
As one of the prominent provinces in Canada, Nova Scotia presents innumerable opportunities for the immigrants. The Nominee program was once initiated with an objective to bring in skilled people who can contribute to the economy effectively and on a long term basis. 6th March 2014 onwards a lot of changes have been proposed to the immigration policy.

Under the new guidelines the immigrants are not required to show an offer on employment prior to immigration. The applicants need to comply with following eligibility criterion-

1. Two years of professional work experience in the last 5 years term

2. CLB 5 to authenticate language proficiency with English and French Language

The changes are expected to make it easier for the province to attract more talents and particularly in the Mechanical Engineering field.

As compared to other areas on economical development, Nova Scotia presents better opportunities in this segment. Professionals are required to offer services as Mechanical Engineering Technicians who can bring new methodologies and application areas on production. This is particularly more relevant because the Federal government is doing every bit to find growth in the core sectors of the economy.

The policy amendment on Mechanical Engineering Technicians Canada Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program is expected to see more of skilled immigrants coming to the province. The procedure has been kept very simple for the applicants as one need to only make an application and face the point’s evaluation. CIC makes it imperative to score at least 100 points on a mixed scale of education, work experience, age, language skills and ability. The applicants need to mention it specifically that the application is placed under Provincial Nomination.

The benefits with provincial nomination are many. One is supposed to work at the designated county for a specified period of time. Unlike the more prominent places in Canada, the provinces such as Nova Scotia offer more opportunities and lesser competition. One can utilize the opportunity to learn the intricacies of the job and extend this into a PR visa or Citizenship. The program does well to accommodate for more skilled individual in the region. The rules have been made easy to comprehend and the eligibility remains basic. One doesn’t even have to have an offer on employment while making an application.

Nova Scotia gives one more reason for being a preferred choice. The Survey among the migrant residents shows that the province offers ‘per capita Productivity’ at par to any other Nova Scotian. Similarly the benefits on residential and medical amenities are enough to make the initial settlement period comfortable. The province has all the resources for being a world class city and must be explored for its potential.

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