

      Magnesium carbonate, hydrated, MgCO33H2O. Magnesia alba precipitata. Preparation: Triturations.


      Emotional. Unwilling to talk, gloomy, and apprehensive (after one hour and a quarter). She is gloomy and unwilling to talk (after two hours). Very talkative;everything prospers (first afternoon); not so good-humored (second day). Sad and apprehensive (after two hours and a half). Anxious and prostrated, with stitches in the whole body, after rising from bed, lasting several minutes. Anxious and too warm in bed for several nights; she could not fall asleep for a long time (after twenty-nine days). Very anxious, with perspiration, all day, especially on moving about. She was very anxious several nights in succession, and the bed felt as hard as though she were lying upon stones, so that she constantly tossed about (after twelve days). Anxiety and warmth over the whole body, especially in the head, while eating soup. For several nights was unable to fall asleep for a long time on account of anxiety; was frequently obliged to uncover herself, which she could not long endure on account of coldness. Anxiety and uneasiness at night in bed; she could not bear to have a limb covered and yet out of bed it immediately became too cold (after four days). Anxiety for several nights; she could not bear to have her hands under the covers, though if she put them out they immediately became too cold (after twenty-three days). Tremulous anxiety and fright, as if she apprehended some misfortune, disappearing in the evening in bed (sixth day). Ill-humoured, and yet singing, soon disappearing (after two hours). Very ill- humoured, everything frets her; worse while walking (second evening). Very ill-humoured at 7 P.M., everything is disagreeable. Very ill-humoured all day, everything that she looks at vexes her; better in the evening. Better humored in the afternoon than in the forenoon. Very fretful mood (ninth day). Peevish, fretful mood (fourth afternoon). Very fretful in the evening (after six days). So fretful that she does not know what she shall undertake, with constant perspiration (twenty-seventh and twenty-eight days). Completely out of sorts, increasing as time goes on. On the first day of the menses good humor; on the three following days fretfulness. Apathetic mood with apprehension in the afternoon, with compressive headache; in the evening very good-humoured. Intellectual. Confusion and stupefaction of mind from mental labor. Very forgetful and not very good-humoured (after eighteen days).


     Confusion and Vertigo. The head was confused and heavy, as after insufficient sleep, in the morning on rising, disappearing after washing and moving about (seventh day). Vertigo, so that everything turned around with her, and she felt like failing forward (after two hours). Vertigo in the morning after rising, as if everything turned around with her, with qualmishness and profuse accumulation of saliva in the mouth (twenty-six days). Vertigo, even to sinking down, in the evening while sitting (sewing), with nausea; afterwards, while lying down, she became unconscious (after four days). Vertigo while standing; objects seem to go round; therewith an intoxicated feeling and heaviness of the head, lasting two minutes, at 11 A.M. Dizziness when kneeling, as if she would fall into a heap (after two hours). Faint dizziness, with qualmishness; yellow and blue rings about the eyes, followed by two attacks of vomiting of food and bitter and sour mucus; after the vomiting, relief of the stomach, but violent headache and weakness at 7 P.M. (fifteenth day). Plus Footnote plus The prover had before the vomiting great nausea in the stomach and pressure as from a stone; she, however, drank some black coffee and her condition became worse, until it amounted to the preceding. – H. and T. Frequently reeling in the head, like a loss of consciousness (twenty-eight and twenty-ninth days). General Head. Heaviness and dizziness in the head in the morning on rising, disappearing after an hour while walking about (twelfth day). Heaviness of the head, yawning, and nausea in the stomach (third morning). Heaviness of the head while lying down, after walking from the midday nap, wherewith the saliva was colored with blood. Great heaviness of the head in the afternoon, with pain in it (second day). Feeling of heat in the head, without external heat, at 1 P.M. Rush of blood to the head, especially when smoking as usual (after five days). Great rush of blood to the head in the forenoon. Feeling as though the head were screwed together from both sides, afterwards also in the occiput, lasting a very long time, at 5 P.M. Headache in the afternoon, becoming worse towards evening, with sensitiveness of the head to pressure, as from an ulcer (nineteenth day). During the menses, headache, with heaviness and sensation of head. Headache, as from stiffness of the neck. Violent headache in the morning in bed, lasting till towards 10 A.M. (seventeenth day). Violently painful boring in the left side of the head (second evening). Drawing pain in the head (after sixteen days). During the menses, painful, drawings from the forehead to the occiput, with heaviness of the brain, all day. Pressure across the head during the mental work. Pressure over the whole head, in the house with many people (after fifteen days). Sticking pains in the whole head, making her very ill-humoured, lasting from 8 P.M., till falling asleep. Sticking headache in the morning after rising, with pressure over the eye (after eight days). Stitches in the head, followed by pain like a bruise, in the right and afterwards in the left side of the head, with a feeling as if it would become worse if she moved the head, which, however, was not the case; it occurred while standing at 10.30 A.M., and lasted five minutes. Stitches here and there in the head. A deep dull stitch through the brain, from the vertex to the right side of the occiput, at 10.30 A.M. Acute, needle-like stitches here and there in the head, from dinner till 3 P.M. (third day). During the menses, violent, persistent tearing pains, now in both sides of the head, now in the vertex, now in the nape of the neck, only relieved at night. Extremely violent tearing and sticking, as with knives, in the whole head, she thought it would take away her senses; in the evening before lying down, and lasting all night. Vibration in the head on slight motion (after fifteen days). Violent jerking headache, with a feeling of heaviness, at 1 P.M., after a vexation; it constantly increased till it disappeared in the evening in bed (fifteenth day). Forehead. Heaviness in the forehead while standing, for half an hour (after two hours). Heaviness of the forehead, with pain, as from suppuration in the left side of the occiput, at 5 P.M. Drawing pain in the forehead all the forenoon (tenth day). Drawing pain in the forehead daily. Great pressure in the forehead, with pain in the eyes. Pressive pain in the forehead from 8 A.M., till noon. Pressive pain in the forehead on waking, disappearing at 4 P.M. (twentieth day). Pressive pain in the forehead from 8 A.M., till noon. Pressive, stupefying pain in the left side of the forehead, and also at times in the eyes, lasting a minute, at 3 P.M. (fourteenth day). Violent sticking about the forehead, frequently repeated, at 6 P.M., lasting an hour. Pressive- sticking headache in the forehead, frequently intermitting (tenth day). Fine stitches from within outward in the right side of the forehead, more externally, preceded by some tickling in the same place, at 3.30 P.M. Tearing and heaviness in the forehead and top of the head after dinner. Headache; a tearing in the forehead, in the brain, as if benumbed and heavy; from 1 to 5 P.M. Tearing in the forehead, and drawing backwards in the nape of the neck, lasting from afternoon till evening, and disappearing in bed. Incessant tearing and beating in the center of the forehead in the afternoon. Very painful tearing deep in the brain, in the forepart of the forehead, then in the right and afterwards also in the left frontal region, at last also in front of the left ear, at 4 P.M. She felt the beat of an artery in the frontal region (after one days). Temples. Sticking in the left temple (after twelve days). Painful stitches in the right temple after dinner (tenth day). A dull stitch in the left temple, and soon after wards above the right temple, involving the eye. Painful, but only transient tearing in the left temple at 5 P.M. Tearing pain in the left temple, disappearing on pressure (fifth afternoon). Tearing pain in the left temple in the evening on lying down, always immediately disappearing on pressure, but renewed after some time (third day). Violent tearing in the left temple from below upward, with toothache in the last back teeth (seventeenth evening). Vertex. Some sharp stitches in the vertex about 2 P.M. During the menses, and for two days afterwards, bruised pain on the vertex, which was also sensitive to touch towards evening. After the jerking-tearing, the vertex was as sensitive to pressure as if beaten. Parietals. Pain in the left side of the head so violent that it woke her at night; she experienced the pain even while asleep; it was worse in the temples, and disappeared on raising the head (second day). Sticking in the right side of the head, together with throbbing internally, five minutes after dinner. A sticking inwards externally on both sides of the head, together with an internal painful tearing, at 5 P.M. Violent sticking in the right side of the head, upon which she lies at night, from within outward, disappearing if she turns upon the other side (second day). Stitches here and there in the left side of the head, lasting half an hour, at 7 P.M. A violent stitch extending from the upper part of the right side of the head through to the right side of the occiput, as if caused by a dull borer, at 8.30 A.M. Several dull stitches in succession in the right side of the head, extending forward, while standing (after one hour and three- quarters). Some dull, painful stitches in the anterior angle of the right parietal bone at 7 P.M. (fifth day). Some sharp stitches in the left side of the head, at 3 P.M., while standing. Some fine stitches in the right side of the head at the vertex; when it caused at that place, and she moved the head towards the left side, there was a tearing in the right side of the occiput. Two sharp and fine stitches in the left parietal bone, extending backward, and at the same time in the upper and forepart of the right parietal bone, so that they extended toward each other (after one hour and a half). Violent tearing and sticking inwards in the right side of the head, worse while sitting, an hour and a half after dinner. Occiput. Tension and drawing in the occiput, as if something would draw the head backward, during and after swallowing; worse while standing, so that she was obliged to sit down, when it disappeared (after two hours). Violent stitches in the occiput in the evening. External Head. The hair falls out more than usual (eighteenth day). Great falling of hair. The hair falls out profusely. Headache, as if the hair on the vertex were pulled upward, lasting from 5 to 9 P.M. (fifth day). A fine cutting, as if the skin would be cut through, extending from the middle of the forehead at the hair obliquely towards the left eye. Itching on the scalp every evening; she was obliged to scratch it bloody (after twenty-three days). Itching on the vertex during dinner. Itching on the left side of the head, disappearing after scratching. Itching on the right side of the head, disappearing on scratching, in the forenoon. Itching of a tetter on the scalp, that at last disappears after scratching a long time in the evening (tenth day). Great itching on the scalp, becoming worse after scratching and lasting eight days, in the morning after rising (after twenty-third day). The tetter on the scalp itches every morning so violently that she scratches till blood collects in the nails. A tetter on the scalp itches very violently in rainy weather.


