Common name: Bayberry, Wax-myrtle.
Myrica cerifera, L. Natural order: Myricaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the bark of the root.
Emotional. A pleasant exhilaration (half an hour after second dose); followed by an excited state of the nervous system, precluding sleep for several hours; this was accompanied by a restlessness which required a frequent change of position (eighth day). A pleasant exhilaration, succeeded by depression and pressure about the head (ninth day). Depression of spirits (one hour after first dose, third day); lasting three or four days (second morning). Great depression of mind, irritable, do not want to speak or to be spoken to. Great unusual depression of spirits, all the morning (second day). Miserable dejected feeling all day (tenth day); (fourteenth day). Great despondency, at 11 A.M. (second day). Feels gloomy, terribly depressed; this depression of spirits continued for three days, and to such an extent that it was impossible to write; did not care about anything or for any friends; was perfectly wretched, beyond description. Awoke in a gloomy state of mind an unusual condition for him; felt very irritable, and had a constant desire to find fault; everything went wrong; looked upon this world as a place not fit to live in any longer; considered himself better than the rest, in the morning; felt very low-spirited; condemned for various imaginary faults; complete hypochondria, in the afternoon (second day). Felt irritable, easily provoked (after half an hour, fourth and fifth days). Irritable, worried by little things; everything seemed to go wrong, in the morning (tenth day). Exceedingly irritable; the slightest thing fretted and irritated him; ungovernable petulancy (sixth day). Intellectual. Loss of energy (sixth day). Deficient concentration of the mind on any subject (after five hours and a half, seventh day). Confusion of intellect; could not concentrate his thoughts (one hour after first dose, third day). Dulness of intellect (sixth day). Felt dull and drowsy, for the last two hours (five hours and twenty minutes after first dose, fifth day). Semi-stupor, attended with pain all through the head, quite severe in the temples, with throbbing in the superficial veins (after four hours, seventh day). Drowsy stupor, very difficult to keep the mind concentrated on any one thing long at a time (after sixteen hours and a half, seventh day). Drowsy stupor, all the forenoon, could not keep the mind on the subject of the lectures (eighth day). A kind of drowsy stupor, at 12.50 P.M., continuing through the day (eighth day).
Vertigo. Vertigo, with dulness and drowsiness much of the time during lectures, all the forenoon (tenth day). Slight vertigo (sixth day). Dizziness and rush of blood to the head and face, on stooping (premonitory symptoms of headache with him), (after two hours, second day). General dizziness, all the morning, with feverish acceleration of the pulse, attaining its height about 4 o’clock (second day). Slight dizziness, with nausea (after first dose, second day). Slight dizziness, with repeated yawning, almost immediately (first day). Light-headedness and nausea (a few minutes after first dose, seventh and eighth day). General Head. Dulness of the head (sixth morning). Dulness and heaviness of the head, hardly to be called a pain, on waking (eighth morning). Heaviness of head (one hour after first dose, third day). Empty feeling in the head (soon), (second day). Pain all through the head, quite severe in the temples, with throbbing in the superficial veins, attended with a semi-stupor (after four hours, seventh day). Slight pain in the head (after fifteen hours, sixth day). Fullness about the head, with bad, indescribable taste in the mouth (third morning). Awoke with dull pain in head and eyes (ninth day). Dull pain in head and back, on waking (fourth day). Dull heavy pains all through the head, most severe in the frontis and through the temples, at 7 A.M. (seventh day). Head has ached all day, at 10 P.M. (second day). Slight headache (soon, and second morning); on waking (seventh morning). Awoke with severe headache, better after rising and washing with cold water (eleventh day). Head ached severely, particularly over the left eye, at 11 A.M. (second day). Heavy headache followed the severe nausea (after five minutes, second day). Dull aching pain all through the head and in the neck (seven hours and a half after first dose, sixth day). Dull, grinding headache (forty minutes after first dose, sixth day). Pressure alike in all parts of the head (after half an hour, fourth day). Pressure, with dull pain in the head, worse in the right temple (one