
Closing Date: July 12,2013.

The purpose of this announcement
is to invite qualified organizations to submit Applications to JSI Research
& Training Institute (JSI) under the Advancing Partners & Communities
(APC) Project in support of wheelchair service development in less resourced
settings. The goal of the award is for people with disabilities in developing
countries to have greater access to affordable and appropriate wheelchairs and

JSI is acting at the request of
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). All grants
awarded under this solicitation will be sub-grants from APC. The Advancing
Partners & Communities Project is a USAID Cooperative Agreement awarded to
JSI for the purpose of providing grants solicitation, award, technical
assistance and management services on behalf of the USAID Bureau of Global
Health and USAID Missions.

The Application should encompass activities
that 1) expand the provision of wheelchairs; 2) provide training for wheelchair
service personnel; and 3) foster an enabling environment toward effective
wheelchair service management and development.

The total award for this project,
including sub-awards, will be up to $9,000,000 (nine million) USD. Sub-awards
may range from $300,000 up to $1,500,000USD per organization. Organizations may
receive only one sub-award; however, the single sub-award may support activities
in one or more countries.

Source and More Informations, Click this Link.

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