Just a few years ago, a machine that would scan a printed page of text and then print it in another language would have seemed like science fiction. Now it’s a reality offered by Xerox Easy Translator Service, which used the technology of Skolkovo resident ABBYY LS – a Russian company that makes up part of U.S. technology provider ABYY – in creating its product. Xerox Easy Translation Service, which was launched earlier this month, also allows users receive draft translations in any one of 35 available languages to their mobile device by photographing a hard copy of a document. [View:https://youtu.be/C_2LyPB2LpQ:550:0] Xerox Easy Translator Service.Video: youtube.com/user/XeroxCorp ABBYY announced last week it had reached a licensing agreement with U.S. business services giant Xerox. “As an initial result of their collaboration with ABBYY, Xerox has introduced the Xerox Easy Translator Service, the industry’s first cloud-enabled language translation solution integrated via a web portal across Xerox devices built on ConnectKey technology, as well as mobile devices and desktops,” ABBYY said in a statement. The service uses ABBYY LS’s automated translation technology and ABBYY’s Optical Character Recognition system, and belongs to ABBYY USA Software House, Inc., a Xerox trademark licensee. “Xerox is providing a model of innovation in the integration of document-processing technologies with character recognition technologies and modern linguistic tools,” said Ivan Smolnikov, head of ABBYY LS. “We look forward to working together on future solutions that set the highest standards and offer new possibilities for international companies,” he added. “Improving translation is at the core of enterprise transformation and global connections. This licensing agreement and initial offers are distinct because we combine Xerox’s expertise in document workflow technologies with an innovator in translation solutions in ABBYY,” Bertrand Cerisier, vice president for global marketing at the Xerox corporation, was quoted as saying in ABBYY’s statement. “Through the use of MFPs (multi-function printers), smartphones and a cloud infrastructure, we’re bringing an innovative capacity for localization to organizations both large and small and in all countries,” he added. ABBYY LS has been a resident of Skolkovo’s IT cluster since 2011.