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* In the beginning of the game there is a cutscene which shows Noire, Blanc, and Vert teaming up to take down neptune. This is a reference to Nintendo and Sony (with Microsoft coming around after the fact) knocking Sega out of the home console market with the release of the Gamecube, Playstation 2, and Xbox respectively within 2 years of the dreamcast. Due to the massive performance difference between them and the stigma left by the disastrous Sega Saturn the dreamcast sold poorly and Sega left the console market after the Dreamcast
* In the beginning of the game there is a cutscene which shows Noire, Blanc, and Vert teaming up to take down neptune. This is a reference to Nintendo and Sony (with Microsoft coming around after the fact) knocking Sega out of the home console market with the release of the Gamecube, Playstation 2, and Xbox respectively within 2 years of the dreamcast. Due to the massive performance difference between them and the stigma left by the disastrous Sega Saturn the dreamcast sold poorly and Sega left the console market after the Dreamcast
* When looking for the 4 legendary weapons, after defeating Fake Blanc, they find the legendary "spear" but they find out it was remodeled as a hammer. Financier explains it was taken by a plumber with moustaches and remodeled in a hammer and the name was also changed to "Golden Hammer". This is a reference to the Mario weapon Golden Hammer.
* When looking for the 4 legendary weapons, after defeating Fake Blanc, they find the legendary "spear" but they find out it was remodeled as a hammer. Financier explains it was taken by a plumber with moustaches and remodeled in a hammer and the name was also changed to "Golden Hammer". This is a reference to the Mario weapon Golden Hammer.
=== Rkraiem100's Reference Guide ===
(I'm making a huge reference guide for the entire franchise and because some of it might overlap with information currently in this reference guide I just made a subsection for my reference guide. The full reference guide is on steam as a guide for rebirth 1. Enjoy):
** (Episode 1 Version 1.1.4 - Finished)
** '''Setting''': The setting of the franchise (the land of Gameindustri) is a reference to the video game industry
'''Planeptune''': While it is unclear what exactly the name for Planeptune is based off its most likely based off the fact that the Sega Neptune was named after the planet Neptune so since its based off a planet they called the nation Planeptune
'''Lastation''': Lastation is based off the Playstation brand (La'''station''' Play'''station''')
'''Leanbox''': Leanbox is based off the Xbox brand (X'''box''', Lean'''box''')
'''Lowee''': Lowee is based off the Wii brand (Lo'''wee''', '''Wii''')
** '''The 4 Goddesses''':<br><br>'''Neptune''': Neptune is a reference to the Sega Neptune which was a unreleased Sega console. The console was meant to be a hybrid of the Sega Genesis and the Sega 32X but due to poor sales of the 32X they canceled it<br><br>'''Noire''': Noire is a reference to the Playstation 3. There are even a number of references in the games and anime to solidify the fact that she is based off the Playstation 3 like in (***minor spoiler alert for rebirth 3***) Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 3 when Lastation gets hacked and to compensate they gave the affected citizens a couple free (not so good) games to help offset the damage. That was a reference to the infamous Playstation 3 Network Outage (or should I say '''Nep'''work Outage... had to say it i know it was terrible) where Sony's online network went down for 23 days and they gave free bad games to Playstation plus members to offset the damage<br><br>'''Vert''': Vert is a reference to the Xbox brand. While Noire's character seems to be mostly based off just the Playstation 3 Vert seems to have evolved throughout the games with a number of references to both the original Xbox and Xbox 360. For example (***minor spoiler alert for rebirth 3***) In Rebirth 3 Vert claims that she will take over the other nations with her amazing new console, This didn't end up working out well for her due to the "Bulky controller" which is a reference to the original controller for the original Xbox. In contrast though in the anime (which is almost directly based off the rebirth games with few changes) in episode 5 Vert released the "Minect" camera which was a big hit, this is a clear reference to the Xbox 360's Kinect motion sensor<br><br>'''Blanc''': Blanc is a reference to the Wii. While she does occasionally make references to previous Nintendo consoles her appearance and personality most reflects the Wii. <br><br>'''Histiore''': Histiore may be a reference to the video game journalists since her job is to record the history of gameindustri and video game journalists do the same thing by publishing articles on video games. <br><br>
** '''The Goddess's Transformation''':<br><br>'''CPUs''': The 4 Goddesses are known as CPUs which is a reference to a computer's CPU. In the game CPU stands for "Console Patron Unit" vs a actual computer CPU which stands for "Central Processing Unit". A computer CPU acts as the brain of the computer by processing and executing everything that needs to be processed. While a CPU isn't the only processor in a computer it is the most important<br><br>'''HDDs''': The 4 Goddess's also have special transformations known as HDDs which is a reference to a computer mechanical hard drive. In the game the goddess's HDD powers are known as "Hard Drive Divinity" and it allows them to become more powerful than in their normal forms. There are 3 types of hard drives most computers have: HDD, SSD, and Hybrid. A HDD hard drive uses magnetic disks to store data, HDD hard drives (aka hard disk drives) are the cheapest option and can generally store a lot more data for a cheaper price per gigabyte. A SSD (aka solid state drive) is the fastest and most expensive of the 3. SSDs used flash storage to store data rather than moving parts (explaining how flash memory works will take up far too many lines so if your curious google it). Hybrid drives are a mix between a HDD and a SSD in that it uses both moving parts and flash storage to store data for a price point somewhere between a HDD and SSD.<br><br>
** '''The Console Wars''': The endless wars the goddess's fight in is known as the console wars. This is a reference to the video game console wars. The console wars date as far back as the early 1980s with the Atari 2600 vs the Colecovision although when most people think of the original console wars they are thinking Nintendo vs Sega. The Console Wars became a real war during the golden age of gaming with the Sega Genesis vs the Nintendo NES (and later the SNES). You might think that the console wars today are bad with people online belittling the other side's console but today its fairly tame in comparison to back then. While today most of the battling is done online with the fanboys arguing who is better back then the companies themselves were taking nasty shots at each other. Ads like "Sega Does What Nintendon't" and terms like "Blast Processing" (side fact, blast processing is referenced a number of times in the franchise) made the console wars seem more like politics than games with companies throwing insults at each other in an effort to gain support. Around this time Atari rejoined the console wars for a short time with the Atari Jaguar which was technically the 1st 64 bit console but it failed due to a strange controller, and bad games. The Atari Jaguar ad campaign boasted that it was the only console on the market with 64 bit graphics in a ad called "Do The Math". Things got worse once Sony joined the fight, Sony released a attack ad featuring Crash Bandicoot in front of Nintendo's HQ saying that Nintendo's days are numbered.
** '''Shares''': The Goddess's fight over shares in the console wars. In the game shares are a measure of how many people believe in a goddess. The idea of shares is meant to be a reference to the number of sales each console has. Throughout the franchise Neptune usually has the least number of shares since most of the plot for the games references events after Sega left the home console market. This explains Neptune's lazy attitude as well as why all the other goddess's are always hard at work while Neptune is not, its because since each goddess reflects their respective console manufacturer the amount of shares each nation has as well as how hard they work depends on the time period of the story. For example in (***minor spoiler alert***) Rebirth 1 the game starts off with Neptune loosing her memory (which represents her shares in this case) and Noire experiences a drastic rise in shares after that making her have the most shares. The real life equivalent time period for this is roughly around 1995 when the Sony Playstation launched and soon after Sega left the home market console business. At that time the Playstation became the #1 console manufacturer as well and this continued through the Playstation 2 which went on to become the best selling console of all time. Because Sega isn't in the home console market in the time periods represented throughout the franchise it makes sense that Neptune is lazy because its a easy and convenient way to explain why Planeptune has such little shares and why they aren't making any new consoles or hardware.<br><br>
** '''Neptune's Amnesia''': The reason Neptune has amnesia is likely due to the fact that the 1st rebirth game takes place right after the downfall of Sega. The amnesia is a simple way to explain a possible personality shift between how Neptune would be portrayed pre-sega downfall vs post sega downfall. It is actually very likely that Neptune's personality would be very similar to Plutia (from Rebirth 3... don't worry no spoilers) since in Rebirth 3 there are many clues that hint to the fact that it takes place pre-Sega downfall (like how Neptune says the consoles they have in Plutia's dimension are retro to her). To Plutia's friends and allies she is very nice and carefree but to her enemies she is brutal, vicious, sadistic, and knows how to get stuff done. This is very similar to how Sega operated back then by