How to use sbi banking on facebook
Facebook banking for State Bank of India: Registration
1.1 Registration Mode 1: Debit Card
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application User visits SBI Official Page, clicks on SBI Mingle tab and launches the application. (Note: Alternatively user can also search for SBI Mingle application in Facebook to launch the application).
3. Click on ‘Register Now’.
4. Select ‘Debit Card’ option from the dropdown under ‘Register Through’.
5. Enter debit card number.
6. Enter Application Password.
7. Enter expiry date. Expiry Date to be entered in mm/yy format as per on the card, for 19 digit cards expiry date entry will not be required.
8. Click ‘Validate’.
9. Enter an application password of your choice. The application password is only for the SBI Mingle Application use, wherein user has to login into SBI Mingle Applica-tion using this password only.
10. Re-enter the same password in the ‘Confirm Password’ field.
11. Tick the checkbox which is beside “I accept Terms & Conditions”.
12. Click ‘Submit’.
13. You will get a message on the screen saying ‘You have successfully registered’ and will be taken back to the login page.
1.2 Registration mode 2: Account Number
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click on ‘Register Now’.
4. Select ‘Account Number’ option from dropdown under ‘Register Through’.
5. Enter Account Number.
6. Next to the ‘Captcha’ text field, a box contains characters. Enter exactly the same characters in the ‘Catha’ text field.
7. Click ‘Validate’.
8. Enter OTP received on your registered mobile number. User needs to click on resend OTP if he/she is not able to get the OTP SMS on his/her mobile in 3 minutes.
9. Enter an application password of your choice. The application password is only for the SBI Mingle Application use, wherein user has to login into SBI Mingle Application using this password only.
10. Re-enter the same password in the ‘Confirm Password’ field.
11. Tick the checkbox which is beside “I accept Terms & Conditions”.
12. Click ‘Submit’.
13. You will get a message on the screen saying “You have successfully registered” and will be taken back to the login page.
2. Facebook Banking: Login
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password. The application password is only for the SBI Mingle Application use, wherein user has to login into SBI Mingle Application us-ing this password only.
5. Click ‘Login’ or press ‘Enter’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’. User will get various options which are displayed in tiles.
3. Facebook Banking: Forgot Password
3.1 Forgot Password Mode 1: Debit Card
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application and click on ‘Login’.
3. You will be taken to the ‘Login’ screen. Click ‘Forgot Password?’
4. Select ‘Debit Card’ option from the dropdown under ‘Reset Using’.
5. Enter debit card number.
6. Enter application password.
7. Enter expiry date. Expiry Date to be entered in mm/yy format as per on the card, for 19 digit cards expiry date entry will not be required.
8. Click ‘Validate’.
9. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number.
10. Enter an application password of your choice.
11. Re-enter the same password in the ‘Confirm Password’ field.
12. Click ‘Submit’.
13. You will get a message on the screen saying ‘Your password has been reset success-fully. Please login’ and will be taken back to the login page.
3.2 Forgot Password Mode 2: Account Number
1. Login to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. You will be taken to the ‘Login’ screen. Click ‘Forgot Password?’
5. Select ‘Account Number’ option from the dropdown under ‘Reset Using’.
6. Enter Account Number.
7. Click ‘Validate’.
8. Enter OTP received on your mobile number. User needs to click on resend OTP if he/she is not able to get the OTP SMS on his/her mobile in 3 minutes.
9. Enter an application password of your choice.
10. Re-enter the same password in the ‘Confirm Password’ field.
11. Click ‘Submit’.
12. You will get a message on the screen saying ‘Your password has been reset success-fully. Please login’ and will be taken back to the login page.
4. Facebook Banking: View Balance
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
7. Click on ‘View Balance’. You will be taken to the ‘Account Summary’ page.
8. You will see the option ‘Click here to View Balance’ next to the account number. Click on it.
9. You should now see the account balance of the respective account number.
5. Facebook Banking: Mini Statement
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. Click on ‘View Mini Statement on the user home page.
