I really don't see any glaring issues, tbh. You're going to be in the same position spriests were at the end of Cata were in -- you won't rank and you won't be highly competitive without a cloak (like you weren't competitive without a DTR).
Some minor points to note:
- You should only use PI on Jin'rokh because of the +damage pool and the incredibly short duration of the fight.
- Every other fight use either DI or ToF, fight depending.
- I like to use ToF on Council, it has a very high uptime since you're dotting Loa spirits and Twisted Fate images.
- You can eek out a little more damage on Megaera by speccing Halo instead of Divine Star. Your gear level and your entire raids gear level is high enough that you don't really need the healing from Divine Star anymore and the extra damage from Halo would be better for the Nether adds. That's potentially a personal/raid leader call, though.
- I may not be reading it correctly but it looks like you got 2 sets of feathers and only 4 primal nutrient buffs? You can get a total of 6 if you time it correctly. I assume you were not on nest team 1 but the general idea is go to nest, kill adds, pick up feather. Use your feather 5 seconds before Feed Young is cast and then fly up and intercept the Feed Young as he's casting, then move back to your position. Sometimes you will dps your nest hard enough that you catch the Primal Nutrient for your nest but other times you won't, so you will have to plan accordingly. You'll have 2 charges left, so you can use one to intercept the next Feed Young he does after your buff falls off and you can use your last charge to get to your assigned upper platform, but do not go to your upper platform right away. Wait until he casts Feed Young and intercept a green slime (it's not a nutrient, it's just a regular green slime), then dot the boss, then head to your platform. You will be late to your platform but the extra dps you get from having the Primal Nutrient buff will let you blow the eggs up in about 5 seconds, then go back to the platform and see if you can get back in time to do a little bit more damage on Ji'kun with the remaining time on the nutrient. Then rinse and repeat.
People say you'll have a hard time ranking if you're not on nest 1 and don't kill an egg within 5 seconds to get the feathers to get the first Primal Nutrient he throws at nest 1, but I was able to rank this week but it's largely because I analyzed the raid setup and was able to make use of a leftover feather at nest 1. I was assigned nest 5, when nest 1 was coming back up I went and got their leftover feather, then used it to intercept the next Feed Young + 2 Feed Youngs on the platform. By the time I used my 3rd charge, nest 5 was coming up and I went to the platform and killed the eggs. I had about 5 seconds left on my "You can't get the feather more than once every 2 minutes" debuff, so I waited and then picked up the feather and got 3 more nutrient buffs using the method I described in the paragraph above (wait for feed before flying back to nest and intercept on that same feather charge, use one charge for a free feed young on the platform, then use last charge to get feed young + to your platform). I ended up getting 7 primal nutrients, not sure if I'm explaining the timing correctly but I apparently do it well enough in game. It was a 51% uptime.
- Your Ice Wall damage seems a bit low for having 3 Ice Walls spawn, this may just be a result of having 3 warlocks, 3 mages and an ele shaman in your raid, though. I'm able to do about 6-7m per Ice Wall spawn so I would say your 10m looks a bit low compared to at worst it should be around 18m. There was a bit of discussion in the Durumu Heroic thread about what talents are best to use, you can read the full thread and decide what you think is best for you. I outlined my rotation in this post:
Basically just dot 3 left wall sections, 2-3 right wall sections, spam Mind Sear on the inner-left wall until it's dead (ignore DI procs during this time, it should only be 5-10 seconds at most), dot the back wall and refresh dots on Durumu + right wall, respond to DI procs accordingly and then do the maze.
- Primordius looks fine, not having a cloak will hurt you on this fight but not getting optimal buffs will hurt you the most. I was going to say getting the negative debuffs would have hurt you on the fight but it looks like you got it a couple seconds before the fight ended so ultimately not a huge issue.
- You're taking the wrong talents for Dark Animus for your raids capability/gear level. Twist of Fate and Cascade are great for phase 1 while you're tanking adds and dotting everything, but phase 1 is not the phase you need high throughput. Phase 2 is. Take Halo and alternate casting it after every other Interrupting Jolt in Phase 2 and your healers will appreciate it (if you have another shadowpriest, alternate with them so you have a Halo for every Jolt, if not, just do every other Jolt 1,3,5,7,9 or 2,4,6,8,10) and take DI and dot both Massive Anima Golems for DI procs to feed into Animus.
- I use DI on Qon now, too, instead of PI but it could go either way. Your raid dps is really high (assuming you don't have a few people die to tornados like your log shows this week) so that might favor DI because of shorter times quillien being up, idk. It's also dependent on whether or not you get fucked by the shield or not.
- Cascade is bad for Twins (what is there to bounce to...?), Halo is better for the damage and a little bit of healing if timed properly with Barrages, and definitely better for adds during p2 transition. DI is definitely better on this fight because of double dotting Suen when she appears in p1 and occassionally dotting an add that gets revealed. Your damage can be much higher on Suen, you completely missed dotting her on the spawn and it looks like you completely missed dotting her on the first reveal (could have been a tank not taunting). If you have a countdown timer and a UVLS 100%, you can get a MB + VT + SW:P up on Suen before she disappears and that should pretty much guarantee that she spawns on you during the first reveal (does for me, every time, without fail). Tanks can then know where it will spawn for a quick taunt for the first reveal and it should be on a tank every time there after. Make sure you're refreshing your dots right before Suen disappears to get an additional 15/18s worth out of them + DI procs. There's not really a right or wrong way to pop constellations, it'll be specific to how your raid wants to handle certain mechanics so that's up to you.
- Hard to really analyze Lei-Shen wipes in a log but I would recommend using FDCL unless you're really, really comfortable with the fight and it's on farm.