
Infolinks Review: How many times have you tried to get accepted over Ad-networks like AdSense and were rejected? Well just because you were rejected doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to make money from your blog, or monetize it in the least bit possible. That’s what I’ll prove to you in this Infolinks Review.

Now there aren’t a lot of platforms out there which can actually compete with AdSense, but among the few which can, the most popular and widely recognized is Infolinks.

You can google “The best AdSense Alternatives” and you’d see Infolinks pop up on 9/10 results, hence for those of you who have tried monetizing their blogs and have failed, this Infolinks review might be your step up.

What is Infolinks?

It’s an Ad-network similar to AdSense which lets you monetize your blog with various banners and text-ads and make money for you in the process.

When I said “can compete with AdSense” I meant it in terms of some of the very basic qualities of any ad-network, comparing the CPM, CTR, Types of ads available etc.

In fact, in certain terms I’d say it’s even better than AdSense, because hey AdSense ads are too mainstream these days, users have naturally turned a blind-eye towards them. They scroll past AdSense ads as if they’re not even there.

This is where Infolinks has the upper hand, because the ads it serves aren’t exactly “banner” ads, yeah they are in the form of banners and texts but the implementation and exposure technique is much more “attention grabbing”.

What makes it “Better” Than Most?

There are hundreds of other Ad-platforms out there which claim to make money for you, the only thing they end up making you is look stupid with hundreds of ads on your blog and pennies in your pockets.

That is why I’m scribbling this Infolinks Review done, because it changes everything, it’s Ad-serving and implementation technique is scientifically proven to get you more clicks, and hence more money.

1). Intent Powered Ads

What happens with other platforms is, they give you ad-sets alright but there’s no “data” behind those ads, they’re just random products people are trying to sell. No doubt no one pays attention.

While with Infolinks the ads are “Intent” powered, it collects Search Engine data about your website and incoming searches and then is capable enough to figure out what a certain visitor is searching for and then that’s the product the users gets an ad of.

A real-time scenario would be:  You searching on Google for something like “How to get fairer skin” > you click on a search result > you get Infolinks ads related to some kind of “get fair skin” product on the target website.

And the best part is, it does all of this in real-time so even if there’s a first time visitor, it will take only milliseconds for Infolinks to process the data and come up with the most conversion-optimized ad for the visitor.

2). Positioning

Right-sidebar banner ads don’t seem to work anymore, not the traditional types anyway. That’s why Infolinks introduced the “In-Folds” and other ad-types.

I’m sure you’ve seen those slide in after a visitor has landed on the page. (And that’s just one of the many available ad formats I’ll be covering in this Infolinks Review).

Not to mention the smart positioning where you can customize it so that it doesn’t cover in the least any of your “content area”.

Getting Started with Infolinks

3). The Signup Process

Ever Signed Up for Facebook? Let me tell you signing up for Infolinks is probably easier! In fact you can sign up on Infolinks using Facebook itself!

And if not, you can still signup using your E-mail ID in around 60seconds. (Depends on your typing speed.)

Just fill in your URL > Email ID > Name > Password and done!

Minimum Traffic Required: NONE!

This is the biggest obstacle when it comes to getting accepted over most ad-networks, they assume you to already be established.

Well that’s not the case with Infolinks, it will take you in without any obligations on “traffic requirements”. There’s no fixed number as to how much of traffic you’d need before you can get approved.

If your site is professional and has good enough content, you’ll be accepted simple as that.

4). Great User-Interface

With Infolinks you won’t have to “fish” for options or buttons, it’s all laid out as simply as possible. There’s the left-sidebar for notifications, the Top-bar for all the options and links you’ll ever need.

That’s one of them any reasons why I’m writing this Infolinks Review, because even if you’ve never been with any Ad-network before this, you’d still find using Infolinks no harder than your Social networks.

5). Easy Integration

Integrating Infolinks with your blog is just as easy as it can get. All you’ve got to do is copy-paste some codes into your website and done! No editing, no tweak, no confusions.

6). Code-Free Changes

The other thing I suppose you’ll like about Infolinks is that, it’s extremely easy making changes to your code or ads with the platform.

Unlike AdSense and other platforms where you’ve to tweak your code to change the ad-set and its properties, with Infolinks you can do it all right from your dashboard! No messing up with codes.

7). Extensive Customization

You can customize literally every pixel of the ad you’ll be publishing on your website.

You can specify the:

Link colors

Number of links/page

Ad unit colors

Link style


And anything else that you might need to tweak the ads match your website’s theme and layout.

You can choose the

8). Payout Terms

This is what makes things interesting over this Infolinks review.  Now doesn’t matter which platform you’re using, if the payment terms aren’t agreeable, the relationship won’t last long! Well with Infolinks I can personally guarantee it would.

Your Share: With AdSense you get only 68% of the revenue, and the other networks are even lower! While Infolinks takes it up to a whopping 70%!

Minimum Threshold:  High payment thresholds are a traditional problem with ad-networks. That again is a problem I’m addressing here in this Infolinks Review.

