
Common name: Musk deer.


      Moschus moschiferus, L. Class, Mammalia; Order, Ungulata; Family, Bovidae; Tribe, Moschina. Preparation: Trituration of the inspissated secretion continued in the preputial follicles.


      Emotional. Excitement similar to that which is caused by wine; with increased frequency, fullness, and softness of the pulse, continuing two hours (after a few minutes). Sudden loss of his senses; in this condition he thought that his fingers and ties were cut off; against which he remonstrated with such rapid and confused speech that nothing could be gathered from it. He began to rave, spoke very low, as though afraid of disturbing some one; saying pst, pst, pst, then began to sigh deeply, and to play with the buttons of his waistcoat, as though taking them off and putting them on; this lasted ten or eleven minutes, and then consciousness returned (after half an hour). It made her feel quiet and self possessed; no fear of anything; is usually nervous and timid. Very good-humored, although annoyed he was unable to say anything, yet it seemed to him as though he should be angry (after two hours), Low spirits. Anxiety, as if something were about to happen. Great anxiety. Mood very anxious. Very anxious; she always started up in fright if anyone opened the door, and her body trembled visibly (after three hours). He was extremely anxious about death; after trituration three minutes, he began to say, “This is my death,” became deathly pale, and in ten minutes fell down in a faint (speedily resorted by Camphor). She spoke of nothing but that she must die (from triturating ten minutes). Fretful mood (first hour). She is very fretful, yet would weep every moment. Very peevish; he sprang up, with wild anger, and did not know what to do with himself from rage, until he struck a vessel that stood near him, when he became better (after five hours and a half). Very violent anger; she would not be quieted by anything, but continued to rave until the mouth was quiet dry, lips blue, eyes staring, and face deathly pale, when she fell to the ground (after ten minutes). While sitting unemployed, and then again restless and running about, he scolded at every one he saw, and seemed to be afraid of only me (after five hours). Intellectual. He sits in thought, talks aloud to himself, but indistinctly; strikes with his hands, then suddenly cries our “ah, ah!” (after thirteen minutes). She sits in thought, strikes her hands together, makes various gestures, so that others fear she will lose her reason, disappearing in half an hour (after twenty-four hours). Dulness of mind, with diminished memory. Stupid feeling in head (after ten minutes). A stupid feeling in forehead (after fifteen minutes). Distraction of mind that prevented work. No memory, though he answered every question; if a former question was repeated he gave a confused answer, as though thinking of something else. Memory suddenly vanished, with a pressive sensation upon the vertex. So forgetful that he did not know what had just happened; this was repeated daily, but disappeared after three days (after twelve hours). Stupor of the brain. Half stupefied; she was taken into the open air (after five minutes) where she recovered her senses (after ten minutes). A stupefaction with vertigo, so that he was obliged to sit down, and while sitting, felt as though he would fall, and therefore held on to a chair (after two hours). A kind of stupefaction, and all the objects in the room seemed large black figures, which would spring upon him. A kind of dizzy stupefaction, so that he thought he could not see or hear, yet he saw and heard everything. Loss of mind for whole hours; on coming to his senses, he complained of sticking in the joints of the fingers (after twelve hours). Coma.