     Matter in the eyes in the morning on waking, with burning and dimness of vision (tenth day). Dryness of the eyes, with burning (thirtieth day). The eyes are very dry in the morning (ninth day). The eyes seemed swollen in the morning after waking, and for a long time she could not open them, for half an hour (third day). The eyes seemed swollen in the morning after waking, with dizziness. Pain in the left eye, as if it would burst or were forced outward, with profuse lachrymation; at times much water runs from the left nostril, with aggravation of the drawing- sticking headache above the left eye, on blowing the nose. Burning in both eyes from morning till evening (twenty-fifth day). Burning in the inner canthus of the right eye, which was somewhat inflamed, at 5 P.M. Constant burning and dryness of the eyes (ninth, tenth, and eleventh days). Sticking and burning in the eyes, with red vessels in the whites (eleventh day). Tearing in the eyes, followed by lachrymation, in the morning in bed, disappearing after washing (tenth day). Itching of the whole right eye after dinner. Biting in the left eye, and lachrymation. Itching in the left inner canthus, disappearing on rubbing. Itching and burning in the right eye at 10 P.M. Itching and burning in the canthi (second evening). Violent itching and biting in the left eye, disappearing on rubbing, at 4 P.M. Voluptuous itching of the left eye, disappearing on rubbing, at 4.30 P.M. (tenth day). Biting itching of the right inner canthus, disappearing on rubbing. Brow and Orbit. Pressure about the eyes towards evening. Tearing in the right upper margin of the orbit. Vibrating jerking above the left eye, extending through the head, on motion and when walking (eleventh day). Lids. Inflammation and swelling of the lower eyelid, with redness of one canthus (after eight days). Eyes agglutinated in the morning on waking (second day). Agglutination in the morning, so that she could not open the eyes; only after a second washing did the cloud disappear from the eyes. The eyes are agglutinated every morning, and burn in the bright daylight, for many days. Agglutination of the eyes, with pressure in them. During the menses, both eyes are agglutinated in the inner canthus in the morning, with heaviness of the head. Jerking-tearing in both lower kids (twentieth day). Jerking in both left lids, causing lachrymation, for three days (thirty-seventh day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Watery eyes in the morning, as after long weeping. Lachrymation all day (thirty- fourth and thirty-fifth days). Lachrymation of the right eye some days, also of both eyes; they are agglutinated every morning (after forty-three days). Lachrymation and burning of the right eye, with red vessels in the inner canthus (ninth and tenth days). Ball. Swelling of the eyeball, as if a “dropsy in the eye” would form. Vision. Dimness of vision (third day). Dimness of vision in the inflamed eye, as if feathers were before it. During the menses the eyes are dim, dry, and burning, Fog before the eyes, especially the right eye, in the afternoon. Vision of the right eye vanishes when looking intently; it seems weaker than usual (seventeenth day). Photophobia, with burning in the eyes (twenty-ninth day).


