There are a lot of tried and true marketing strategies that are just as effective today as they were the first time they were used decades ago. This is true with conventional as well as specialized college marketing strategies. A good example of this is the free giveaway; it is still a big hit on any campus and will continue to be for years into the future.
However, besides the tried and true there are also some new school college marketing strategies that really need to be included in any comprehensive or integrated type of campus campaign. These techniques or strategies can enhance your college marketing campaign and succeed in capturing the attention of the students.
Social Networking
Social networking is not really a new idea, it has been around for well over a decade, but it is new for many established businesses. For an entrepreneur or a start-up company having a Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter account and company profile is just a part of running a business.
However, you can go beyond just tweeting, pinning and posting; social media can be used to host contests and raffles as part of effective college marketing strategies. This is a great way to draw attention, especially if retweets and reposts provide people with another virtual ticket to the raffle or giveaway.
Contests where the students send in images, photos, or unique uses of a product are also great college marketing strategies. By ensuring that they are posting to a central page you will create interest and get people actively involved in your campaign.
Contests can also include prizes upon reaching a set number of “shares” or “likes”. This can all be managed by the social networking sites or a top company that provides support to companies in developing their college marketing strategies.
The key is to use college marketing strategies that resonate with students. The contests have to have an edge or a style that sets them apart from what is already out there in order to become a focus of attention and to create excitement. Build interest in your brand, product, service or company and drive traffic to your website and social media sites through interactive contests.
Let NAM Youth Marketing provide college marketing strategies for your next campaign that really work. To learn more go to