appealing to their customers and giving them what they want (the carefree side) but at the same time brutal to Nintendo (the sadistic side). The fact that Neptune has amnesia means that she cant remember past rivalries and without a real need to fight so brutally for shares means that she simply didnt need her sadistic side. While it is not confirmed that Plutia is a version of Neptune from before Sega left the console market (in fact there is evidence to prove the contrary) it is almost undeniable that Neptune's personality would likely be somewhat similar to Plutia's<br><br>
** '''Compa''':Compa is a reference to the developer of the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise. The "Comp" part is just a shortened version of the word '''Comp'''ile in Compile Hearts name. Her character design mostly consists of light colors similar to their logo. In addition to that you could see Compile Heart's logo on Compa's necklace.<br><br>Compile Heart is owned by the parent company Idea Factory. Compile Heart was created in 2006 and as of April 4th of 2016 they released over 60 games. Their most famous for the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise as well as the Record of Agarest War franchise.<br><br>
** '''Virtua Forest''': The 1st dungeon in the game Virtua Forest is a reference to the Virtua Fighter Franchise. The Virtua Fighter franchise is famous for being the 1st fighting game to support full 3D polygonal graphics. Virtua Fighter was first released as an arcade game in 1993, The game was eventually ported over to a number of consoles including the Sega Saturn, Sega 32X, Microsoft Windows, and more. As of April 2016 the latest release in the franchise: Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown was released on June 5th 2012.<br><br>
** '''Random Citizen References''': In each of the 4 country's basilicom there are a number of sections including the museum, the shop, and a section called "Information". The information section is a cool little section where random citizens from each country talk about whats going on. There are a lot of references to other games, anime, and even real people in this section-<br><br>'''Kimizu Nana''': Kimizu Nana is a reference to a famous Japanese voice singer/voice actress named Nana Mizuki. Nana Mizuki has done voices in a number of popular franchises including: Naruto, The F-Zero Anime, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Metal Gear Solid 5, League of Legends, and more. <br><br><br>'''Player 2''': Player 2 is a reference to Luigi from the Super Mario Bros franchise. Player 2 usually goes on and on about how he wishes he could go on a big adventure with his brother and that he feels that his brother gets all the attention. This is a reference to Luigi's diary from Paper Mario 64, in the game there is a hidden room where you can find and read Luigi's diary. The diary talks about how Luigi envies Mario and he wishes that Mario would treat him with more respect and bring him on more adventures<br><br>
** '''Items''': There are a number of items in the game which are references to other things:<br><br>'''Healing Grass''': Healing Grass is most likely a reference to Wheat Grass. Wheat Grass is a type of grass which supposedly has a lot of major health benefits and can help heal the body faster although according to my (limited) research there is no actual scientific basis for these claims.
<br>Added on 5/8/2016 (Episode 2 version 2.1.0 - Unfinished)<br><br>'''Weapons and items:'''<br>'''Wooden Sword/Bamboo Sword:''' Both of these swords are types of shinai. A Shinai is a special type of sword used in a sport called Kendo. Kendo is a very popular sport in Japan similar to sword fighting with a goal of striking the oponent with a wooden or bamboo sword. The reason most Kendo swords are made out of either wood or bamboo is to avoid hurting the oponent. Fighters also use pads and armor to avoid injury.<br><br><br><br>'''Characters:'''<br>'''Ms. Manual:''' Ms. Manual is meant to be a personified version of the games manual. She usually gives some helpful tips and strategies as well as explains the games mechanics for Rebirth 1. In Rebirth 2 forward either Histy or Mini-Histy take Ms. Manuals job in explaining the game mechanics but Ms. Manual does appear every now and then to give the player some useful tips and strategies<br><br><br>'''IF:''' IF is a reference to Idea Factory (the parent company of Compile Heart).<br><br><br>'''Enemies'''<br>'''Dogoos:''' The Dogoos are a reference to Slimes in the Dragon Quest franchise. The Slimes in Dragon Quest are so beloved by fans that many people consider the Slimes the unofficial maskot of the franchise. There are a number of different types of Dogoos which is similar to how there are different types of Slimes. For example in Dragon Quest besides for the standard Slime there is the Metal Slime, the Jelly Slime, Behemoth Slime, while the Neptunia equivelent to those are the Metal Dogoo, The Jellyfish Dogoo, and the Giant Slime respectively.