
Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” By learning about the topics that are most relevant to direct selling, attending Celebration is your worthwhile investment that will make you an outstanding Isagenix leader!

Day 2—Monday, August 17—of Celebration is YOUR day. Pick and choose which training event you’d like to attend and which time works best for you! Looking to brush up on your social media skills? Or what about tuning in to compliance? No matter what, you’ll have a takeaway to expand your skillset.

Now that you know which trainings will happen on Day 2, make your plan count. Map out your agenda on the Celebration Guidebook app, which you can learn more about here.

Not attending Celebration? Tune in to IsagenixLive.com to watch select events. (And YES, you can still get tickets to the event at the Isagenix Events Facebook page!)

We’ll see you in San Diego!

Time Management Tips That Drive Your Business

Time is your most precious resource, so how do you squeeze it all in to create the freedom, fulfillment, and success you want in life and in business? A group of Isagenix Millionaires will show you how you can have it all! Whether you want to make a few extra dollars a month or launch a whole new career, these trainers will pave the way for you to optimize the pockets of your time in your day to get the most out of your Isagenix experience.


Susan Sly

Isagenix Millionaire, 16-Star Platinum, 17-Star Crystal Executive

Cathy Savage

Isagenix Millionaire, 10-Star Platinum, 12-Star Crystal Executive

Kelley & Tyler Dickerhoof

Isagenix Millionaires, START Ambassadors, 10-Star Platinum, 10-Star Crystal Executives


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. – Susan Sly

2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Cathy Savage

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Kelley & Tyler Dickerhoof

Key Income-Producing Activities for Building Your Business

You’ve taken the bold first step to taking control of your health and financial future by becoming an Isagenix Associate. Now how do you break through to success? Discover the basic tools to help jump-start your business from top earners who started out just like you. Whether you’re interested in generating income part time or creating a new full-time career, these trainers will provide you with the building blocks to creating a network that works for you! Key Income-Producing Activities for Building Your Business is designed for Associates who have been actively building a business for under a year or who are looking for a refresher on the basics to growing your business.


Lynn Hagedorn

Isagenix Millionaire, 16-Star Platinum, 11-Star Crystal Executive

Jay Bennett

Isagenix Millionaire, 17-Star Platinum, 15-Star Crystal Executive

Peta Kelly

Isagenix Millionaire, START Ambassador, 10-Star Platinum, 10-Star Crystal Executive


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. – Lynn Hagedorn

2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Jay Bennett

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Peta Kelly

How to Build a Culture Together for a New Generation Panel

Ignite business growth by tapping into one of the fastest-growing segments in Isagenix—START. These young entrepreneurs have mastered the ability to connect to a culture that unites teamwork with the power of personal meaning and vision. Join START Founder and Vice President of Global Field Development Erik Coover and discuss with successful START Associates how to create, shape, and share a strong sense of community among young people. Learn firsthand about approaches, techniques, and tools you can use to build long-lasting value and success.


Erik Coover

Isagenix Vice President of Global Field Development


Hayden Vavra

Isagenix Millionaire, START Ambassador, 10-Star Platinum, 9-Star Crystal Executive

Ben Kelly

START Ambassador, 7-Star Golden Circle, 2-Star Executive

Ciji Siddons

Isagenix Millionaire, START Ambassador, 9-Star Platinum, Executive

Laura Stevens

7-Star Golden Circle, 10-Star Crystal Executive


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. – Hayden Vavra, Ben Kelly, Ciji Siddons, Laura Stevens

Building Your Personal Brand on Social Media

Social media can help you build your personal brand and network in BIG ways. It’s easy to use social media platforms like Facebook, if you know how to do it right. Rather than selling Isagenix products, social media is about finding a voice and persona that is authentic, valuable, and relatable to others. Hear from Isagenix Associates how they have used social networking to build their businesses. Attendees are required to have active social media channels.


Cory Kinnear

Isagenix Millionaire, 7-Star Golden Circle, 4-Star Crystal Executive

Anna Richards

START Ambassador, 5-Star Golden Circle, 3-Star Crystal Executive

Zach Slobin

START Ambassador, 5 Star Golden Circle, 6-Star Crystal Executive


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. – Cory Kinnear

2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Anna Richards

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Zach Slobin

Connecting: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say It

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you should be talking to someone about Isagenix, but didn’t know what to say? How do you introduce someone to Isagenix at the right time and in the right way? This Q&A session will help you learn how to talk about Isagenix products and opportunities accurately and in a way that is meaningful and relatable. You’ll learn how to effectively start conversations, ask and answer questions, and access resources from experienced communicators who know what works. Connecting is the most-requested training topic from our Associates, and it is the core building block for a successful network marketing business.