     External. A painful, dull stitch behind the right ear, ending with tension, which disappears only for a short time on pressure, at 3 P.M. Violent sharp stitches in front of the left ear, for two minutes, at 5.30 P.M. Tearing in the right external concha, at 10 A.M. Painful tearing in the whole left concha, lasting two minutes, at 7.30 P.M. Sore pain behind the lobule of the right ear when pressed upon (seventh day). During the menses, a burning-smarting below the lobule of the left ear. Middle. Burning like fire in the right ear, for a second. Painful boring in the left ear, with stitches, in the forenoon, lasting three minutes. Boring pain in the right ear, as with a corkscrew. Pain like a suppuration in the right external meatus, which is red and inflamed; this continued three days, after which it remained sensitive to pressure for several days. Fluttering in the right ear, in the evening. Fluttering in the right ear, as from a large bird, three times in succession. Tickling in the right ear, lasting a long time, at 6.30 P.M. Itching in the right meatus externus auditorius, removed by scratching. Hearing. Great sensitiveness to noise, even to starting up in fright. Noise in the left ear, in the morning in bed; whereupon the whole left ear was painful to touch. Loud noises in the right ear for two minutes, after dinner. Ringing in the ears (after twenty days). Roaring before the ears so violent that she could not stay in bed; she was obliged to sit up and at last stand (after nine days). Roaring in front of the ear, as if alternating with whistling. Ringing in the right ear, after dinner. Ringing or noises in the left ear. Roaring in the right ear, with diminished hearing, and a feeling of intoxication in the open air, so that she did not understand a question put to her, still worse in the house (twenty-ninth day). Roaring and noises in the left ear like a storm of wind, with diminished hearing, lasting a second, at 4.30 P.M. (tenth day). Roaring fluttering, and whizzing in the right ear, with hardness of hearing, for a minute, at 11 A.M.


     Objective. The nose was red and swollen, for several evenings. Blisters in both nostrils, with a dragging pain (forty-third day). A scab in the nostril (after three days). Frequent sneezing caused by tickling in the nose, in the morning (twenty-third day). Frequent sneezing, with stoppage of the nose, in the morning (ninth day). During the menses, she sneezed four times in the morning. Violent sneezing and tickling in the whole nose, as if she had snuffed an errhine, in the morning (sixth day). Water drops unnoticed from the nose, without coryza. Stopped catarrh (thirty-fifth day). Stopped catarrh, with stoppage of the nose, waking her at night. Stopped catarrh all day; was obliged to open the to breath, yet there was secretion of nasal mucus. Coryza for several days, especially in the morning and evening. On appearance of the menses, coryza with stoppage of the nose, lasting four days. Coryza, with discharge of thick mucus, and a feeling as if the nose were swollen from frequent blowing, lasting three days (after ten days). Violent coryza, with stoppage of the right nostril (seventh day). Fluent coryza in the morning of rising, afterwards the nose was stopped all day (thirty-second day). The coryza was fluent in the morning, dry in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Bleeding of the nose and mouth. Bleeding of the nose, in the morning (after second and third days). Frequent profuse nosebleed (after seventeen days). She woke at 3 and 5 A.M., with violent nosebleed, lasting eight minutes; with violent sneezing and tickling in the right nostril (sixth day). A clot of blood is blown from the nose with the nasal mucus (fifteenth day). Subjective. Feeling of coryza in the morning, with stoppage of the nose; only at times were a few drops discharged (second day). Stoppage of the nose, which, however, does not last long, at 5.30 P.M. Stoppage of the nose, frequently alternating with fluent coryza (fourth day). Inclination to blow the nose, and a feeling as if it were full of mucus, but on blowing it nothing is discharged, and it remains stopped, at 8 A.M. Dryness of the nose, every morning on waking. Dryness of the nose, and stoppage of the left nostril, in the morning, soon disappearing (second day). Violent tearing in the upper part of the left side of the nose, near the margin of the eye, extending to the left temple, at 7 A.M. Tickling in the nose and ineffectual attempts to sneeze, at 10.30 A.M. Tickling in left nostril; irritation to sneeze. Astonishing tickling in the nose, followed by sneezing, in the evening. Fine tickling in the right nostril, disappearing on scratching, but returning. Itching in the left nostril, frequently reappearing. Violent itching in the nostrils that disappears after scratching, half an hour after dinner and at 3 P.M.


     Objective. Fretful expression, in the forenoon. During the menses, very pale color of the face. Very pale and of a bad color with general discomfort (twelfth day). Very pale suffering look (nineteenth and twentieth days). Suffering, pale, earthy look for a long time (twentieth day). Redness and burning in the face, with external heat, from 5 to 7 P.M. Great redness of the face with heat of the whole body, frequently recurring. Subjective. She was obliged to run from room to room all night on account of pain in the face, to hold the painful side and constantly wag the head; as soon as she remained quiet the pains returned with the same severity. Tension in the whole face, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it (ninth day). Violent tearing, pain in the left side of the face, in the afternoon. Cheeks. Nightly tearing, burrowing and boring as with a red-hot iron in the zygoma, somewhat relieved by sitting up in bed; or driving her out of bed, with frightful anxiety. Throbbing pain in the antrum of Highmore, with selling of the right malar bone. Lips. Dry lips without thirst, in the morning, disappearing by noon (twenty- seventh day). Burning and tension in the middle of the upper lip and also somewhat farther above. Fine painful tearing in the middle of the lower lip, somewhat to the left side. Soreness of the upper lip. Chin. Burning and twinging in the centre between the chin and lip, lasting a long time, at 6 P.M. Violent pain as from suppuration in the right lower jaw, and also in the cheek, with redness and swelling; especially painful when pressed upon, a jerking in it on talking, sneezing, and yawning, for six days.