      Confusion and Vertigo. Head confused, and almost dizzy. Confusion of the head, as in intoxication. Confusion of the head; the upper part seems tense, though without pain. Vertigo. Sensation of vertigo in the head. Vertigo amounting even to loss of consciousness (after ten minutes). Slight dulness in the head, amounting to vertigo. Vertigo on stooping, that disappears on rising (after five hours). Vertigo, with a sensation as though whirling violently, so that she was obliged to lie down; with desire for black coffee (after thirty hours). Vertigo, nausea, and vomiting, at the same moment. Vertigo, with a kind of nausea; associated with a pressive, somewhat throbbing headache, over the whole posterior portion of the head, with some drawings, as with a thread (extending into the spine, as far down as the first lumbar vertebra). Vertigo, with sudden faintness. Vertigo, with great rush of blood to the head, lasting two hours; better in the open air (during the first five minutes). A kind of vertigo on moving the lids relieved in the open air (after two hours). Vertigo, as though she were standing very high, and would fall. Vertigo, so that she thought that she fell from a height. Vertigo, as if intoxicated; he was unable to walk alone. Vertigo, so that he could not walk alone; he reeled from side to side in the room (after three hours). Vertigo, as if all objects were moving (after ten minutes). Vertigo, as if intoxicated; everything that she looked at seemed to move (after ten minutes). Vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle, at first very slowly, then faster and faster; at last it seemed as though she were floating in the air, then she became stupefied, and in this stupefaction it seemed as though she fell from a great height, and she lost her consciousness (after ten minutes). Vertigo, like a whirling, that soon disappears (after five hours). Vertigo, as if intoxicated, so that he was obliged to steady himself to prevent falling. Sudden vertigo, with dimness before the eyes, so that he could make no movement whatever (after six hours). Vertigo, so that she thought that she fell from a height. Vertigo, as if intoxicated; he was unable to walk alone. Vertigo, so that he could not walk alone; he reeled from side to side in the room (after three hours). Vertigo, as if all objects were moving (after ten minutes). Vertigo, as if intoxicated; everything that she looked at seemed to move (after ten minutes). Vertigo, as if everything were turning in a circle, at first very slowly, then faster and faster; at last it seemed as though she were floating in the air, then she became stupefied, and in this stupefaction it seemed as though she fell from a great height, and she lost her consciousness (after ten minutes). Vertigo, like a whirling, that soon disappears (after five hours). Vertigo, as if intoxicated, so that he was obliged to steady himself to prevent falling. Sudden vertigo, with dimness before the eyes, so that he could make no movement whatever (after six hours). A kind of aching in the head, extending deep into the brain (after thirty-one hours). The whole head hurts; a drawing, here and there, as far as the nape of the neck, where it is a tension, better in the open air, much worse in the house (after one hour). Painful drawing in the head, from the occiput to the ears, and from the ears into the teeth, more on the right side (after three hours). A pressive pain deep in the brain. Pressive pain over the whole head (after two days). Pressive headache, internally in the brain. Pressive headache, with coldness as from cold applications to the head (after three days). Tensive pressive headache, with a sensation as if something in the brain were moving. A kind of complication of pressive and boring headache, at one time through the whole head, at another behind the ears, at another in the forehead, at another in the vertex, and then in the occiput. General pressure in the head and upper part of the forehead. Headache as though a weight were lying upon it, somewhat aggravated by motion. Headache as if a heavy weight were lying upon the whole upper part of the head, relieved by moving about in the air (after two hours). Headache, as if half of the skull were cut through, better in the open air. Tearing pain in the right half of the head. Pressive sticking pain in the forehead (after thirty-six hours). Forehead. Slight pain in the forehead, alternating with pain in the occiput. Compressive headache in a small spot just above the root of the nose, causing dulness (after an hour). Slight aching in forehead, with sleepiness, in the afternoon (second day). Pressure in the frontal region. Distressing pressure in the frontal region, aggravated by moving about. Pressive pain in the forehead, extending down between the eyebrows to the nose and into both cheeks. Pressive pain in the forehead, with a red spot upon it (after four days). Pressive headache in the frontal region, extending down into the eyes and nose. Slight pressive headache in the region of the forehead. Slight sticking in the forehead. Temples. Slight sudden drawing in the temples. Transient drawing pressure in the right temple. Pressive pain in the right temple (after five hours). Vertex. Creeping on top of brain. Occiput. Pressive painful sensation in the cerebellum (after forty- two hours). Throbbing and beating in the occiput, thence the pain spread and extended to the forehead (after one hour). External Head. The whole head was painful as a sore, aggravated by touch. Headache externally, as if the whole scalp were sore, aggravated by touch (after four days). Itching, here and there, in the scalp, disappearing after scratching.


      Objective. Eyes staring, very glistening, quite prominent, with loss of senses, so that he could not answer questions, although he heard everything. Stiffness of the eyes (after four minutes). Eyes stiff, protruding from their orbits. Subjective. Pressure in both eyes, as from sand. An irritation in both external canthi, relieved by rubbing (after sixteen hours). Biting in the eyes, as from smoke, with lachrymation (immediately, from the odor). Itching in the eyes, so that she was obliged to rub them (after half an hour). Brow and Orbit. Stupefying pressure on the left eyebrow. A sensation above the margin of the orbits, as if a dull instrument were pressed into the brain. Lids. The upper lids seem swollen, with a pressive sensation in them (after thirteen hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the left eye, as if she were weeping. Profuse lachrymation of the left eye, with pressure. Ball. Distortion of both eyes, outward. Vision. Eyes dim, with a pressive pain in the inner canthus (after twenty-two hours). Eyes dim; pupils dilated (after ten minutes). Dimness before the eyes. Sudden dimness before the eyes, so that she thought she would become blind. A dizzy unsteadiness before the eyes on the least motion of the head, as if something moved rapidly up and down (immediately, even from the odor). Black points a few times before the eyes. Loss of vision, with contracted pupils (after nine minutes).