Associate Facilitator:

Robin Dunda

Isagenix Millionaire, 5-Star Golden Circle, 6-Star Crystal Executive


Lisa DeMayo

Isagenix Millionaire, 10-Star Platinum, 12-Star Crystal Executive

Herb & Patty Cepeda

Isagenix Millionaires, 18-Star Platinum, 21-Star Crystal Executives

Ellen Bradley Ganus

Isagenix Millionaire, 8-Star Platinum, 11-Star Crystal Executive

Mike Dallaire

Isagenix Millionaire, 6-Star Golden Circle, 4-Star Crystal Executive

Shannon Fisher

Isagenix Millionaire, 8-Star Platinum, 3-Star Crystal Executive

Jessica Johnston

Isagenix Millionaire, 9-Star Platinum, 7-Star Crystal Executive


1:30 p.m.– 2:20 p.m. – Lisa DeMayo, Herb & Patty Cepeda, Mike Dallaire

2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Herb & Patty Cepeda, Ellen Bradley Ganus, Shannon Fisher

3:50 p.m.– 4:40 p.m. – Jessica Johnston, Shannon Fisher, Mike Dallaire

Build Local, Grow Global

Did you know you can expand your business internationally right from your own backyard? Global growth is all about identifying who you know and who they know—and then making strategic connections! Isagenix Vice President of International Sales and Marketing Sharron Walsh leads a group of trainers who will show you how to tap into a world of opportunity from your own neighborhood. This session will shatter myths around travel, language, and other perceived barriers to teach you how to activate your toolbox locally and become a global business builder.


Sharron Walsh

Isagenix Vice President of International Sales and Marketing

Luna Pang

Isagenix Millionaire, 13-Star Platinum, 12-Star Executive

Warren Lance

Isagenix Millionaire, 9-Star Platinum, 7-Star Crystal Executive

Rob & Nicole Stewart

Isagenix Millionaires, 7-Star Golden Circle, 9-Star Crystal Executives

Jay Bennett

Isagenix Millionaire, 17-Star Platinum, 15-Star Executive


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. – Sharron Walsh, Warren Lance, Luna Pang

2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Sharron Walsh, Rob & Nicole Stewart

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Sharron Walsh, Jay Bennett

Keeping ‘App’ to Date on Isagenix Technology

Want to manage your business right from your smartphone or tablet? We’ve got apps for that! Join Isagenix Chief Information Officer Tony Blodgett and our expert trainers for a step-by-step learning session on how to access and use this valuable technology to expand and grow your business.


Tony Blodgett

Isagenix Chief Information Officer


1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.

Protecting Your Business:  What You Say and How You Say It Really Matters

Your Isagenix business is a valuable asset. Protect your business, your team, and our company by doing business the right way. Join members of the Isagenix Legal team to learn how to build your business by sharing your story in an effective, responsible, and compliant way.


Richard Stagg

Isagenix Vice President of General Counsel

Justin Powell

Isagenix Vice President and Deputy General Counsel

Josh Reilly

Isagenix Senior Staff Attorney

JJ Birden

4-Star Golden Circle, 1-Star Crystal Executive


2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Richard Stagg, Justin Powell, Josh Reilly, JJ Birden

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Richard Stagg, Justin Powell, Josh Reilly, JJ Birden

Using New Products to Drive Your Business

Learn how our new products can help you drive your business! Join host Sara Richter, Isagenix Product Education Coordinator, and a panel of Associates to learn how these new products will: attract new members, build up your order basket, boost retention, and increase your rank advancements!


Sara Richter

Product Education Coordinator


Eden Slobin

START Ambassador, 5 Star Golden Circle, 3 Star Crystal Executive

Cindy Hedges

Isagenix Millionaire, 9-Star Platinum, 6-Star Crystal Executive

Shane Freels

Professional Fitness Trainer/Natural Bodybuilder

4-Star Golden Circle, 2-Star Crystal Executive


2:40 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Eden Slobin, Cindy Hedges, Shane Freels

3:50 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. – Eden Slobin, Cindy Hedges, Shane Freels

Ranks current as of 7/16/15.

The post Back by Popular Demand: Check Out the 2015 Celebration Breakout Sessions appeared first on IsaFYI.

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