard Grid?
MicroInverter constantly control voltage of Grid, producer voltage is then always set slightly higher to ensure it will be used by your device. Perfect frequency and phase matching is always ensured. This parameters of Inverter are certificated following European directive EN, DIN and tested by TÜV and VDE.

Is it possible to combine the MicroInverter with batteries to provide energy during night?
Yes! By using Solar regulators you can connect the battery output (36V) to MicroInverter. Then you can use the energy stored in batteries in moments without sunshine.

Why do you recommend to use 240-290Wp panel with MicroInverter that has maximum power of 230W AC?
Power of Solar panel in datasheet (240Wp or 290Wp) is considered as "Watt peak", this power is available only in perfect conditions (sunshine 1000W/m2). For majority of locations is such condition available only a few days during year. Most of the year the sun intensity is lower . To utilize the MicroInventer to full potential it is better to use larger panels. MicroInverter is using MPPT technology and thus utilize complete power from Solar panels.

Tip: During winter it is possible to connect two or three Solar panels to maintain power generation through MicroInventer.

Can MicroInventer works are stand-alone (GridFree installation)?
No, MicroInventers are converters designed as on-grid (grid tied). As such MicroInverter will work only with grid connected. If you disconnect the grid, MicroInverter shut downs immediately. This function is mandatory to comply EU regulations.

What is actual power consumption of MicroInvertor?
During the use convertor runs at around 95% efficiency. This means with powering by 240Wp panel at peak sun intensity is power consumption of MicroInverter 12W. To run the MicroInverter it is necessary to generate at least 20W power by panel. Without any power generate, MicroInverter switches to stand-by mode and maintain monitoring of AC Grid voltage. Sand-by mode consumption is about 1W per Inverter. The Stand-by mode can be turned off simply by disconnecting from Grid.

Is it necessary to comply the microinverter with Regulation VDE-AR-N4105?

If you are using the microinverter in the GridFree installation the VDE-AR-N4105 is not needed.

GridFree instalation means all energy from microinverters is consumed localy and there is no overflow of energy from microinverters to the public grid. This should be save by technical solution - Current Monitoring Relay.

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