     Teeth. (The lower wisdom teeth come through), (after thirty days). Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums. The lower back teeth of the both sides are painful, though worse on the left side, in the evening and morning. Sensation of elongation of the back tooth, with pain in the morning if cold water touches it, as if it would be torn out, also on chewing. Toothache every day, and especially at night. Toothache at night; the teeth seem too long, with rather a tearing than throbbing pain. Toothache on the right side, daily in the morning, after waking, or after rising, disappearing after moving about for a long time (fifty-ninth day). Toothache on the right side, daily in the morning, after waking, or after rising, disappearing after moving about for a long time (fifty-ninth days). Toothache extending from the teeth to the temples, commencing only in the evening in bed, and at night driving her out of bed, several nights in succession. Toothache, with swelling of the cheek. Toothache while riding in a carriage, aggravated by cold (thirtieth day). Raging toothache in a hallow right back tooth, relieved by nothing (sixtieth day). Burning, throbbing and tearing, with a sensation of elongation, now in one, now in another tooth, upper or lower, relieved by movement of the body at night, worse in bed, and also during the day, renewed by eating and chewing (after sixteen days). Burning toothache, in the evening in bed, with pain as if the teeth were loose. Drawing in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the gum. Sticking and tearing in the roots of three left upper teeth, not relieved by pressing upon them; in the open air the teeth seem too long and sensitive, with a kind of tickling sensation, about 3 P.M. Sticking toothache after eating. Tearing in a right lower back tooth, after wards in an upper back tooth, as if it would be twisted out, at 1 P.M. (ninth day). Tearing in the roots of the teeth of the left lower row, afterwards also in the right lower row. Tearing in both right lower anterior molars, at 4 P.M. (fifth day). Tearing in the last left back teeth, without being able to distinguish exactly whether in the upper or lower, in the evening in bed, lasting till falling asleep, and also in the morning on waking, disappearing on rising (seventeenth day). Tearing and drawing in the right lower back teeth, lasting a minute, at 8 P.M. (thirteenth day). Tearing and drawing in the right lower back teeth, lasting half an hour; she put slate upon it and the pain ceased, at 4 P.M. Violent tearing in the lower right teeth, extending into the temples, an hour after dinner. Such violent tearing, drawing, and gnawing toothache in a right lower hollow tooth that she moaned; nothing relieved her; after applying cold water or lying upon the painful side the pain was for a short time relieved, but immediately returned and lasted with varying severity till 4 A.M., it was worse in a warm room, with uneasiness, ill-humour, and tensive pain over the whole right cheek, after menstruation (after forty-four days). The teeth are very sensitive, and seem too long (twenty-ninth day). Beating and drawing toothache, all night. Jerking toothache, and also jerking in the fingers and feet almost daily, in the morning after rising, and in the night, both while awake and asleep (sixtieth day). The teeth pained much more violently as soon as he got into bed, with great accumulation of water in the mouth. Gums. Constant and almost painless swelling of the gum, even in the sockets of the teeth (after thirteen days). Frequent burning blisters on the gum, internally to the cheeks, on the lips and palate, in the afternoon. The gum internal to the upper lip is painful, as if cut to pieces in the middle, from morning till afternoon; on touching it with the tongue it burns. Great sensitiveness and burning of the gum at noon, while eating; therewith, the teeth seem too long, and feel as if they would fall out, especially the two lower front incisors; in the evening it disappears, but is always renewed on eating (thirty-second day). Tongue. Small burning, painful blisters on the forepart of the left margin of the tongue and lower lip, suppurating on the third day. Tensive painful blisters on the anterior margin of the tongue, and right corner of the mouth. General Mouth. A small reddish-blue spot on the left cheek internally, without sensation, but bleeding when rubbed (thirty-first day). A number of pimples like millet-seeds in the mouth; not only on the tongue, but on the sides of both cheeks; they bleed on the slightest touch and burn while eating, especially acids, lasting four days (after thirty-two days). Blisters on the palate in the morning; on eating bread, a feeling as if the skin were loosened; next day, a feeling as if the spot were denuded and sore (fifty- eight day); these blisters and this raw sensation disappeared on the appearance of the menses (fifty-ninth day). The whole inner mouth, especially the palate and anterior half of the tongue, feel numb, in the morning on waking, and the whole forenoon (twenty-third day). Slimy and mealy in the mouth, in the forenoon. Dryness in the mouth (twenty-ninth day). Dryness in the forenoon. Dryness in the mouth and throat, in the morning on waking. Mouth dry without thirst, all day (forty-third day). Burning on the palate as if the skin were loosened, in the morning (second day). The posterior portion of the palate is raw as if denuded, in the morning. Violent itching on the inside of the right cheek (after three hours. Saliva. Constant spitting of saliva, with nausea in the stomach, in the morning (second day). During the menses, much accumulation of water in the mouth; she was obliged to spit constantly for half an hour, in the morning (sixth day). Bloody saliva, (ninety-fourth and ninety-fifth days). Taste. During the menses, flat taste and little appetite. Bitter sweetish taste in the mouth, which was full of mucus, disappearing after eating bread. Bitterness in the mouth, like wormwood (forty-second day). Bitter taste in the mouth, even the broth in the morning tasted bitter; soon disappearing. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, with a while tongue, also with white mucus in the mouth, which disappears after rising it. Bitter and pasty taste in the mouth in the morning, disappearing after rinsing the mouth (forty-third day). Bitter and slimy in the mouth, mucus hangs from the teeth and tongue, in the morning. Sourish taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Suddenly very transient sour taste in the throat, followed by rawness. Dinner does not taste as well as usual, though there is no aversion. No taste at all to the food (first to seventh days). Food has no taste; the tongue is coated white, and the mouth constantly feels slimy. Not the slightest taste for several days; food tastes like straw, though she had an appetite.


      Objective. Frequent collection of mucus in the throat, which she attempts to raise by hawking (fourth day). Mucus sometimes gets into the throat, which she is obliged to swallow, with rawness and dryness in the throat. Expectoration of tenacious blood- streaked mucus, which had oppressed the throat a long time, and which she could not hawk up (sixteenth day). Subjective. Frequent desire to hawk, without being able to raise anything, in the afternoon. Dryness in the throat in the morning, with sticking in the left side, when swallowing and when not (tenth day). Dryness in the throat on swallowing, soon disappearing (after two hours and a half). Great dryness in the throat, with a feeling as if it would be split, on swallowing, in the afternoon. A sensation in the throat as if it were stopped, or as if no air could pass through, in the morning after rising (thirty-fifth day). Sensation as of a hard substance in the throat, with burning and choking, when not swallowing; also a raw sensation, with inclination to hawk. Pain in the throat on swallowing, as if a thick substance lay transversely across the throat, which she ought to swallow, in the forenoon (seventeenth day). Burning and a feeling of rawness in the throat, soon disappearing. Spasmodic retching in the throat, at eight P.M. as if it were distended; she was obliged to open the mouth, but without relief, for half an hour. Sticking low down in the throat, when talking. Dull stitches in the right side of the throat, on empty swallowing, in the evening. Sore feeling in the right side of the throat, with stitches and burning in the left side, on talking, sneezing, and yawning, and also worse when swallowing than when not. A prickling, sore sensation in the right posterior nares, as in coryza, while swallowing, and also at other times. Rawness in the throat and burning acidity (soon). Rawness in the throat, almost like a sticking, on swallowing, as if a grain of barely wee sticking in it (soon). Rawness and scraping in the throat, with tasteless eructations, after every dose. Rawness and hoarseness in the throat, disappearing after a few paroxysms of cough (nineteenth day). Rawness in the throat, and qualmishness in the stomach (after half an hour). Frequently recurring rawness in the throat. Scraping in the throat as if she had swallowed a rose-hip (soon). Scraping and rancidity in the throat, as from old smoked meat, during most of the proving. Irritation in the throat in the region of the thyroid gland, with frequent cough, in the forenoon. Tickling in the throat, causing a short cough. External Throat. The thyroid gland seems larger. Painfulness of the right submaxillary gland, on pressure, and on motion of the lower jaw (fourteenth day).