hours after first dose, sixth day). Pressure about the head, with ringing in the ears (tenth day); the pressure increased very much, causing confusion of thought, and giving rise to a staggering gait (eleventh day); less so (twelfth day). Heaviness and pressure in the head (after second dose, third day). Headache, with severe pressure (seventh night). Bruised feeling in head (seventh morning). Throbbing of arteries in the head (sixth day). Throbbing in the superficial veins of the head, on waking (ninth morning). Pain in head, worse when stooping or moving about, in the morning (fourth day). Forehead. Awoke about daylight, with severe pain in the frontis and temples (tenth day). Dull pain in the frontis and temples (after five hours and a half, seventh day). Awoke with dull pain in the frontis and temples (third morning); continuing through the day (eighth day). Awoke with dull pain in the frontis and temple, and in small of back; head feels better, in afternoon (fifth and sixth days). Dull pain in forehead and eyes, all the evening (fifth day). Dull heavy pain through the front portion of the head, worst in the left temporal region (five hours and twenty minutes after first dose, fifth day). Awoke with dull heavy pain in the frontis and through the temples (fourth, sixth, and ninth days). Dull, aching pain in the front part of the head and through the temples, in the forenoon (eighth day). Frontal headache (one hour after first dose, third day). Quite severe frontal headache, in the afternoon, (ninth day). Severe headache just over the eyes, increased by motion, at 8.30 A.M. (second morning). Dull headache in the forehead, on waking in the morning (second day). Awoke this morning with pressive frontal headache (fifth day). Awoke with dull pressure in the forehead, with headache and feeling as though he had not slept enough, at 6.30 A.M. (second day). Pressure and dull pain in forehead and vertex, with throbbing synchronous with the pulse (after one hour, first day). Dull, oppressive headache in the right side of forehead, at the juncture of parietal and frontal bones, with fullness in the head, in the afternoon and evening, until bedtime (second day). Sharp pain on the left side of the head (after five hours). Temples. Numb feeling in right temple; felt as if some hard substance were strongly pressed against the part (after first dose, eighth day). Vertex. Drawing sensation in the crown of the head (soon), (second day). Strange sensation in the top of the head, like foam rising in anything fomenting; this was very clear and perceptible, and lasted ten minutes, and then gradually subsided (after forty minutes, second day). Parietals. Severe pain in head on both sides, near temples, which settled into a heavy grinding feeling in top of head (soon), (first day). Occiput. Heaviness in the back of head (immediately after second dose, third day). Pain in the back part of the head on the right side (after five minutes, first day). Pain in the occiput (after two hours, second day). External Head. Scalp feels sore to the touch, on waking (eighth morning).
Eyes congested and yellow (ninth day). Dulness and heaviness of the eyes and head (fifteenth day). Eyes feel dull and heavy, in the forenoon (eighth day). Eyes feel heavy and dull (after sixteen hours and a half, seventh day). Eyes feel heavy and weak, on waking (eighth morning). Hot feeling in the eyes (after second dose, second day). Eyes burned and tired easily on reading (after nine hours, fourth day). Eyes feel swollen and with a yellowish tint, in the morning (tenth day). Awoke with dull pain in the eyes and head (ninth day). Sharp pain in left eye, at 9 A.M. (second day). Left eye sore, and looked inflamed (third morning). Both eyes quite sore, at 8 A.M. (second morning). Smarting in eyes (after half an hour, fourth day). Smarting in the eyes followed evanescent itching, like fleabites (a few minutes after first dose, second day). Smarting with dryness in both eyes, and feeling of sand in them, making it difficult to close the lids (after one hour, first day). Smarting in left eye (after five hours). Brow. Dull heavy feeling over the eyes, soon followed by a stricture across the nose (after fifteen minutes). Dull pain in the right eyebrow (after half an hour). Lids. Eyelids heavy and swollen (second morning). Fullness in eyelid of left eye, approaching a soreness (after a few minutes, second day). Quivering sensation in left upper lid (after half an hour, first day). Conjunctiva. Conjunctiva congested and yellow (fifteenth day). Smarting sensation in conjunctiva of left eye, followed by an aching pain in the right eyeball (after half an hour, first day).
