
It is often said that marriage is hard work, anyone who has been married more than just a few hours will attest to that fact. Living with another person and bringing different personalities into a relationship that carries a commitment can require an ongoing process of introspection, evolution and patience.

One common side effect of being married is marital discord. Even couples who have lived together for years before being married may find that things are different than the more carefree and honeymoon-like stages of their earlier time together. It may be difficult to communicate and even newly married people can find themselves drifting apart, with no idea how to effectively find their way back to each other.

Those who seek couples counseling New York are often seeking the outside perspective that only a trained and compassionate professional can provide. A couples counselor who is experienced can observe the couple’s interactions and offer constructive advice to help the partners improve their communication styles.

It is sometimes difficult for couples to communicate effectively with each other about their own relationship, even if they have no trouble in talking about other topics. Bringing in a third party who is both educated and level-headed can “give some air” to the topics that are most frequently at issue, helping the parties get a different perspective.

Working with a marriage counselor New York can help the couple learn more productive and healthy ways of communicating to their partner and also improve their own ability to listen and feel that their time spent talking is more genuinely helpful.

Much of what is done during marriage counseling is focused on breaking the patterns that have not been serving the couple well and focusing instead on their shared goals and mutually beneficial relationship aspects. When ideas are brought into the couple by a neutral third party, they may be more readily accepted by both partners.

The clients of marriage counselor New York will have a forum at each appointment together to share concerns and to get their relationship dynamic back on track. For many couples, the chance to reconnect in a neutral and non-threatening environment may be a new and refreshing experience.

Linda Charnes, LMFT is one of the best marriage counselor for couples in New York.

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