      Appetite. Hunger, but no appetite for bread. Before the appearance of the menses there was ravenous hunger in the evening, followed by pain in the stomach. Great appetite for vegetables, but aversion to meat (after twenty days). Inclined to eat fruit and acid things in general. Little appetite and hunger. At times little appetite and speedy satiety; at the times sufficient hunger and appetite. Is satisfied immediately after the first morsel. Immediately satiated and full at noon, with distension of the abdomen after eating. No hunger nor appetite (twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth days). Neither hunger, appetite, nor taste (ninth day). The appetite disappears, and then the stomach always seems full. No appetite at noon; it comes only while eating (forty-fourth day). Aversion to food, without qualmishness (soon). Aversion to food and qualmishness, from six to seven P.M. Aversion to food, and nausea, as from a disordered stomach, lasting an hour. Great disgust for food; the stomach was painful and cold (soon). Great disgust for food, with shuddering, followed by eructations (soon). She does not relish warm food, has no inclination for bread and butter. Aversion to green food; rather relishes meat (eighth day). Thirst. Thirst towards evening, she drinks much, contrary to habit; is obliged to rise at night to urinate. Thirst for cold drinks since the diarrhoea, and she drinks much. Thirst for water; she drinks much after one P.M. Thirst with appetite for acid, from eleven till two o’clock (ninth day). Much thirst, with little appetite (after eight days). Excessive thirst in the evening (twenty-ninth day); the whole afternoon (forty-second day). Excessive thirst, waking her at night, on the appearance of the menses (sixty-ninth day). She dreamed that she was excessively thirsty; awoke, and was really thirsty. Eructation and Hiccough. Attempts to eructate (after twelve hours). Eructations and sneezing, towards evening. Frequent eructations, without odor or taste (twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth days). Frequent eructations, with some pain in the stomach, in the forenoon. Gulping eructations at 2.30 P.M. Shortly before menstruation, frequent eructations and nausea. Empty eructations (soon); also in morning, after soup. Empty eructations , during which there is a painful tearing or cutting above the umbilicus extending from the left to side (after two hours). Eructations of cold air. Acid eructations. Eructations tasting of the morning soup. Rising of water into the mouth, without eructations (twenty-seventh day). Frequent collection of tasteless water in the mouth, with frequent risings, together with vertigo and qualmishness, after eating plums (twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth days). Hiccough at 6.30 P.M., lasting a long time. Hiccough, though incomplete, together with a spasmodic pain in the stomach, soon disappearing. Frequent hiccough, followed by eructations, in the morning after rising. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and general discomfort in the forenoon, disappearing after dinner (twenty-first day). During the menses, nauseated and qualmish from morning till noon. Nausea with eructations of the odor of bad eggs, all night (fifteenth day). Nausea in the stomach, without aversion to food, with heaviness in the head and ill-humor. Nausea, and a feeling as if the stomach were full of water; she wished that she could eructate. Nausea and qualmishness, with constipation, for three days (after fifty- three days). Nausea in the stomach, even to vomiting, with empty eructations. At noon, while eating soup, she was suddenly attacked with excessive nausea and vertigo, so that she almost fell down; followed by retching, and at last vomiting, at first of salty water, then of the soup, and afterwards again only water, which lasted for a quarter of an hour, with deathly anxiety, so that sweat stood on the forehead; this lasted an hour, was followed by white diarrhoea, after which there were cutting pains in the bowels and distension of the whole abdomen (forty-second day). Qualmishness in the stomach (soon). Qualmishness and collection of after in the mouth, the whole forenoon (third day). Qualmishness, frequent collection of water in the mouth, in the afternoon. Great qualmishness in the stomach after supper, with weakness and sleepiness. Efforts to vomit, at noon, while eating soup; she vomited any bitter water, but no food, after which the mouth remained bitter for a long time. Stomach. Distension of the stomach, disappearing after eructations (soon). Rumbling in the stomach and afterwards in the abdomen, only heard, not felt, with yawning, at 7 P.M. Audible rumbling in the stomach towards noon. Feeling as if the stomach were disordered, after dinner (twelfth day). Pain in the stomach causing nausea, in the morning, without qualmishness, relieved by eating soup (tenth day). Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, with empty eructations in the morning (ninth day). Pain in the stomach, as if empty and qualmish, in the forenoon, disappearing after dinner. She woke after midnight with violent pain in the stomach, like an emptiness. Fulness in the stomach, that disappears only; after frequent eructations (after two hours). Pain and a contractive sensation in the stomach, after dinner. Constrictive pain in the stomach. Constrictive pain in the stomach; she could sleep but little all night (fifteenth day). Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, extending up into the chest, disappearing after empty eructations. A dull stitch to the right of the pit of the stomach, extending into the right chest. A sharp stitch in the pit of the stomach, so violent that it made her start. About ten sudden stitches, as with a knife, somewhat to the right of the pit of the stomach, so that she thought she could not endure it, at 2 P.M. (second day). Pain like a soreness in the stomach and both hypochondria, when touched even at night in bed (forty-second and forty-third days). The stomach is very sensitive to pressure, almost like a ulcer, and a feeling internally as if it would fall out, with coldness and prostration; she could not walk across the room on account of weakness; somewhat relieved by drinking coffee (twenty-sixth day).


