

Five Herbs To Support Feminine Energy :: By Ashley Neese

“All plants carry energy. Taking herbs on a regular basis is a great way to connect deeply to yourself and Mother Earth. The simple act of adding rosemary to a pot of soup or brewing a chamomile tea are grounding practices that help you tune into the subtle energies that are alive in each moment.

When we learn about herbs we learn how to better support ourselves. Each plant has specific energies and qualities that come through depending on what part of the plant we use. When we work with roots like ginger or valerian the energy is clear and grounded. The energy of flowers like hibiscus are often cooling and free flowing through the body.

Healing herbs have a variety of uses from boosting our immune system to clearing our minds for rest. In addition, you can work with specific herbs to nourish your feminine spirit. We live in a very fast world and tuning into our feminine energy is all about slowing down, creating and caring for ourselves and each other. In order to be fully present for all that we have to show up for in a day we need to rely on the gifts of Mother Nature to give us strength and support.

Here are five potent herbs to feed your feminine spirit:

Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry leaf has long been used to strengthen and tone the uterus, the birthplace of creativity. This delicate leaf has a mild sweet flavor and makes the perfect cup of tea or works beautifully as base for a feminine tea blend. Red raspberry leaf is commonly given to pregnant women because it is rich in vitamins C and B as well as iron and magnesium.


Damiana leaf has been cultivated in Mexico for centuries and is a well known aphrodisiac. Tuning into our sexual energy is vital as women. Damiana leaf helps to relieve depression especially when it is related to sexual issues. Taken as a tea before bed it can relax nerves to support dreaming and restful sleep. Damiana helps us relax and go with the flow which is a huge asset when deepening our relationship to the feminine.

Nettle leaf

Nettle leaf is one of the powerful nourishing tonics for women. Drinking a simple nettle leaf infusion will boost your iron levels giving you the energy you need on busy days. Nettles increase fertility, help manage emotional swings and helps us stay grounded when we are multitasking.


Rose is the ultimate love flower, heart healer and feminine herb. Anytime you need a boost of feminine energy take a bath with rose petals, brew a cup of rose tea or spritz your face with rose water. Rose is an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, blood tonic and menstrual regulator. There are so many ways to engage with rose medicine, find what resonates for you and attempt to work with this herb in some way once a week.


Vitex is often referred to as ‘the woman’s herb’ is often used to help balance irregular cycles and heal PMS. This strong herb has been used for centuries as a female remedy. Vitex can be used to boost fertility and should be taken consistently if you are trying to regulate your cycle. Be sure to talk with a professional herbalist to figure out the quantities that are right for you.”

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