
Looking for a cheap VPS? Read the MyHosting VPS review based on the VPS hosting features, speed, reliability, technical support and price.

MyHosting VPS hosting is the best cheap VPS for personal & small businesses and Java Tomcat users based on our editors’ real hosting experience. Their cheap VPS plan is starting at $12.76/mo, designed for the people upgrading from cheap shared web hosting service for a more reliable, independent and fast website hosting solution. MyHosting VPS is highly recommended for the sites with the traffic between 1,000 and 20,000 page views daily.

MyHosting VPS Review > Overall

MyHosting provides complete customizable cheap VPS plan that you can configure almost all the hardware features based on your site traffic requirement, as following:

Linux OS edition: CentOS or Debian.

Data Center location: USA – New York or Canada Ontario.

Virtual Processors: from 8 processors to 16 processors, 8 virtual processors included, $3 per 1 virtual processor.

Dedicated Memory: from 512MB to 8096MB, 512MB included, $2 per 512MB/mo.

Disk Space: from 20GB to 200GB, 20GB included, $1 per 20GB/mo.

Monthly Bandwidth: from 300GB to 3600GB, 300GB included, $1 per 300GB/mo.

IP Address, 1 IP included, $1.5 per 1 IP/mo.

If you’re starting a new site or you’re looking for an upgrade option for your existing shared web hosting account, we recommend you going with the cheap VPS offer from MyHosting. MyHosting allows you to order the VPS features exactly match your requirement that you can save each penny especially when you have the limited budget.

MyHosting VPS Review > Performance

It’s said “what paid what you get”. Generally, the cheap VPS from MyHosting is not the fastest compared to other branded VPS plans like InMotion hosting, but MyHosting VPS is the most cost effective VPS hosting of all VPS that we had reviewed so far, much better than some unreasonable cheap VPS providers like WebHostingPad, PacificHost, etc.

Our editiors had compared the WordPress site loading speed for a sample WordPress site hosted with InMotion, MyHosting, WebHostingPad and PacificHost. MyHosting VPS is approximately 27% slower than InMotion VPS, but it’s just for half price of the latter one that is starting at $39.95/mo. Read InMotion VPS Hosting Review >>. In fact, MyHosting VPS performance is better than the average o all VPS that we had reviewed. In the comparison, it’s nearly 30% faster than WebHostingPad and 50% faster than PacificHost, as the following statistics chart.

MyHosting VPS Review > Reliability

MyHosting has 2 word class colocated data centers by Equinix and Earthlink feature state-of-the-art security, power, and cooling systems in New York, US and Ontario, Canada – both of them are designed for 99.9% VPS hosting uptime by using redundant network infrastructure and multiple bandwidth providers. All MyHosting VPS services are provisioned to the latest in server hardware including Dell PowerEdge servers and their balanced network is powered by Cisco Systems network equipment.

Our editors set up a site uptime monitor for a sample WordPress site hosted with MyHosting VPS since the beginning of 2012, MyHosting had committed 100% VPS hosting uptime in practice.

MyHosting VPS Review > Technical Support

MyHosting offers 24/7 in-house or on-site technical support via toll-free telephone for 8 countries, including US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia, Germany, South Africa and Turkey, as the following screenshot. With their scalable global support team, MyHosting guarantees that with holding times that average less than 2 minutes and 100% in-house or on-site staff helping with their customers knows how to provide the professional help.

MyHosting VPS Review > Conclusion

MyHosting is the best cheap VPS hosting provider that is RECOMMENDED by all of our editors. MyHosting VPS is starting at $15.96/mo regularly, but now they’re providing a 20% discount for all visitors going through this MyHosting VPS promotional link for starting at $12.76/mo only.

To learn more about MyHosting VPS hosting, visit http://myhosting.com/virtual-private-server/

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