      External. Discharge of much wax from the left ear (second day). As many as three drops of wax flowed from the right ear, only at night (fourth day). Pressive pain in the left concha, as if the ear had been pressed against the head, during the first twenty- four hours). Middle. Fluttering in the left ear, as if a flea were in it (after five hours). Sudden, very transient rushing into the ear, as from the fluttering of a large bird, now in the right, now in the left side (after sixty hours). Rushing in both ears, as in faintness (after three hours). Sensation as though a gentle wind were blowing, in the left ear (after two hours). Violent rushing in both ears, as from a violent wind. Hearing. Difficult hearing; one was obliged to speak loud to make him understand. Crackling in the right ear, with a disagreeable sensation, for which she has no expression (after twenty-three hours). Rustling in the left ear and a sensation as though a flea were in it. A frightful sound in the right ear, like the firing of a cannon; some drops of blood came from the ear.


      Objective. Severe fits of sneezing. Sneezing always on triturating Moschus, together with a pressive pain in the middle of the nasal bones, during the first five minutes. Sneezing several times every day, with tickling in the nose, followed by burning (after eight hours). Violent sneezing; the nose previously stopped by dry catarrh became suddenly free after a copious clearing out. Frequent very violent sneezing, always with discharge of a few drops of blood (after twenty-four hours). Very profuse fluent coryza, with a peculiar burning, alternately in the right and left nostril. Bleeding from the nose. Momentary nosebleed (from the odor). Subjective. Sensation as of the crawling of an insect in the tip of the nose, which he frequently tried to wipe away without effect, until it disappeared of itself (after twenty-eight hours). Violent tickling in the nose, which changed to burning.


      Objective. Redness of the face, without perspiration (after two days). Paleness of the face (after four minutes); with perspiration. Face earthy pale (after two hours). The facial muscles became very much drawn, so that he could not be recognized. Subjective. Tension in the facial muscles, as though too short. Redness of the right cheek, without heat, and paleness of the left cheek, with a sensation of heat in it (after thirty hours). Cheeks. Transient cooling burning on the right zygoma (after twenty- eight hours). Transient pressure on the left zygoma, frequently recurring. Lips, Upper lip swollen. Chin. Moving the lower jaw, as though chewing.


      Bad odor from the mouth from whatever he ate, only milk had a tolerable taste (after second day). Dryness of the mouth and throat. Mouth dry, with little thirst. The mouth became very dry. Great dryness of the mouth. Saliva. Mouth half open, from which white mucus ran profusely. Taste. Flat taste in mouth, lasting some time (after five minutes). Bitter taste, in the morning on waking (after four days). Nasty bitter taste. Food has very little taste (after three hours). Complete loss of taste, milk had no taste.


      Dryness in the throat (second day). A scraping sensation rising into the throat, like heartburn, with some nausea, as in water brash. Burning in the pharynx, as from a coal of fire. Dryness of the oesophagus; without thirst.