Pain in back of left ear (after fifteen minutes, first day). Ringing in the ears (sixth and seventh days). Ringing in the ears, with pressure about the head (tenth day). Ringing noise in the left ear (after first dose, second day).
Objective. Nasal organs affected very much like catarrh (ninth day). An attack of coryza obliged him to omit the medicine (after two days). A severe attack of coryza appeared towards night, and the miserable feelings in general prevented the taking of any more medicine (second day). Subjective. Pressure in the nose (immediately after second dose, third day). Very severe pressing pain in left side of nose, lasting about ten minutes, then shifting to left axilla, where it was sharp and lancinating (after four hours).
Face and neck yellow (fifteenth day); complete jaundice aspect (seventeenth day). Burning most of the day in the face, as one experiences in a cool day on coming into a warm room (first day). Burning about face and head, especially after being out in the open air (October 20th), (five hours after first dose, third day). Fullness about the face and head, with throbbing (after second dose, second day). Feeling of pressure in both malar bones (after half an hour, first day). Sharp darting pain in articulation of jaw, right side, all day.
Tongue. Tongue furred (ninth day). Thick, yellow coat upon tongue (fifth and sixth days). Tongue thickly coated, a dirty white or yellowish color (sixteenth day). Mouth. The whole buccal cavity, including the roof of the mouth, was coated with an adhesive coating, exceeding difficult to detach (eleventh day); less in degree (twelfth day). Dryness of mouth and fauces (after half an hour, fourth day). Taste. Sweetish taste about the palate, for half an hour (first day). Bad taste (sixth morning); (ninth and sixteenth days). Bad, indescribable taste in the mouth, with fullness about the head (third morning). Foul taste (eleventh day); less so (twelfth day). Bitter, nauseous sensation in fauces, with slight heat and burning in stomach (immediately), (second day). Bitter, nauseous taste to the tincture (first day).
Objective. Stringy mucus in the throat, detached with difficulty (after sixteen hours and a half, seventh day)). Throat and nasal organs filled with an offensive, tenacious mucus, detached with difficulty (sixteenth day). Subjective. Dryness of throat (after first dose, second day). Constricted feeling in the throat; throat feels swollen inside, in the morning (fifth, sixth, and seventh days). An aching, excruciating feeling in posterior nares, as if a fresh cold had been taken (after first dose, second day). Semi-lancinating pain in the right side of the throat, near the tonsil, in the afternoon (ninth day). Throat sore, sensation of a foreign substance requiring it to be frequently cleared; deglutition rather painful (fourth day). Throat sore and rough, with frequent and difficult deglutition (after thirteen hours and a half, eighth day). Slight soreness in the throat, on waking, and continuing through the day (third day). Roughness of the throat (ninth day). Roughness of the throat, requiring it to be constantly cleared (after fifteen hours, sixth day). Throat rough and constricted (after seven hours, sixth day). Dry, sore feeling in pharynx, as when one has taken cold, succeeded by difficult deglutition (after half an hour, first day). Constant need to swallow, from sense of constriction in the throat (after five hours and a half, seventh day).
