
The WSSBC is excited to announce that registration is now OPEN for Convention and Fundraiser 2015!

We received great input from our questionnaire last year which we have tried to incorporate in this year’s event. We will be back at the Delta Grand in Kelowna BC March 13thand 14th..
Friday will be a seminar day with some great how to’s including HBC’s own BCRams discussing “Researching and Hunting Stone Sheep in Northern BC”, the always popular Caping and Aging demo’s which will now include the provincial jig system and “Advanced Ultralight Backpacking” with Aron Snyder from Kifaru. Friday afternoon we will start with an update from regional biologists on the state of BC’s sheep populations and information on the Wild/Domestic Sheep Separation Program as well as a great seminar on Wilderness Survival. “Friday Fun Night” is back and better than ever with a couple of interactive contests, gear and hunt prizes, seating and a cash bar(which should help the stories flow!).
Saturday morning and afternoon will start with the 2nd Annual Life Members Breakfast, avery successful event last year, followed by our AGM and everything WSSBC! This will be a great opportunity to hear about what we’ve accomplished in the last year,what our plans are for the future, some upcoming projects, and how you can get involved with “Putting more sheep on the mountain”! We will also be hearing from Wild Sheep Foundation Conservation Committee Chairman, well known sheep hunter and booking agent, Jack Atcheson Jr.!
At 4:30 pm doors will openfor the dinner and Fundraiser with a split keynote address between Yukon MP Ryan Leef discussing “Politics and Hunting” as well as BCWF President George Wilson. We’ve got a great lineup of Auction items this year, one of the best in recent memory, and a great prize lineup as well. Also, throughout the weekend we will have multiple vendor booths on site including WSSBC supporters Grouse River Outfitters, Barney’s Sports Chalet, BC Wildlife Federation, Kifaru, Stone Glacier Backpacks and more!
There are a couple of significant changes to this year’s event; you will not be required to be amember or purchase a membership to attend, we will have a 202” mounted BC Bighorn recovered by MFLNRO, we will be having a full day committee strategic planning meeting for the Wild/Domestic Sheep Separation Program AND we will be drawing the winner of our first ever “Hunt of a Lifetime” raffle fora Roosevelt Elk hunt on the BC Coast! (https://wildsheepsociety.net/hunt-of-a-lifetime/) Arguably, the biggest independent hunting/conservation raffle opportunity this province has ever seen!
All in all this year’s event promises to be a great opportunity to support BC’s wild sheep populations and expand your horizons as a sheep hunter, outdoor enthusiast and conservationist. We invite you to visit our NEW website for online registration and hotel booking information (book under the WSSBC room block and receive adiscounted rate), you will also find a complete agenda and an auction items list coming soon!

Members, keep an eye out for you print edition of Wild Sheep Forever "Convention Edition" coming soon!

Convention Home: https://wildsheepsociety.net/convention-and-fundraiser/
Hotel Information: https://www.deltahotels.com/Groups/Delta-Grand-Okanagan-Groups/Wild-Sheep-Society-of-BC-2015-Convention

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