      Appetite. Aversion to all food; when food is set before him, he is attacked with nausea, and if it is not taken away he actually vomits. Thirst. Much thirst for beer, which usually she seldom drank. Longing for brandy, which at other times he never drank. No thirst, either during the shivering or afterwards. Eructation. Eructations. Eructations, with hot saliva in the mouth. Frequent eructations. Violent eructations, with nausea (after three- quarters of an hour). Eructations of air, associated with uprisings of tasteless fluid into the mouth. Repeated, violent, audible eructation of air. Many eructations, all smelling of Moschus. Violent eructations, tasting of Moschus (after half an hour). Eructations, leaving a taste as of garlic, during the first five minutes. Nausea and Vomiting. A kind of nausea, for six days in succession. She was obliged to lie down in bed two afternoons, on account of nausea and headache. Nausea seemed to come into the pit of the stomach; wherewith the navel was drawn inward with a cramp like sensation. Nausea without vomiting; she desired to vomit, but could not. Qualmishness, all day (after half an hour). Qualmishness in the morning (after twenty-two hours), and in the evening (after nine hours). Qualmish always after eating (after three hours and three quarters). Great but ineffectual efforts to vomit, on rising in the morning (after thirty-two hours). He was obliged to vomit in the forenoon, for several days, whether he had eaten anything or not. Vomiting, with constant pressure in the stomach and distension of the epigastric region (third day). Vomiting, with a burning pain in the whole sternum, extending from below upward (after two hours and three-quarters). Vomiting, with a tensive pain across the whole chest, somewhat better on pressing together (after twenty- eight hours). Vomiting, with heaviness upon the chest, just as though a weight were lying upon it, though respiration was free (after one hour and three-quarters). Violent vomiting (after three minutes). Vomiting in the morning immediately on rising; he vomits everything that he had eaten (first day). Nausea, immediately, with vomiting of food that had just been taken, with violent eructations (after thirty-one hours). Vomiting of mucus, three times in succession. Stomach. A painful sensation, as if something hard were lying in the stomach, greatly increased by drinking Feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, aggravated even by a moderate meal h(after three hours). Tensive sensation in the epigastric region, as though he had eaten too much. Everything about the pit of the stomach seemed too tight, with a biting, burning, sore sensation; always after dinner, three days in succession. Aching in an above the pit of the stomach (in the chest), especially on inspiration, associated with anxiety in the chest (after six hours). Pressure in the epigastric region, followed by eructations. Pressure in the epigastric region, with some qualmishness, increasing for an hour; pressing not forward but backward towards the spine. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure, with cramp like pain in the pit of the stomach. Some pressure in the stomach, followed by eructations of a strong odor. Some pressure near the left side of the pit of the stomach. Tensive pressure in the epigastric region, with some painfulness in the abdomen; the tensive pressure involved the whole abdomen after half an hour (after one hour and a half). Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, somewhat relieved by stooping. A kind of oppression above the stomach, not a pressure. A kind of throbbing in the epigastric region (after two hours).


      Hypochondria. Swollen tension and jerking in both hypochondria (after a quarter of an hour). Very violent stitches in the region of the liver, aggravated by every inspiration. Itching, fine stitch in the right side of the abdomen, beneath the short ribs; the itching continued even after the sticking, and obliged rubbing. Umbilical and Sides. Violent constrictive pain in the umbilical region, so that it formed a deep fossa (after three hours). Jerk like clawing above the umbilicus, that took away her breath. A pressive sensation in the umbilicus, and a burning on the chest (after five minutes). Some violent stitches in the umbilical region, deep internally, especially on inspiration (after half an hour). Simple aching in the right side of the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Forcing downward in the left side of the abdomen, with constipation (after six hours). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, with urgent but ineffectual desire for stool. Trembling of the whole abdomen, with excessive clammy perspiration all over. Rumbling in the abdomen, with emission of flatus, having the same odor as the eructations. Loud, incessant rumbling in the abdomen, without flatulent symptoms; it disappeared after eating, and indeed while eating. Emission of much flatus of a horrible odor, like a kind of garlic. The abdomen seemed too tight, without pain; with anxiety, so that she could not undertake any work, nor remain in any place, but was obliged to run about; she ran to several of her acquaintances, but remained only a few minutes anywhere (immediately). Griping in the abdomen, so that he cried out; somewhat relieved by crouching together (after two hours and a half). Griping pain in the abdomen, with dragging pressure upon the bladder; relieved by pressing the fist upon it (after thirty- six hours). Violent dragging in the abdomen obliges him to go to stool, but he can accomplish nothing (after four days). Pressure in the abdomen, as before menstruation (after three quarters of an hour). Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if everything would burst out (after five hours). Fine stitches, with rumbling, in the abdomen, and anxiety through the whole body (after twenty- four hours).


      Violent stitches in the anus, that so extended to the bladder. Crawling in the anus, relieved by rubbing.


      Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea at night, passing while sleeping (after thirty hours). Diarrhoea, mostly at night, with violent urging, and pressive pain in the anus. Diarrhoea, with most violent colic (after three days). Profuse diarrhoea, with retraction of the stomach. Diarrhoea-like stool; three or four thin stool a day, always mixed with faeces. Violent rumbling and urging to stool, which at first was hard, afterwards soft, at last followed by a natural stool (after twenty-four hours). Urging to an evacuation of stool and flatus; the stool was natural, preceded by easy emission of flatus, which, however, did not accompany the stool. The stool looks as though he had taken Sepia (after three days). Constipation. Constipation, for several days. Constipation throughout the whole time of triturating; relieved as he drank coffee.

Urinary Organs

      Much burning in the urethra, especially with erections (after eleven hours). Urine clear as water, and very copious. Urine scanty, and thick as yeast. The urine smelled strongly of musk, even the next day.