Appetite. Increased appetite (five hours and twenty minutes after first dose, fifth day); constant hunger, yet a sensation of fullness, as if I had just eaten a hearty meal, although nothing has been taken into my stomach for five hours (ten hours and a half after first dose, fifth day); craving hunger; fullness of stomach and abdomen (thirteen hours and three-quarters after first dose, sixth day); sensation of hunger and fullness in the stomach and abdomen, with rumbling of bowels, in the morning (sixth day); constant, craving appetite, with sensation of fullness in the stomach and abdomen (seventh day). Feel hungry; fullness in stomach and abdomen, on waking (fourth morning); craving hunger; fullness in the stomach and abdomen, as after a hearty meal, at 5 P.M. (before eating); continuing at 11 P.M. (fifth day); after eating (sixth day). Appetite had been fair since commencing the proving, but not as keen as usual (fourth day). Appetite not so good as usual, but enjoyed a hearty meal, at 6 P.M. (after seven hours, first day). Indifferent appetite (fifth day). Appetite poor, in the morning (seventh day). Appetite for breakfast considerably impaired (third day). Appetite very much impaired (eleventh and twelfth days). No appetite (ninth day). No appetite; took no breakfast this morning (fifteenth day). No desire for food (tenth day). No desire for food, but rather a loathing; strong desire for acids; ate very little breakfast, per force (sixteenth day). Eructation. Empty eructation (after second dose, second and third days). Frequent eructation of flatus from the stomach (after sixteen hours and a half, seventh day); in the forenoon (eighth day); relieving the pressure in the stomach for a short time only (fifteenth day). Acidity of stomach, at 8.30 A.M. (second morning). Heartburn, with an increase of saliva, which had to be frequently expectorated (after two hours, second day). Nausea. Nausea (after half an hour, first day); (second morning); (third day), etc. Nausea with slight dizziness (after first dose, second day). Nausea and light-headedness ( a few minutes after first dose, seventh and eighth days). Nausea and gagging, without being able to vomit (soon), (sixth day). Slight nausea (ten minutes after first dose, sixth day); (after two hours); less marked (second day). Slight feeling of nausea in stomach, for half an hour (first day). Severe nausea (after five minutes, second day), which was followed by heavy headache. Stomach. Stomach and upper part of the abdomen distended, in the forenoon (eighth day). Strange sensation in stomach, not any nausea (ten minutes after second dose, sixth day). Weak, sinking feeling, and pressure in the epigastrium, sometimes approaching nausea (after half an hour); Increasing after breakfast, and lasting very perceptibly all day, and passing off towards evening, after rapid walking (second day). Dinner caused distress (second day). Pain in region of the stomach (after two hours, first day); less marked (second day). Severe pain in stomach (one hour after second dose, third day). Slight heat and burning in stomach, with bitter, nauseous sensation in fauces, immediately; the heat and burning soon changed into painful griping pressure from left epigastric region, in a straight line to the left of navel (second day). Feeling of fullness in digestive organs, as though food was being slowly digested (after nine hours, fourth day). Fullness in the stomach and bowels; craving hunger, in the morning, and at 6.20 P.M. (eleventh day). Fullness in the stomach and abdomen; appetite poor, in the morning (seventh day). Fullness and pressure in the stomach (after five hours and a half, seventh day). Unpleasant fullness in the stomach and upper abdomen (five hours and twenty minutes after first dose, fifth and tenth days). Severe griping pains about the stomach, followed by empty eructations (after one hour and a half, tenth day). Dull pain in the stomach (sixth day). Slight colicky pressure in stomach, which would hardly have been noticed, had not attention been drawn to it previously in the proving (third day). Slight stinging and pressure in epigastrium, while walking (ten minutes after first dose, first day).
Hypochondria. Dull pain in the hepatic region (fifteenth day). Umbilical. Pain in umbilical region, immediately after breakfast (third day). Dull, heavy pain in umbilical region (after second dose, third day). Slight griping pain in the region of umbilicus, with rumbling (after second dose, second day). General Abdomen. Constant unusual rumbling in the abdomen, above the navel (three hours after first dose, first day). Flatulency (after second dose, third day). Excessive flatulence, with frequent rumbling, as if diarrhoea would set in, urging to stool, with no other result than the expulsion of a great amount of flatus, in the afternoon (seventh and eighth days). Frequent passing of wind, very offensive (two small, sweat pears, eaten in the forenoon, may have caused the flatus; pears always do with him, but always odorless and painless), (three hours after first dose, first day). Constant passing of stinking flatus while walking (three hours after first dose, first day). Weak, faintish feeling about the bowels, as when one has diarrhoea (tenth day). Felt, through the forenoon, as though diarrhoea would occur; weakness about the bowels, with urging and pressing, without stool (third day). Frequent sensation as of approaching diarrhoea, but without stool, in the afternoon and evening; only slight costive discharge in the evening (first day). Occasional pains in the bowels during the afternoon and evening (eighth day). Severe pain in the bowels (half an hour after first dose, third day). Severe griping pains in the bowels during the night (first night). Griping colicky pains continued at intervals all the afternoon (first day). Colic like pains in umbilical region, in a small spot, with accumulation of flatus, one hour after dinner (three hours after first dose, first day). Grumbling pain in the bowels, continued all the afternoon (second day).
