It’s Friday which means it’s time for another htxt.africast. The topics this week are varied but all have a common origin in programming.
First up is the insanely popular No Man’s Sky which is causing debate, hate and more around the world. Our very own Nick Cowen is currently playing it and isn’t having the best time.
What was not mentioned in the africast but we think you should check out is a video review from YouTube content creator Lazy Game Reviews. Like Nick, the creator of this video did not enjoy the game… until he got 20 hours into it. Watch that unique perspective on YouTube.
What Nick is enjoying, however, is the new episodic Hitman game. He regales us with stories of killing pretentious artists and conking assassination targets on the head with fire extinguishers. That latest scenario is also where we heard our new favourite voice videogame line: “That’s gonna be a brain concussion, minimum!”.
Finally we end off with the GirlCode hackathon, a 30-hour marathon of programing that recently took place. We have an interview with an organiser of the event.
Stories mentioned in this week’s htxt.africast:
More than 400K players own No Man’s Sky on PC
No man’s Sky review – coming soon
GirlCode’s third annual female-only hackathon takes place this August
More on this topic
GirlCode’s third annual female-only hackathon takes…
Sign up for the second annual GirlCode Hackthon this August
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