Sexual Organs

      Male. A small and retracted penis, as in an octogenarian, suddenly attains its former size. A robust man, forty-six years old, who had been unable to have coition for four years (resulting from a cold), and for which everything that he had tried had been unavailing, became perfectly healthy when triturating Moschus, and has remained as for now two years. It seems to excite sexual desire. Excited sexual desire. Sexual desire, while triturating; great relaxation for an hour afterwards (every day). Sexual desire, with two involuntary emissions (third day). Greatly excited sexual desire in both sexes, with intolerable tickling (after seventeen hours). Desire for coition, with tensive pain in the penis (after fifteen hours). Great desire for coition, and after satisfaction, nausea and vomiting (after three hours). Painful emissions, without erections (fifth day). Female. Drawing and dragging towards the genitals; feeling as if the menses would appear (after nine and twenty-two hours). Menstruation very irregular for three months. It brings on the menses (even the odor). It promotes the menstruation. Menstruation, which had occurred two weeks previous, reappeared next day. Menses, that had occurred eleven days previously, returned (after eighteen hours). Menstruation six days too early, and very profuse (after five days). Menstruation six days too early, with drawing pain low down in the abdomen, never before experienced (after five hours). The menses, that had disappeared for a year, returned always on triturating, and lasted a few hours, when they disappeared; in a woman, aged forty-eight (after fifteen minutes). Sexual desire excited in a woman, sixty years old, who in her whole life before had never had such a sensation (after three hours).

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. Very tenacious mucus in the chest, without cough, which seemed to take away her breath, because she could not clear it away; somewhat relieved by drinking. A feeling as of sulphur vapor in the larynx, with constriction of the trachea (immediately). A sudden sensation in the upper part of the larynx, as if it closed upon the breath; almost as if had inspired sulphur vapor. On inspiration, which was quite free, he had a sensation almost as if he had previously inspired the sulphur vapor. Cough. Severe dry cough, worse in the morning, and pain under left breast on coughing. Respiration. Breath smelled strongly of musk, even the next day. Short respiration, with stitches in the right side, better during rest, though not entirely ceasing (after four days). Oppression of breathing. Oppressed respiration; she was obliged to take a deep breath. Difficult respiration, with violent sticking in the chest, so that he could take only very short breaths (after three minutes).


      The chest is very much affected; it is painful generally, with violent dry cough (after one hour and three-quarters). Fullness of the chest. Tightness of the chest, so that he was obliged to take a deeper breath than usual. Compression of the chest. Suffocative constriction in the chest. A kind of cramp in the lung, beginning with an inclination to cough, gradually increasing and making him perfectly desperate; during the first twenty-four hours, passing off in five minutes. Pressure in the chest, very frequently stopping his breath, for five days in succession (after four hours and a half). Pressure upon the chest, so that he was unable to lie down; he thought that he would suffocate, and gasped for air (after twelve hours). Pressive pain on the chest, now on the left, now on the right side, now extending through the chest into the spine, without entirely leaving the chest (after thirty-two hours). Stitches in the chest, with a red, puffy face, dilated pupils, dry, bright- red tongue, and excessive thirst (after three days). Dull intermitting stitches in the left half of the chest (after twenty-eight hours). Gnawing pain in the chest, with a sense of suffocation. Sides. Pinching in the left side, beneath the short ribs, on deep inspiration. Itching pinching in the sides, by the short ribs. Sticking in the right side, extending down into the hepatic region. Intermitting dull stitches, almost like fine pinchings, in the right side, beneath the short ribs, that oblige rubbing. Mammae. A pressive pain in the left breast, as though the pain would force itself through the nipple (after thirty-five hours).

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation, as from anxious expectation (after four hours). Pulse more rapid than usual. The pulse is less full and much more rapid, 72 to 88 (after six hours). Pulse 6 to 8 beats more rapid than usual. Increased frequency, fullness, and softness of the pulse, with excitement similar to that which is caused by wine, continuing two hours (after a few minutes). Pulse fuller, 4 or 5 beats slower than usual.

Neck and Back

      Neck. Violent pains in the nape of the neck, so that he was unable to turn the head (after three hours). Drawing pain from the second cervical vertebra as far as the right shoulder (after thirty-four hours). Pressure in the nape of the neck (after four minutes). Drawing pressure in one cervical muscle. Sticking pain, now in the neck, now in both shoulders (after fifteen minutes). Pain in the muscles of the neck, as if they were torn from their upper and lower attachments (second day). Back. Drawing pains in the spine, which extend into the hip-joint, and there become so violent that he cries out (after four hours and a half). Violent drawing pain in the back, which feels drawn tense, as before menstruation. Intermitting dull stitches in the left side of the spine, in the middle of the trunk. Partly jerking, partly drawing pains in the spine, that become firmly seated, mostly in the upper part of both thighs, and so impede walking (first day). Acute pressure in the left side of the sacrum, above the coccyx, as if caused by a dull instrument.

