around the world are demanding more open, accountable and responsive
governments. Open governments empower citizens; reduce corruption; drive
inclusive economic growth and prosperity; and engage civil
society. Transparency is an idea whose time has come.
The OGP – made up of civil society and governments – supports
domestic reformers around the world who are committed to opening up
their countries. We are meeting in London on 31 October and 1 November
to celebrate the progress we have made in the two years since the OGP’s
inception; to learn from each other and to transform our shared
ambitions into action.
Since our Summit in Brasilia last year:
Finland, Hungary, Argentina, Ireland, Australia, Malawi and New
Zealand have joined the OGP, bringing us to 61 countries covering 1.94
billion people around the world;
Seven countries have published their first national action plans,
taking the total number of open government reform commitments to 1078;
The Independent Reporting Mechanism has published its first eight
progress reports on founding countries’ national action plans – a
testament to the value of the OGP as a community of accountability.
At the London Summit we will agree:
Partnerships with four leading multilateral organisations – the
Inter-American Development Bank, the OECD, the UNDP and the World Bank -
to support OGP implementation at the country level;
Working Groups on Open Data, Legislative Openness, Fiscal Openness,
Access to Information and Openness in Extractives– to help countries
create and implement more ambitious open government commitments as part
of their OGP action plans;
To work together on promoting the aims of open governance within the Post-2015 development agenda UN process.
37 Governments have made ambitious new commitments to open
government, covering a wide range of priorities, including commitments
Radically open up government data to boost entrepreneurship, growth and accountability;
Open up their governments further to fight corruption and strengthen democracy;
Greater fiscal transparency to ensure taxpayers can follow their
money; and work towards a common global reporting standard for natural
resource transparency, ensuring that payments for extractives and
natural resources are transparent and used for public benefit.
Further empower citizens, transforming the relationship between people and their governments.
Charting a vision and making firm commitments is a significant
start but what matters more is action. Ensuring governments deliver on
these promises, through genuine collaboration with civil society, will
need to be the OGP's main focus in the years ahead.