Diarrhoea. Bowels loose (eleventh day); two or three loose stools (twelfth day). Loose stool, accompanied with pain in tenesmus, after dinner (second day). Loose stool, with pain and tenesmus, at 6.30 A.M. (second day). Soft, mushy stool, at 9 A.M. (ninth day). Soft, papescent stool, copious attended with tenesmus and cramp like sensation in the umbilical region (after three hours, fourth day). Soft stool, with effort, in the morning (tenth day). Stool lighter-colored, at 9 A.M. (twelfth day). Loose, light- colored stool, at 6 A.M. (seventh day). During the time my bowels have been rather more active than usual, and the color of the excreta much lighter, i. e., of a lighter brighter yellow than usual. Stool natural, only too light-colored, at 8.30 A.M. (eleventh day). Stool nearly of natural consistency, but lighter- colored than usual, at 9 A.M. (tenth day). Stool rather light- colored, but of natural consistency, at 8.30 A.M. (fifth day); at 9 A.M. (sixth day). Bowels torpid; soft, mushy stool, of a light clay-color (sixteenth day). Constipation. Constipation (sixth morning). Some constipation (third morning). No stool (eighth day). No stool for forty-eight hours, a very unusual occurrence (fourth morning). Stool about 11 A.M., being fifty hours since last stool (four hours after first dose, seventh day).
Urinary Organs
Micturition. Copious flow of limpid urine (tenth day). Difficulty in urinating; the bladder seemed to lack contractive expelling power (eighth night). Urine. Increase of urine during the last three days (seventh day). Urine a light amber color and normal in quantity (before the proving); passed 31 ounces high-colored urine during the last twenty four hours, sp. gr. 1020 (ninth day); 43 ounces during the last twenty-four hours, color nearly normal (tenth day); 36 ounces, color nearly normal, sp. gr. 1013, a light-colored sediment after standing (the first that has been observed), (eleventh day); 37 ounces, during the last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1028, considerable light-colored sediment after standing (twelfth day); 23 ounces, during the last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1031, considerable light brownish colored sediment, after standing (thirteenth day); 47 ounces, during last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1024, no sediment discovered (fourteenth day); 24 ounces, sp. gr. 1035 (fifteenth day); 22 ounces, during last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1029 (sixteenth day); passed 40 ounces during the last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1022 (seventeenth day); 33 ounces today, sp. gr. 1025 (eighteenth day); 33 ounces, sp. gr. 1021 (nineteenth day). Passed 27 ounces of amber-colored urine during the last twenty five hours, sp. gr. 1028, at 11 P.M. (first day); 28 ounces, during last twenty-four hours, sp. gr. 1028 (second day); 24 ounces, a little darker than usual, sp. gr. 1030 (third day); 27 ounces, dark-colored urine, sp. gr. 1024 (fourth day); 30 ounces, rather darker than usual, sp. gr. 1023 (fifth day); 31 ounces, dark-colored, a pinkish- brown sediment at the bottom of the vessel after standing, sp. gr. 1024 (sixth day); 21 ounces, high colored, sp. gr. 1030 (seventh day); 20 ounces, high- colored, sp. gr. 1030 (seventh day); 20 ounces, high-colored, sp. gr. 1032 (eighth day); 19 ounces, very high-colored and frothy, containing considerable pinkish-brown sediment, sp. gr. 1031 (ninth day); 3 1/2 ounces, very high-colored, at looks like strong beer, with a large amount of froth of a yellowish tint, sp. gr. 1032, in the morning (tenth day); very scanty, high- colored, and frothy, during the last four days (fifteenth day); 19 ounces, beer colored and frothy, sp. gr. 1026 (sixteenth day); 15 ounces, very high-colored, sp. gr. 1031 (seventeenth day); 18 ounces, same general appearance as before, sp. gr. 1027 (eighteenth day).
Sexual Organs
Entire loss of sexual desire; a constant symptom through the proving (after three days).
Respiratory Organs
Smarting in larynx and trachea (after one hour first day). A tickling cough, which had troubled him on lying down at night, was entirely relieved (second morning). Offensive breath (eleventh day); less so (twelfth day).