Extremities in General

      Involuntary throwing about of the hands and feet, in which he feels violent pains (after five hours). Stiffness of the limbs, with desire to urinate. A kind of stiffness of the hands and feet. Aching pains in upper and lower limbs.

Superior Extremities

      Jerking in the right arm, with a cramp like pain and falling asleep of the fingers (after thirty-one hours). Jerking pain from the right shoulder-joint to the thumb. Shoulder. Tearing-sticking pain in the left shoulder, that causes heaviness in the whole upper portion of the arm, so that its motion is impeded (after twenty-eight hours). Arm. Pressive pains in the muscles of the upper arms, extending from the shoulder-joints to the elbows. Forearm. Drawing and sticking in the left forearm, extending from the wrist into the elbow-joint, in the evening in bed after lying down, preventing falling asleep; she was obliged to put it out of bed and move it up and down to relieve the pain, lasting half an hour (after six hours). Paralytic drawing in the right forearm, just above the wrist. Pinching pressure on the inferior surface of the left forearm, followed by burning (after eight hours). Hand. Swelling of the hands, with a stinging pain (after thirty minutes). Her right hand, in which she held the pestle of the mortar, became stiff, the fingers of the same hand were quite rigidly outstretched. Cramp like drawing in the hands and fingers, as if a cramp (rigid spasm) would occur. Rather dull stitches in the left hand. Fingers. Involuntary motion of the fingers (after one hour). Paralytic jerking in the left thumb. Stiffness in the fingers of the right hand, lasting two days (after seventeen hours). Complete stiffness of the fingers of the right hand. An internal simple pain in the last phalanx of the left index finger; it makes the finger tremble (immediately). A kind of cooling burning in the last joint of the right index finger. Paralytic drawing in the left thumb, as if a cramp like spasm would occur. Complained of sticking in finger-joints (on coming to his senses, after loss of mind), (after twelve hours).

Inferior Extremities

      Uneasiness in the left leg, so that he was obliged at one time to draw it up, at another to stretch it out; a paralytic (rigid) sensation that obliged him to move the leg at intervals, to get a moment’s relief. He was obliged to move the lower extremities constantly while sitting, otherwise they seemed very weak and he experienced an uneasiness in them, as after along journey on foot. When he draws the feet backward while sitting, he experiences a buzzing sensation in the legs and in part also in the thighs, as if they had been fatigued by a long journey, or would fall asleep. A paralytic pain (painful faintness), extending down through the left leg, as if it would become rigid, while sitting. Painful sensations in the thighs and legs (for which she had no expression), only somewhat relieved by motion, but not all by walking (after five hours). If he keeps the lower extremities still while sitting, they threaten to fall asleep; a tingling sensation. A numb pain in the joints of the lower extremities, with unusual distraction of mind (after twenty-five minutes). Painful stitches, here and there, in the thighs and legs, as if he had been beaten (after eight hours). Hip. Pain in the hips, as if the muscles were pinched (as with pincers), (after twenty-one hours). Pressive pain in the hips, so that he was obliged to lie down. Thigh. Pain as if both thighs were dislocated, so that she was unable to get out of bed (after seven hours). Paralytic jerking in the inner side of the left thigh. Dull pain, associated with drawing in the gluteal muscles, that extended forward into the groins. Simple pressure, with a feeling of weakness in the outer side of the left thigh, not far from the knee. Sudden pressure on the inner side of the left thigh. Pinching dull pressure in the flesh of the right thigh, on its posterior surface, more towards the outer portion. Pain in the right thigh, as if the flesh were beaten to a jelly (after ten hours). Knee. While walking, he experiences no weakness, but when he sits down he immediately feels a paralytic weakness in the knees, as from great exhaustion and prostration. Pain in the right knee, so that he could not tolerate the bed. Dull pain in bones of left knee, afterwards extending up to hip, and down to great toe, still only in the bones; ease by lying on the painful side (after two or three days); this ceased a few days after leaving off the medicine; on resuming it, three weeks later (3 drops of vaginal, and 1 by mouth), the same symptoms returned, exactly as before, only on the right side instead of the left. Compressive pain in the hollows of the knees, as though the tendons were too short (after two hours). Sharp pinching above the right knee. Leg. An intolerable cramp like pain extending downward in the tibia, so that she cried out, with perspiration over the whole body (after thirty-three hours). Drawing pain extending from the hollow of the knee to the calf (after twenty- three hours). Pains in the calves, so that he could not touch them hard, and when touched they felt cold on the outer side (third day). Ankle. Pain in the ankles, as if sprained, with striking in first four toes of the left foot (after fourteen minutes). Transient stitches in both ankles, extending from within outward, with dread of walking (after seven hours). Foot. Drawing pains in all the joints of the feet, with a sensation in the muscles (flesh) as if they were strongly pressed against the bones. Toes. Pain like a burning, or a pain in the toes of both feet, as if they were squeezed by short boots (after sixteen hours). A pinching in the right little toe, as if it had been stepped upon. Burning pressure in the tips of the right toes. Pain as if sprained, in the right great toe, aggravated by motion. Jerking pains in the nails of the two first toes, as if they would suppurate, so that he could not bear anything to touch them, and could only walk barefooted upon the heat (after three days).