<br><br>'''Pixelvader:''' The Pixelvader is a reference to the space invaders from the old arcade game Space Invaders. Space Invaders was released in 1978 and was very popular in arcades at the time. Space invaders is still iconic today for being one of the most recognizable retro arcade games from the early days of gaming. Space Invaders also inspired a lot of clones which went on to become very successful themselves like Galaga and Galagax.<br><br>'''Mr and Ms Clyde:''' Mr and Ms Clyde are references to Pac-Man. Mr and Ms Clyde themselves are references to both Mr and Ms Pac-Man as well as the ghosts. The sir name as well as the color of the enemy (and the bow on Ms Clydes head) are references to Mr and Ms Pac-Man while the appearence of the enemies and latter part of their name are references to the ghosts. In the original Pac-Man arcade game there was 4 ghosts that chase you on 1 level that constantly repeats until you lose (or until you hit level 256, on level 256 the game crashes due to something called a interger overflow error. In simple terms because the game is stored as a 8 bit interger the highest value it can hold is 255. By hitting level 256 since the game cant store that number the game tries to correct that and it makes the game look like a mess). The 4 ghosts all have names (Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde) and all 4 of them were programmed to go after the player in different ways. The attack patterns for Inky, Blinky, and Pinky are fairly straightforward since they work together to trap the player but Clyde is programmed to run away from the player if it gets too close to Pac-Man and to run away to the bottom left corner of the screen (Clyde is not very smart)<br><br>'''References to Other Games:'''<br>- During a conversation between Neptune and Compa about how Compa found Neptune, Neptune makes a reference to a song called "Shooting Star Cutting Through The Night" from the game Super Robot Wars: Original Generations. Here is the conversation from the game: <br><Compa>(In reference to how she found Neptune): "Yes. You fell from the skies like a shooting star and landed right here."<br><Neptune> "Like a '''shooting star, cutting through the night''', right?"<br>While you might think that this is just a coincidence or is too small of a reference for me to include the reference actually is a lot deeper than you might think. Super Robot Wars Original Generations was published by a publisher named Atlus. Atlus and their games are referenced many times in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise (as you will see) most likely because there is some kind of connection between Atlus and Compile Heart. I'm still researching what this connection is exactly but there is definately a connection.<br><br>- At the end of the 1st dungeon (Virtua Forest) during some dialog between Neptune and Compa the ground starts shaking and they fall through the ground into the 2nd dungeon called Monster Cave. Right after they enter the cave Neptune mentions how they really changed the story in the remake. Here is the exact line:<br><Neptune> (After falling into the cave): "Ouch..." "I didn't expect that. They really changed the story with this remake..."<br>As you know Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1 is a remake of the original Hyperdimension Neptunia game for the PS3. In the original game the series of events that lead up to them entering that dungeon were slightly different. The exact dialog is far too long for me to type it all so i will show the difference in a table below: <br>
{| class="bb_table"
!Rebirth 1
|Compa finds Neptune and brings her back to her room, patches her up, and goes to a dungeon to fight monsters. At the end of the dungeon the ground shakes and they fall through the ground into a cave
|Compa finds Neptune and brings her back to her room, patches her up, and go straight to the cave after compa explains that monsters are murdering citizens
<br>- After meeting IF she introduces herself as being the "Wind Walker of Gameindustri". This is a reference to The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. This reference is reinforced by the fact that IF travels all over Gameindustri just like Link does in Wind Waker. In addition to that the leaf in IF's hair may be a reference to the Leaf Parachute from The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker<br><br>- During a conversation with Neptune, IF asks if Neptune can handle herself in a fight and she responds by saying "No problem! I'm good at shooting games. I'll just have to barrel roll!". This is a reference to the famous meme "Do a Barrel Roll" from the game Starfox 64. In Starfox 64 during the tutorial Peppy tells fox to "Do a Barrel Roll". The quote became a very popular running joke. The joke is so popular that even google achknowleges the joke, if you type "Do a Barrel Roll" into google the screen will do a 360 to simulate a barrel roll. On a side note the maneuver shown in Starfox 64 isn't actually even a barrel roll, its called a aileron roll.
== Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth2 SISTERS GENERATION ==
== Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth2 SISTERS GENERATION ==