When lying upon the left side in bed, had a feeling of constriction in chest, with increase of the impulse of the heart, so that its pulsation were audible (first night). Pain in the left lung, at 8 P.M. (second day). Dull pain in right lung, middle lobe, lasting a few minutes (after half an hour, first day). A sharp pain once (lasting but a few minutes) in the chest, in the region of the heart (tenth day). Slight pain in the left side (immediately after second dose, third day).
Heart and Pulse
Praecordium. Stinging, cramp like sensation in the left portion of praecordial region, and under the ribs, immediately (after first dose, first day). Heart’s Action. Increase of the impulse of the heart, so that its pulsations were audible, together with a feeling of constriction in chest, when lying upon left side in bed (first night). Impulse of heart’s action increased, but number of pulsations diminished to 60 per minute (ordinary pulse, 75 to 80), (after second dose, second day). Pulse. Pulse 76 and full, at 11 P.M. (third day); 63, small and feeble, on waking, normal (after six hours, fourth day); 80, one hour after eating, at 8.30 A.M.; 76, at 5 P.M., before eating; 71, at 11 P.M. (fifth day); 71 after eating (after seven hours); 72 (after fifteen hours, sixth day); 60, on waking; 70, before eating (after five hours and a half); 76 (after sixteen hours and a half, seventh day); 66, at 9 A.M., after eating; 67 before eating (after three hours and fifty minutes); 72 (after thirteen hours and a half, eighth day); 70 at 11 P.M. (ninth day). Pulse 54, in the morning; 75 (before eating), (four hours and a half after first dose); 71, full and soft (five hours and ten minutes after third dose, second day); 51, feeble and irregular, in the morning; 65 (before eating), (three hours and a third after first dose); 59 (five hours and ten minutes after third dose, fourth day); 60, in the morning; 65 (one hour after eating, six hours and a half after first dose); 70, full and strong (ten hours and a half after first dose); 72, full and strong (fifteen hours and a half after first dose, fifth day); 56 and feeble, in the morning; 71 (one hour after first dose); 70 (thirteen hours and forty-minutes after first dose, sixth day); 52, in the morning; 75 (after four hours); 66 (before eating), (after six hours); 62 (fifteen hours and a half, seventh day); 72, at 7.30 A.M.; 62, before eating; 70, at 11.30 P.M. (eighth day); 78, on waking in the morning; 76 (before eating), at 6 P.M.; 65, at 11 P.M. (ninth day); 71 (before eating), in the morning; 56 (before eating), in the afternoon; 61, at 11 P.M. (tenth day); 54 (before eating); 71 (after eating), in the morning; 61 (before eating), at 12.50; 68 (before eating), at 6.20; 60, at 11 P.M. (eleventh day); 59 (before eating), in morning; 82, at 4.30; 66, at 11 P.M. (twelfth day); normal (thirteenth day); 76 (half an hour after eating), in the morning; normal, at 10.50 P.M. (fourteenth day); 68, at 11.40 P.M. (fifteenth day).
Neck and Back
Neck. Pain and stiffness in the neck, especially in the nape, at 7 A.M. (seventh day). Pain in the back of neck, at 2 P.M. (second day). Dull pain in the muscles of the neck and in the frontis and through the temples, at 12.50 P.M., continuing through the day (eighth day). Back. Pain in the back (seventh and eighth nights); at 11 P.M. (ninth day); (fifteenth day). Pain in back, with lassitude (third morning). Dull pain in the back (after seven and fifteen hours, sixth day). Awoke with dull pain in the back and head (fourth morning). Dull aching pain in the back, in the forenoon (eighth day). Dragging pain in the back, in the evening (eighth day). Dull dragging pains in the back, on waking (seventh morning). Bruised pain in the back, and feeling as if a severe illness had seized him (fifth day). Dorsal. Pain under the left scapula, at 11 P.M. (ninth day). Dull pain under both shoulder- blades (after three hours, second day). Lumbar. Pain in back and in lumbar region (one hour after second dose, second day). Slight aching pain in lumbar region, with general chilliness, when going out of doors (after first dose, second day). Dull aching pain in lumbar region (after five hours). Dull pain in the small of the back and in the frontis and temples, same pain in back, in the afternoon (fifth and sixth days). Dull heavy pain in the small of the back (ninth day). Dull aching pain in the small of the back (after forty minutes, second day). Dragging-aching pain in the small of the back, on waking, and continued until afternoon (third morning). Dragging pain in the small of the back, on waking (eighth morning). Dull dragging pain in the small of the back, quite severe at times (after six hours, seventh day); same as yesterday, only more persistent, on waking (eighth morning); constant, dull dragging pain in the small of the back, but not very severe, at 12.50 P.M., and continuing through the day (eighth day). Three or four sharp plunging pains in the region of the left kidney (soon, after second dose, third day).