General Symptoms

      Objective. Slight acceleration of the circulation. It greatly increases the movement of blood. Hemorrhages. She lost her equilibrium (after nine minutes). Very nervous. Tremulousness of the whole body (second day). Trembling and beating over the whole body, with acceleration of the pulse. (Convulsions.). Most violent convulsions in women and hypochondriacal men. (Stiffness of body.) Weariness, so great that he was not in a condition to move. She became exceedingly busy, but had scarcely begun to put things in order, when they fell from her hands from weakness (after eighteen hours). General prostration, with pressive pain over the whole body, especially in the joints (after two hours and a quarter). Great prostration of the whole body, with lachrymation. Faintness. Faintness, followed by headache. Subjective. As he went into the open, not cold, air, it seemed cold, and he sought the stove (after one hours and a half). She thought that she became faint, then suddenly called out, “I am falling,” but remained sitting quietly, during the first five minutes. It seems at times as though the senses would vanish, with general stupefying pressure in the brain, like a compression. Did not know what was the matter, though at times he was attacked by a certain discomfort, a slight faintness, that immediately disappeared. Very sick, so that he was obliged to remain in bed all day (after two days). A painful sensation over the whole body, with a kind of shivering, yet he was warm to touch (after two days). He walked about, but soon sat down, put his hands to his head and complained of violent pains, without telling where it hurt him. He complained of intense pain, and when asked where, began to complain more violently than ever, but did not answer the question (after three-quarters of an hour). Hypochondriacs become affected by the drug. Hysterical troubles, in persons subject to them. C (Hysterical complaints, even in a man). Unusual drawing pains on the occurrence of menstruation (after two days). Bruised pain over the whole body. Prickling in all the muscles. Jerking pains in all parts of the body, especially at night, waking him from sleep (after four hours).


      Objective. Scaling of the lips (after half an hour). Eruption of pimples, with burning heat in face. Three or four pimples, with great irritation in various parts of the body (after two hours). Blue spots over the whole abdomen, and on the thighs. Two small red spots, like fleabites, in the forehead, above both eyebrows. Eruption within the cartilage of the right ear, very annoying, so that it provoked scratching, with irritation; burning after scratching (after half an hour). Small pimples, with burning in the face. Small pimples on the back of the right foot, that are very irritable and burn violently after scratching (after nine hours). Some red pimples tipped with pus on the upper lids (after six hours). Subjective. Pricking in the body; and “fidgets,” preventing sleep. Tickling all over body. Itching, twinging, and fine needle-like stitches, in various parts of the body, obliging rubbing. (A violent, intolerable burning in a venereal tetter, which usually heals without trouble). Itching fine sticking on the anterior surface of the thigh, obliging rubbing. An irritation between the toes of both feet, so that she was obliged to scratch till the blood came (after three hours and three- quarters). An irritation on the left upper arm, so that she was obliged to scratch till the blood came, before which it did not cease, but as soon as the blood came the irritation ceased, and burning set in; small pimples, here and there, with irritation; they disappear after scratching (after four hours). A frightful irritation between the shoulders, so that he had to rub against the wall (after twenty-three minutes). A kind of itching on the posterior portion of both ears that provokes scratching (after two hours and a half). Sharp itching on the outer side of the left tibia, towards the calf, disappearing on rubbing.