7. You will be taken to the ‘Account Summary’ page.
8. You will see the option ‘Click here to view Mini Statement’ next to the account num-ber. Click on it.
9. You should now see the last 10 transactions of the respective account.
6. Facebook Banking: Manage Beneficiary
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
7. Click ‘Manage Beneficiary’.
8. You will be taken to beneficiary list page.
9. Click ‘add new beneficiary’ to add a beneficiary.
10. Here you will get two options as follows:
a. Account within SBI: Intra Bank
b. Account outside SBI: Inter Bank
6.1 To add a beneficiary within SBI you need to do the following steps:
1. Click ‘Account within SBI: Intra Bank’.
2. Enter Account Number of the beneficiary.
3. Confirm Account number.
4. Enter Nickname of the beneficiary.
5. Enter Transfer Limit.
6. Click ‘Add’ and it goes to the confirmation page.
7. Here enter the OTP sent to your registered Mobile No.
8. Press ‘Submit’ button and the beneficiary will be added and you will be shown a success message.
6.2 To add a beneficiary outside SBI you need to do the following steps:
1. Click ‘Account outside SBI: Inter Bank’.
2. Enter Account Number of the beneficiary.
3. Confirm Account number.
4. Enter Nickname of the beneficiary.
5. Enter address of the beneficiary.
6. Enter IFSC code of the Bank the beneficiary is using.
7. Enter Transfer Limit.
8. Click ‘Add’ and it goes to the confirmation page.
9. Here enter the OTP sent to your registered Mobile No.
10. Press ‘Submit’ button and the beneficiary will be added and you will be shown a success message.
6.3 To modify beneficiary from the list you need to do the following steps:
1. Click on ‘Modify’ link in beneficiary listing page.
2. You will be taken to a page where you will be shown the account details of the beneficiary.
3. You need to enter the modified transfer limit and press ‘Add’.
4. Then you will be taken to the OTP page where you enter the password sent to your mobile no. and press ‘Confirm’.
5. The modified transfer limit will be shown in the beneficiary list.
6.4 To remove a beneficiary you need to do the following steps:
1. Click on ‘Remove’ button.
2. An alert will come with two options as ‘OK’ and ‘Back’.
3. Press ‘OK’ and the beneficiary will be deleted.
7. Facebook Banking: Money Transfer
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
7. Click ‘Money Transfer’ and you will be taken to the money transfer home page.
8. Here you will have three options as follows:
a. Own accounts within SBI
b. Other accounts within SBI
c. Accounts outside SBI
7.1 To transfer money to own account within SBI, you need to do the following steps:
1. Click ‘Own Accounts within SBI’.
2. Select account number and beneficiary from the dropdown list.
3. Enter Transfer Amount and press ‘Submit’.
4. You enter ‘Confirm Details’ page of own accounts within SBI where you are shown the details entered in the previous page.
5. You enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile no. and press ‘Confirm’ button.
6. Entered amount will be transferred to the desired account and a success message will be shown in the next page.
7.2 To transfer money to other account within SBI, you need to follow these steps:
1. Click ‘Other Accounts within SBI’.
2. Select account number from the dropdown list.
3. Select beneficiary from the list populated on the page.
4. Enter the desired amount you want to transfer and press ‘Submit’.
5. You are navigated to the ‘Confirm Details’ page of other accounts within SBI where you are shown the details you enter in the previous page.
6. Enter the ‘High security Password’ sent to your registered mobile no. and press ‘Confirm’ button.
7. Entered amount will be transferred to the desired account and a success message will be shown in the next page.
7.3 To transfer money to accounts outside SBI, you have to do the following steps:
1. Click ‘Accounts outside SBI’.
2. Select the account number from a dropdown list.
3. Select the beneficiary from the beneficiary list in the page or add the beneficiary from a link given below.
4. Enter the amount you want to transfer and press ‘Submit’ button.
5. You are navigated to the ‘Confirm Details’ page of accounts outside SBI where you are shown the details you enter in the previous page.
6. Enter the ‘One Time Password’ sent to your registered mobile no. and press ‘Con-firm’ button.
7. Entered amount will be transferred to the desired account and a success message will be shown in the next page.
8. Facebook Banking: Block Debit Card / ATM Card
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
7. Click ‘Block Debit Card / ATM Card’ and you will be taken to the Block Debit Card / ATM Card page.
8. Here you will have to Select Account number.
9. Click ‘Submit’.
10. Select Card Number and choose the reason for blocking (Lost or Stolen).
11. Click ‘Submit’.
12. You will get a message on the screen saying “Block Debit Card / ATM Card refer-ence Number is : XXXXXXXX”.
9. Facebook Banking: Request Cheque Book
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. Click ‘Login’.
6. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
7. Click ‘Cheque Book Management’ and then ‘Request Cheque Book’ you will be taken to the Request Cheque Book page.
8. Here you will have to Select Account number.
9. Select Number of Cheque Books (one is selected).
10. Select number of cheque leaves (20, 50 or 100, 20 is selected).
11. Click ‘Submit’.
12. You will get a message on the screen saying “Cheque Book Request Submitted Successfully and Your Journal No is: XXXXXXXX”.
10. Facebook Banking: Stop Cheque Request
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Open the SBI Mingle application.
3. Click ‘Login’.
4. Enter your application password.
5. You will be taken to the ‘User Home Page’.
6. Click ‘Cheque Book Management’ and then ‘Stop Cheque Request’ you will be taken to the Stop Cheque Request page.
7. Here you will have to Select Account number.
8. Select Stop Reason.
9. Choose you are applying for ‘Single Cheque’ or ‘Cheque Range’ by clicking on the particular button.
10. Enter Cheque number(s).
11. Click ‘Submit’.
12. Confirm details by clicking on ‘Confirm’ button.
13. You will get a message on the screen saying “Stop Cheque Request Submitted Successfully and your Journal No is: XXXXXXXX”.
11. Mingle App Download and Usage steps:
1. User has to download SBI Mingle from Google Play store.
2. Click on App and it will re-direct user to Facebook Browser.
3. User has to first login with own Facebook login credentials.
4. User has to click on “Use Now” to start using SBI Mingle Application.