Extremities in General
Dull pain in all the extremities, at 7 A.M. (seventh day). Aching pain in the upper and lower extremities (seven hours and a half after first dose, sixth day).
Superior Extremities
Right arm felt lame and heavy, particularly about the wrist- joint (five hours after first dose, seventh and eighth days). Severe pain in the left shoulder-blade and arm, extending to end of little finger (after half an hour, first day). Tearing pain in the left arm, principally between the shoulder and elbow-joints, and sometimes extending to the forearm, with a darting pain in the middle and ring fingers (after two hours and two days). Sharp and lancinating pain in left axilla (after four hours). Pain in the left arm, between shoulder and elbow, at 8.45 A.M. (second morning). Pain in the third and little finger of right hand, at 9 A.M. (second morning).
Inferior Extremities
Thigh. Hard, drawing pain in the muscles above the knee (seventh night). Sharp, shooting pain in right thigh, then in left thigh, followed by a dull pain in the left shoulder (after one hour, first day). The pains about the limbs had all centered in the muscular part above the knees; a continual soreness existed, with occasional darting pains (twelve hours after first dose, seventh and eighth days). Knee. Several times during the last two days have felt a sharp piercing pain at the inner side of the left knee-joint, but passing off so quickly I have not thought it worthy of much notice (sixth day). Leg. Trembling and aching in the calves of the legs, so that walking is unpleasant (more pain in left). Pain from the knees down, with coldness of the lower extremities, at 12.50 P.M. (eleventh day). Severe pain midway between the knee and ankle, a little outside of the outer edges of the tibia; it was a contractive pain, with soreness to the touch, and worse on motion; it occasionally changed to a burning pain (one hour after first dose, seventh and eighth days). Soreness and pain in the left tendo Achillis; worse upon pressure, and when in motion (after second dose, third day). Quivering sensation in the calf of the left leg, with a severe chill (after first dose, eighth day). Foot. Pain in the hollow of the right foot (after three hours and a half, second day). Burning in the soles of the feet (first night). Bruised pain in the heel of the left foot (one hour after first dose, third day).
General Symptoms
Muscular lameness and soreness had become quite general, affecting chiefly, however, the lower limbs, in the afternoon (seventh and eighth days). No inclination to move, at 9 A.M. (second day). General languor and depression of spirits (five hours after first dose, third day). Lassitude, with a pain in back (third morning). A good deal of lassitude; weak, sick feeling; every kind of exertion was irksome, and required a special effort (after three hours, fourth and fifth days). Increased debility, can hardly keep around (eighteenth day). Feeling a little tired (after second dose, second day). Awoke feeling tired, as if I had been laboring hard (eighth morning). General feeling of lassitude, with soreness of muscles of both thighs, as if he had taken cold, though there were no other indications of it (five hours after first dose, seventh and eighth days). General malaise, and feeling of unfitness, for duty (one hour after first dose, third day). Feel sick, debilitated all over (fifteenth day). Constant miserable, sick feeling all over (seventeenth day). Shifting pains (one hour after first dose, third day). Aching in the limbs and all over the body, like that preceding ague, at 10 P.M. (sixteenth day). Some of the symptoms lasted for four weeks. Symptoms were increased by the warmth of the bed, disturbing the sleep (first night).