      Hypochondria. Paralytic pain in the left hypochondriac region, at 8.30 P.M.; she could not lie on that side account of the pain. Pinching and constriction in both hypochondria, towards the umbilicus, frequently appearing and disappearing, in the forenoon. A fine pinching externally beneath the lowest right ribs, extending upwards into the ribs and disappearing, soon followed by a burning in the face, and taking the same direction. Dull stitches in the right hypochondrium, half an hour after dinner. Sharp stitches in the left hypochondrium, like stitches in the spleen, while standing, at 2 P.M. (second day). Sharp stitch in the right hypochondrium. A violently painful stitch in the right hypochondrium, as with a knife, making her start; on stooping; disappearing on rising, at 7.30 P.M. (fourth day). Fine stitches in the left hypochondrium (after one hour and a quarter). Umbilical and Sides. Audible rumbling beneath the umbilicus two hours after dinner. Pain, griping, and grasping about the umbilicus, in the morning (twenty-fifth day). Griping about the umbilicus with thin, scanty leucorrhoea (thirteenth day). Violent griping about the umbilicus, with distension of the abdomen, followed by a stool, which at first was hard, but at last soft, in the morning. Excessive griping in the abdomen about the umbilicus, followed by a thin stool and succeeded by burning in the anus, at 5 P.M. (third day). During the menses, painful dragging beneath the navel frequently wakes her at night. After micturition, violent twinging beneath the umbilicus, extending into the small of the back and left hip, with a sensation as if an emission of flatus would follow, but it did not; in the open air. Cutting in the abdomen, beneath the umbilicus, with some dragging, as before menstruation (twenty-second day). During the menses, cutting pains about the umbilicus, followed by frequent emission of flatus, with relief, in the forenoon. It seems as though there were something hard in the right side of the abdomen, or in the hepatic region, with frequent griping in the abdomen (after two hours). Frequent griping in the right side of the upper abdomen. Violent, painful griping in the sides of the abdomen. Slight cutting in the left side of the abdomen, soon disappearing. Tearing in the left side of abdomen, especially when walking. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen. Great distension of the abdomen, after dinner (eleventh day). Great distension of the abdomen, with tension, from 3 P.M. till evening (twenty-fifth day). Great distension of the abdomen, only somewhat relieved by emission of flatus, in the evening. The abdomen is excessively distended, afterwards also at night; with profuse emission of flatus, with relief. Abdomen excessively distended and tense, in spite of three loose movements, in the afternoon (second day). Movings and slight griping in the whole abdomen, followed by emission of flatus, with relief, and at last a soft stool. Much motion in the abdomen before the stool, and he became hot before the stool passed. Pinching movings in the upper abdomen, somewhat to the left side, at 5.45 P.M. Rolling and gurgling in the bowels on inspiration, as in cramps, disappearing after eating, in the evening and the following morning (tenth and eleventh days). Audible though not perceptible rumbling in the abdomen, as in cramps, at 9 A.M. Audible rumbling and gurgling, on motion, without even knowing where, in the forenoon. Violent audible rumbling, gurgling, and moving back and forth, with fine cutting in the abdomen, all day. Painless rumbling and movements in the abdomen, at 1 P.M. Emission of flatus while walking, soon followed by the usual stool. Frequent loud emission of flatus, in the afternoon and at night. Very loud emission of flatus. Frequent emission of flatus of a penetrating odor (twenty-eighth day). The abdomen seemed empty in the morning after rising; the intestines seemed empty and contracted, together with a pain as if they had just been torn out. Great heaviness in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, followed by leucorrhoea, like water, in the forenoon (twenty-fifth day). Pain in the abdomen, with dragging towards the genitals, in bed; next morning, the menses appeared, six days too early, at first very scanty and without pain, in the afternoon more profuse. During the menses violent pains in the abdomen, in the forenoon. Violent pain in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus, in the morning while in and out of bed, relieved after warm soup. Cramplike pain in the abdomen, like a constriction, followed by diarrhoea and relief, at 8 P.M. (twenty-second day). Griping in the abdomen, three days in succession (after eighteen days). Griping in the whole abdomen, at 10 A.M. (seventh day). Griping in the abdomen, even in the forenoon, and only transiently intermitting; in the afternoon it became worse, and in the evening worse still, with distension of the abdomen; emission of flatus afforded relief (twenty-eighth day). Griping or grasping in the whole abdomen, as before menstruation, with produce emission of offensive flatus, at noon; the griping was worse in the evening, and preceded by rumbling in the abdomen. Griping and rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by diarrhoea, thin and green, without tenesmus (after one hour); renewed after an hour and half, and also a quarter of an hour after dinner, and about 1 o’clock. Frequently intermitting griping and movings in the abdomen, with the usual stool; on moving the body to and fro she at last got into a position in which the pain disappeared for a time; it also occurred in the morning in bed (thirtieth day). Pinching in the forepart of the abdomen, in the morning, without stool. Violent pinching in the middle of the abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus, and followed by stool, the first part of which was very scanty and as hard as stone, with great pressure, but the last was soft and passed without pressing; after the stool burning like fire in the anus, at 2 P.M. (fifth day). A feeling as if everything were twisting about in the abdomen, with stitches beneath the umbilicus, at 2 P.M. (second day). Cutting in the intestines, in the evening, lasting till falling asleep. Cutting and griping in the abdomen, before the stool. Violent pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines would be ton out, lasting three days not relieved by smelling Camphor, but completely relieved by smelling Hepar sulph. (twenty-ninth day). Colic and distension of the abdomen, after eating. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Fulness in the lower abdomen,relieved by walking, at 2.30 P.M. (second day). Painful griping in the lower abdomen, beneath the umbilicus, frequently intermitting; afterwards the pain extends to the stomach, in the afternoon. Pains and griping in the whole lower abdomen, and dragging towards the genitals, at 9 A.M., that continually became worse till 11 A.M.; during which, after 9 o’clock, the menses reappeared, but disappeared in the afternoon (sixty-seventh day). During the menses, violent dragging pains in the lower abdomen, every morning in bed, ceasing after eating (after twenty days). Violently cutting colic, extending from the small of the back to the pubis (after four hours). Acute constricting griping pain, as with pincers, in the right groin, so that she was obliged to cry out, at 11 A.M. (twenty-eighth day). Pinching pain in the right groin, disappearing on rubbing, while waling, at 3.30 P.M. Painful cutting and dragging in the abdomen, in both groins; it woke her from sleep at night (after forty-eight hours).

Rectum and Anus

      Objective. Passage of round-worms from the anus, when not at stool. Painful haemorrhoids. Subjective. Pressure in the rectum when not at stool. Pressure as if diarrhoea would come on, but only flatus passed. Woke about 4 A.M. with intolerable pain in the rectum, as if pierced by numerous needles; somewhat relieved by emission of flatus; very painful then after a while she gradually fell asleep again (sixth day). Extremely painful stitches as with needles in the anus, occurring in the morning after waking, lasting a minute, and relieved by emission of flatus (seventh day). Frightful pain in the anus as from needles, with urging to stool, though only flatus passed, with relief (eighteenth day). Tearing in the rectum, extending into the abdomen, during a stool. Pain in the anus as if sore or ulcerated, while sitting and walking, between 2 and 3 P.M. (fifth day). Urging. Desire for stool, soon disappearing after breakfast. Desire for stool, but only a little faeces are evacuated, followed by ineffectual urging, and then by burning in the anus; after five minutes the desire returned, but there was emission of only flatus, again followed by desire and burning, at noon. Constant urging to stool, though but little passes, and it is only like a fermentation. Frequently an ineffectual urging to stool, in the forenoon (twenty-third day).


      Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea for several days (after eleven days). Diarrhoea, without any trouble, but followed by great weakness, at 3 P.M. (fifth day). Diarrhoea of very soft faeces, without difficulty, at 9.30 A.M., 3 and 5 P.M. Diarrhoea of a livid brown liquid, followed by tenesmus and burning, at 4.30 P.M. Diarrhoea of green mucus, at 5 A.M., without other disturbance (third day). Diarrhoea of green mucus in the forenoon; the same about 5 P.M. mixed with many white threadworms, followed by burning in the anus. Diarrhoea of greenish water, with great distension in the abdomen, without other symptoms; eight times before 10 A.M. (twenty-seventh day). Green frothy diarrhoea (ninth, tenth, and twenty-sixth days). Diarrhoea, with violently cutting colic and pressure as many as seven or eight times a day for eight days (after ten days). Three attacks of diarrhoea of green faeces without trouble, from afternoon till evening (sixth day). Two attacks of diarrhoea before midnight, without symptoms, whereby the sleep was interrupted. Five thin diarrhoea-like stools from 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. (twenty-fifth day). Woke at 11 P.M., with urging for diarrhoea-like stool, also at 3 A.M.; about 4 and 6 P.M. stool of a green slimy liquid (eighth day). Frequent evacuations of a green liquid without pain, always preceded by some griping in the abdomen, especially on the right side (second day). Three green liquid stools between 5 A.M. and 5 P.M. (second day). Semiliquid stool without any trouble, in the morning (second day). Three thin stools almost daily, without trouble, to the tenth day. Evacuation of thin faeces, followed by burning in the anus, in the morning. Soft and satisfactory stool, at the end with pressure, at 11 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. (twenty-eighth day). Soft stool, always preceded by twinging in the abdomen, with loud emission of flatus, that always afforded relief, at 5 and 8.30 P.M. The first stool was very scanty but soft, and passed without difficulty at 5 P.M. (fourth day). A normal stool twice daily. Normal stool in the morning and afternoon (fourth day). Pressure with a hard stool, in the forenoon. Hard stool first in the evening, with pressure and pain. Hard stool at 2 P.M. followed by excessive burning in the anus, lasting till 5 P.M. The stool was so hard that she could evacuate it only with great effort, immediately after dinner. Stool hard and crumbling; it troubled her a long time before a portion passed (twenty-seventh day). Hard scanty stool in the morning, with some pressure. Desire for stool, instead of which there was an emission of flatus, with cutting and twinging pain in the anus, after which there is a hard evacuation with pressure, though it seemed as though diarrhoea would occur. The first portion of the stool was hard, the last thin, followed by excessive burning in the rectum. Stool very hard in the morning (second day). Very hard stool, with pressure (eleventh day). Very hard stool, as if it were stones, with pain in the anus (second day). Although the stool was not hard, yet she was obliged to make considerable effort to pass it, for several days (after fifteen days). Yellow stool with urging at 11 A.M. and the usual stool at 1 P.M. (thirty first day). Round worms are passed with the stool (thirtieth day). Stools with numerous threadworms (eighteenth and nineteenth days). Constipation. Retention of the stool seems the primary effect of the drug. Rather inclined to constipation. Stool only every second day. No stool (twenty-third day).

Urinary Organs

     Urethra. Discharge of prostatic fluid during emission of flatus. Burning in the urethra, in the afternoon after urinating, not lasting long. Burning urine while passing, like salt water, even a stinging. Stitch in the urethra, in the region of the glans (after ten hours). Smarting of the urethra during micturition (after ten days). Micturition. Increased micturition; is obliged to rise several times at night to urinate, and passes much urine. Frequent micturition; at first she passed a large quantity, afterwards less (after three-quarters of an hour). Very frequent micturition (third day). Nocturnal enuresis. Rising at night to urinate, contrary to custom (seventh day). In the evening she was obliged to urinate more than usual, also about 1 A.M. she was obliged to rise to urinate; urine pale. Woke with desire to urinate at 9 P.M. She was awakened about 4 A.M. to urinate, which was followed by griping in the abdomen; and in the morning pain in the stomach and qualmishness (eighth day). Urine passes involuntarily while walking (after eleven days). Inability to retain the urine, on rising from a seat and when walking. Urine. Urine very pale. Urine looks quite green at 5 P.M. (twenty-third day). The urine seemed to be diminished in quantity, followed by burning in the evening. White sediment in the urine.

Sexual Organs

     Male. Erections slow, though coition natural (after eight days). Sexual desire diminished, immediately. Emissions (first night). Very frequent emissions, almost every night. Female. Indications of leucorrhoea at times, in the afternoon while walking and sitting. Leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea like water, now and then (tenth day). leucorrhoea, which causes biting. After the menses, scanty leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoeal discharge of white mucus preceded by cramp in the abdomen. Menses fourteen days too early, at first scanty, then profuse, dark-colored, lasting three days. Menses fourteen days too early, at 6 A.M. with violent pains in the small of the back, worse while sitting, most tolerable while walking. Menses nine days too early, very scanty, without any trouble, and lasting only two days (twelfth day). She changed her chemise in the evening and took a foot-bath; the night afterwards the menses appeared, eight days too early, without pain; at first very scanty; next day more profuse and dark-colored; on the third day still more profuse, with dragging in both groins, and during these dragging pains there was no discharge of blood, but always a flow on each emission of flatus, and it was most profuse at noon and in the afternoon. Menses seven days too early. Menses six days too early, thick, and black. Menses about six days too early, coming on in the afternoon while walking; at first scanty, then increased for three days, at last very profuse, though without the usual accompaniments, and in all lasting six days (after forty days). Menses three days too early, more scanty, but lasting three days longer than usual (twenty-sixth day). The menses, usually very scanty, commenced immediately, two days too early, with tearing toothache and distension of the abdomen, lasting but a short time (fifty-sixth day). Menstruation delayed three days; at first it was scanty in the evening, but became more profuse in the night, and still more so on the following day, when large clots of blood were passed; it all lasted only three days (after forty-two days). Menstruation four days later than usual, and more profuse (thirteenth day). Menstruation delayed seven days, and preceded by sore throat. The menses showed themselves somewhat (fifteenth day). The menses returned after twenty days. Discharge of blood seven days before the time for menstruation, which afterwards occurred on the twenty-eighth day, as usual. Menses more profuse and lasting about a day longer than usual. The menses, which had disappeared for several years in a woman past the menopause, returned and flowed profusely for four days. The menstrual flow was dark-colored and very profuse. Menses very profuse on the fourth and fifth days, associated with headache, worse in the evening. The menses returned the third day very profusely, with cutting colic, and continued for several days. Menses very profuse on the second day, though without pain, less on the third, and stopped on the fourth day. Menstruation came on in the night, was at first scanty, mire profuse the following forenoon; in the afternoon it suddenly ceased (fifty- ninth day). The menses flow more profusely during the night than in the day, which was not usually the case, with dragging pains; relieved on pressing on the abdomen and on stooping. The menses were most profuse, while walking and standing. menstruation at the right time and without pain, which was not usually the case; in the forenoon, with ill-humor, which became better in the afternoon. The menstrual flow was very glutinous, dark-colored, almost like pitch, and very difficult to wash off. No menstrual discharge during the pains, only after them, and also at night in sleep.