Sleep and Dreams

      Sleepiness. Frequent yawning and sleepiness. Sleepiness, with yawning, when not actively employed, ever since taking (sixth day). Sleepiness, with frequently recurring yawning (second day). Sleepiness, with frequent and deep yawning. Sleepiness, stupid feeling in head (after ten minutes). Sleepiness, with slight aching in forehead, in the afternoon (second day). very sleepy, though on lying down he was unable to sleep; while walking in the open air, he could scarcely keep his eyes open on account of sleepiness (after five minutes). Sleep. Fell sound asleep while triturating (after five minutes). Very sound sleep; when awakened he spoke connectedly, with open eyes, yet in the morning remembered nothing of it (after sixteen minutes). Sleeplessness. Night restless; he dreamed incessantly; dreams full of strife and effort; he was unable to lie long in one spot, for the part upon which he lay became painful, as if sprained or broken (after twenty-four hours). Sleep very uneasy; she woke every half hour, and was obliged to throw off the covering; she felt too hot, yet did not perspire (after forty-five minutes). Inability to sleep. No sleep at night, though there were moments in which she lost consciousness; on recovering from this condition, which was neither sleeping nor waking, she was very much exhausted (after fifteen hours). Feeling as though she had not slept sufficiently. Dreams. Night full of vivid, slanderous dreams, wherein everything seemed to conspire against him, and from which he woke very much excited (after forty-eight hours).


      Chilliness. Paroxysms of slight chilliness over body (after thirty-five minutes). Sensation as though cool air were suddenly blowing upon him, especially on uncovered parts, chiefly on the hands. Coldness of the whole body (after four minutes). She complained f coldness all day, in a temperature of 62oF. Feeling of coldness; she wants to be near the fire always. Feeling of coldness, mostly in the spine, with a drawing pain. Sensation of external coldness, with a sensation of internal burning in the same spot (after six hours). Shivering over the whole body, from the slightest contact of air, so that he was obliged to get into bed, where only he was able to get warm. Slight shivering on the scalp, whence it extended over the whole body (immediately). Shivering over the whole body, and yet he could get no rest in the house, on account of flushes of heat; he was obliged to go into the open air, where he felt better (third day). Alternations of shivering and heat all day, with prostration, so that he was obliged to lie down (after eight hours). A feeling of coldness in the upper and lower extremities, rather external than internal, but not perceptible to the fingers (after five minutes). Feeling of coldness from the soles of the feet to the knees. A sudden cool sensation on the left tibia. Heat. Greatly increased warmth of the whole body, with profuse perspiration, and increased activity (immediately). Heat. On getting into bed, at 9 P.M., burning over the whole body (the right side seemed hotter), with a feeling of heat, dryness and scraping in the throat, and moderate thirst; the bed was intolerable; she was obliged to lie uncovered, with sticking headache in the forehead, dizziness before the eyes, bruised feeling in the whole body; sleepless, restless, she tossed about, experienced a jerk like grasping above the umbilicus, and dragging towards the genitals, with extreme ill-humor; the attack lasted an hour (after nine hours). After the shivering, a comfortable feeling of natural warmth, shivering crept again from the head down through the body (after fifteen minutes). While the hands seemed to him naturally warm, the right cold, to the face they both seemed cool (after two hours). Heat of the face, with dimness before the eyes. Face very hot, without being red (after twenty-eight hours). The head was very hot, and the whole posterior portion perspired profusely. Burning heat in the face, with eruption of pimples. Sweat. Perspiration; without heat. Slight perspiration, every morning. Slight cutaneous transpiration, continuing two hours (after a few minutes). A universal breathing sweat. Cutaneous exhalations smelled strongly of musk, even the next day. Much perspiration on the forehead.

Conditions Aggravation

      (Morning), On waking, bitter taste; dry cough; perspiration. Forenoon), Vomiting. Evening), Dull pain in head. (Night), Diarrhoea; jerking pain in body. (After dinner), Tightness about pit of stomach. (After eating), Qualmishness. Motion), Headache, as from a weight; pressure in frontal region; pain in great toe. (Violent motion), Painfulness of head. (Stooping), Turning in forehead, etc.


      (Open air), All symptoms from triturating; vertigo; drawing in head; cutting headache; feverish symptoms. (Moving about in air), Headache as from a weight. (Coffee), Constipation. (motion), Sensation in thighs, etc. (Rest), Stitches in side. (Stooping), Pressive pain in pit of stomach.

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