Objective. Whole surface of the body presents a yellowish tint (sixteenth day). Several pimples appeared in different parts, one quite painful on the nose (sixteenth day). Subjective. Persistent itching in different parts, worse near the point of insertion of deltoid muscle in both arms (first day). Frequent itching and stinging sensations in the right side of the face, like the bite of a small insect, followed by similar sensations in neck, shoulder, forearm, and right leg, at a spot midway from knee to ankle (first day); the same evanescent itching, like fleabites, in a few minutes, followed by smarting of the eyes (after first dose); same itching in different localities (ten minutes after second dose, second day); the itching of the face gave way to a creeping sensation, as of insects (after second dose, second day).
Sleepiness. Repeated yawning (after second dose, second day). Repeated yawning, with slight dizziness, almost immediately (first day). Drowsiness followed the sensation in the head, like foam rising in anything fomenting (after forty minutes, second day). Have had drowsiness, attended with vertigo, most of the time through the day, at 6 P.M. (ninth day). Drowsy and stupid, except when walking in the open air, in the evening (fifth day). Drowsy and dull, attended with vertigo much of the time during lectures, all the forenoon, but not much pain in head (tenth day). Drowsy while sitting in lecture-room, in the afternoon; felt better in the open air (twelfth day). Drowsiness, and soon fell sound asleep in my chair (forty minutes after first dose); sound asleep in my chair, and obliged to retire to bed (ten minutes after second dose, sixth day). Slept well all night (fourteenth night); (second night). Rested well through the night (first night). Slept very well all night (first night); (seventh and tenth nights). Slept quietly all night (eleventh night). Slept soundly through the night (ninth night). Slept sound, more so than usual, and until after 7 A.M. (an hour later than usual), (sixth morning). Sleeplessness. Had a restless night (ninth night). Restless night, slept but little (sixteenth night). Passed a restless night, tossing about (first night). Had a restless night; considerable dreaming, but cannot recollect anything particularly about the subject dreamed of (sixth night). Had a restless night until 2 o’clock, then slept until 7 A.M. (eighth night). Restless towards morning (sixteenth night). Frequent waking; unable to sleep after 5 A.M., though he had a strong desire to do so (sixth night). Rested tolerably well the early part of the night; frequent waking occurred towards morning, with a feeling of insufficient sleep (seventh night). Slept very soundly until towards morning, when sleep was interrupted by frequent wakings; felt dissatisfied with the amount of sleep, desiring more (fourth morning). Awoke from an unrefreshing sleep, with an exacerbation of all the symptoms (sixteenth morning). Dreams. Sleep disturbed by dreams (fifth and eighth nights). Sleep was disturbed during the night by bad dreams, and broken by frequent wakings; did not feel that sleep had refreshed him ) second night). Sleep was very much disturbed by ugly dreams; at one time, the prover’s head was attacked, singly and successively, by enormous bugs, which he felt obliged to kill, one after the other, with difficulty (fourth night). Amorous dreams and emission of semen, an unusual occurrence, not having been subject to a like circumstance within my recollection (third night).
Chilliness. Feel chilly when out in the air, at 10 P.M. (sixteenth day). General chilliness when going out of doors, with slight aching pain in lumbar region (after first dose, second day). Severe chill, with a quivering sensation in the calf of the left leg (after first dose, eighth day). Feeling of coldness (after half an hour, first day). Cold chills running over the top of head, with tightening of scalp (ten minutes after first dose, sixth day). Coldness of the lower extremities, with pain from the knees down, at 12.50 P.M. (eleventh day). Heat. Feeling of feverishness; yet the pulse was 60 (five hours after first dose, third day). Excited, feverish feeling, alternating with chilliness (one hour after second dose, second day). Sensation of warmth along the whole spine, especially between the shoulder- blades, followed by a slight chill and a gentle perspiration, mostly perceptible over the dorsal vertebrae (after seven minutes). Face hot and flushed, at 8 A.M. (second morning). Face and head felt hot (after nine hours, fourth day).
Conditions Aggravation
(Morning), Irritability; on waking, headache; constriction in throat. (Motion), Pain in head; headache above eyes. (Warmth of head), The symptoms.
(Afternoon), Pain in forehead, etc. (Open air), General feelings; drowsiness, etc. (After breakfast), General feelings.