Respiratory Organs

     Contraction in the trachea, with pressive pain in the pit of the throat. Voice. Hoarseness, lasting two days (after twenty-two days). Complete hoarseness, towards evening. Transient hoarseness and rawness in the throat in the forenoon, disappearing after dinner. Cough and Expectoration. Cough towards 3 A.M. in two paroxysms, with expectoration of mucus (second day). with scraping in the throat once (after one hour). Frequent cough in the afternoon, caused by tickling in the throat (third day). Violent cough, with difficult salty expectoration. Vexatious cough, also at nights. Paroxysms of spasmodic cough, all night. Hollow, dull cough. Cough from becoming heated in the slightest degree. She expectorates mucus and clots of blood of a sweetish taste, at 5 P.M. Soft, pea-yellow, very offensive nodules, which he is obliged to hawk up, frequently get into the larynx from the fauces, as if he had swallowed the wrong way. Respiration. Short breath, while walking (sixteenth day).


     Constriction about the chest, weariness in the shoulders, and pain as if dislocated in the right middle finger, all of which disappeared on eructations, at 9 P.M. Constriction about the middle of the chest, as if pressed together, with short breath, at 6 P.M. Feeling of constriction and pinching in the chest, with difficult and short respiration, while sitting and walking, at 3.30 P.M. Tightness of the chest; the feet are weary and painful on ascending (eleventh day). Great tightness of the chest in the afternoon, as if screwed in, with short breath, though not constantly (fifteenth day). Pressure and heaviness on the chest; as if tight, which, however, has no effect upon respiration and does not last long; in the evening. Sudden painful pressure upon the chest, takes away her breath (sixty-eighth day). Great oppression of the chest and at times deep respiration (after six days). Very acute cutting and sticking in the middle of the chest, which, however, has no effect upon the respiration, from 6.30 to 7 P.M. (fourth day). A sensation as if cut to pieces in the chest, and in the morning yellowish purulent expectoration, for several days (after sixty-seven days). Extremely painful sticking and cutting deep in the middle of the chest, not affected by walking or inspiration, lasting from dinner till towards 5 P.M. A stitch in the left costal region on inspiration, extending upward beneath the left scapula, while standing at 5 P.M. (thirteenth day). A long sharp stitch while standing, extending beneath the right breast and up through the shoulder, at 1.30 P.M. (fifth day). Some violent stitches in the lowest left ribs, obliging her to cry out, mostly while sitting (after ten days). Bruised pain in the pectoral muscles, on motion and touch (after eight days). Front. Violent sharp stitches in the sternum above the ensiform cartilage, at 1 P.M. Fine stitches lasting a long time in the lower portion of the sternum, with short breath, at 9 P.M. while walking. A painful stitch extending inward to the right of the ensiform process. Sides. Sticking- burning and bruised pain above the left hip, extending up to beneath the shoulder, aggravated on stooping towards that side, and generally worse for three days, when it gradually decreased; together with dry cough, with violent stitches in the side; it was somewhat relieved by pressing the hand upon the painful spot and bending herself together; from 7 to 9 P.M. (after sixty days). Stitches in the left side of the chest beneath the shoulder, at 3.30 P.M. A cutting stitch in the ribs beneath the right axilla, not affecting breathing. Throbbing in the left side of the chest, in the evening on falling asleep. Mammae. A burning internally beneath the left breast, and a sweetish taste in the throat, followed by cough and expectoration of a piece of tenacious brown mucus, at 10 A.M. while sitting (tenth day). Violent dull stitches in the left breast, extending to the shoulders on breathing, lasting two minutes, at noon. Sharp stitches beneath the right breast, extending towards the navel, at 10 A.M. Some sharp stitches beneath the left breast, not affecting respiration, half an hour after dinner. A sharp stitch beneath the right breast, on inspiration. Fine stitches beneath the left breast, at 9 P.M. While sitting; disappearing, but returning in the sternum. Several fine painful stitches in succession beneath the left breast, while sitting at 7 P.M. Cutting stitches beneath the left breast, while yawning at 1 P.M.


     Praecordium. A stitch in the praecordial region at 1 P.M. (tenth day). Sudden very sore pain in the heart, with distinctly audible creaking (after a meal), together with tormenting nausea. Heart’s Action. Palpitation.

Neck and Back

     Neck. Tension extending from the shoulder to the angle of the lower jaw, so that he could not stoop on account of the pain, nor close the jaws. Severe sharp stitch in the nape of the neck while sneezing. Tearing and drawing in the tendons of the right side of the nape of the neck, at 6.30 P.M. (thirteenth day). Violent tearing and jerking in the neck, afterwards extending down the back, and gradually ceasing. Back. Violent pain in the back and small of back at night, so that she was unable to lie (second day). Two painful dull stitches in the back, extending inwards, but very transient, at 2 P.M. Violent pain in the back, at night in bed, as if beaten to pieces, worse on motion, though also during rest. A tightened feeling in the back above the hips. Lumber. During the menses, frequently intermitting pains in the small of the back. During the menses, drawing pain in the small of the back, relieved by stooping and aggravated by stretching. Preceding the menses, dragging, cutting, and pains in the small of the back, as if contracted and beaten, especially while sitting, relieved by walking; the flow was at first scanty, but next day very profuse and brown, with relief of the pains; on the third day very scanty, and on the fourth ceased entirely; the flow in general was especially profuse at night. Stitches in the small of the back. A sharp stitch in the small of the back in the right side, followed by jerking in the same place, at 1.30 P.M. Two violent tearings causing shuddering in the lower portion of the spine, so that she was bent backward; followed by stitches in the same place, at 5 P.M. (twenty seventh day). Violent pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, from 4.30 until lying down at 9 P.M. (eighth day). After the menses, violent pain in the small of the back as if beaten, when stooping and when not, in the afternoon and evening. Sacral. Sudden, piercing pain in the coccyx.

Extremities in General

     Great weariness of the limbs. A kind of paralysis of the left leg with pain in the hip and knee-joints; ne

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