The simple solution to this is Infolinks’ payment threshold, that’s just $50! And trust me with their CPM rates, it’s smooth.

9). Extensive and Easy Payout Options

The one thing I can guarantee with Infolinks is that you won’t ever run out of withdrawal options, you can cash-out as soon as you reach $50 using:




Western Union



So basically just about any way that you can be paid, Infolinks supports it.

10). Payment Cycle:

They’ve a Net-45 payment cycle, well it’s not as efficient as the Net-7 of course, but I would say this isn’t something I would turn down the platform for.

11). Extensive “Types” of Ads Available:

Now with almost all the other ad networks out there, you get two basic kinds of Ad types. The “In-article” which you can place between paragraphs, or the traditional banner ads, right?

Well with Infolinks you get a lot more “innovative’ Ad-types, including:







a). InArticle:

This is one of the many newly introduced ad incentives from Infolinks with mad conversions because of reasons like:

Intent-Based: It contains ads from top brands of products your users are most probably already in need of.

Doesn’t eat up too much space by default, instead expands only once a user interacts with your website.

Video Integrated: The ads aren’t always banners and text but even videos! And nothing converts better than a well-descriptive video, does it?

b). InFold:

The second Ad-type I’m including in this Infolinks Review is the In-Fold! Again this isn’t something a lot of Ad-networks out there are capable of offering you.

They’re smart ad-sets which take into account the incoming search traffic so they get a clear idea of what the visitor is looking for, and then display the ad right above the fold, and the position has proved to generate as much as 30x the standard exposure and engagement.

c). InScreen:

If I’ve to explain these to you for the sake of this Infolinks Review (and only for this review, as this isn’t the official definition of what they are) I’d say, In-screen ads are “pop-up” ads on your web pages driven by User-intent and your content.

So again the visitors would get a well-timed pop-up ad with the exact kind of product /solution they’re looking for, hence you get more clicks meaning more money.

d). InFrame:

You probably already are familiar with In-frame ads even before reading this Infolinks Review, because I’m sure you’ve been on at least one website which has this ad-type running.

They are the best way to monetize unused space on your websites. Most of us use only 70-80% of our website-width, the rest is just white space or background. That’s something you can monetize with Infolinks’ In-frame ads.

These are ads which slide-in on your websites from the sides, and the “slide-in” also increases the conversion rate as your visitors are bound to at least take a glance at what’s sliding in.

e). InText:

It’s the most innovative ads by Infolinks. Innovative because I’ve not seen these with any other Ad-platform, probably they exist but aren’t as popular compared to Infolinks.

These are what I call “hyperlink ads”. (Just my personal definition, again only for the sake of this Infolinks Review only.)

The phrase came into being because they look like “hyperlinks” by default, and once your mouse cursor hovers over them, they give you a product you really need to buy. (Scans the web-page content and integrates the ads accordingly!)

f). InTag (Keyword Monetization with Native Ads):

This is just the best form of “keyword monetization” that there is! Well I’m not saying that because this is an Infolinks Review, even if it wasn’t and it was just some general discussion, my verdict would be the same.

The reason being, In-tag ads take up the most profitable keywords from your pages’ content, display them in a row with perfect positioning and no distracting ads.

The ads appear only when a visitor hovers over the keywords.

Also, they’re Native! Native meaning, the keyword row doesn’t really look like an ad, instead it camouflages with your websites content and look like your default content itself!

Referral Program: 10% of Every Referral for One Full Year!

It’s basically like any other affiliate, just with a much better & recurring commission.

If any of your friend joins Infolinks using your link, you’d keep getting 10% of whatever he makes for one full year.

AdShop- The Self Serving Ad-buying Platform

So this is something I’ve never covered before in any Infolinks Review, because I myself came across this new platform/service from Infolinks just couple weeks ago.

What’s AdShop:

Isn’t the name self-descriptive? It’s obviously a platform where you can buy ads and run campaigns for your blog/website/app/startup or just about anything else.

Perks Giving AdShop an Edge over Other Platforms:

Low startup Amount: With any other platform you need nearly $100 to run your first ad-campaign, well with AdShop you can start as low as $25!

No Ad-tech Experience needed: Even if you haven’t run any ad campaign in your life ever, AdShop will still let you setup your campaign with utmost ease

Only pay for Clicks: You pay only for your CPC (cost per click)and not for views or impressions unlike with other platforms where you’ve to pay a define amount for a specific number of impressions.

Advanced Targeting with Country, Keywords, Device, Categories and every other metric that there is.

So bottom-line being, if you own anything on this planet you need exposure to, AdShop is definitely worth a try!

Final Verdict:

So it’s time to sum this Infolinks Review up, well I won’t say it’s the only Ad-network out there, or that it’s the best. Every network has its own perks and down-sides.

But you can’t ignore the fact that there are certain aspects to Infolinks that other networks fail to integrate you with. Starting with the “no minimum traffic” thing to the various different, innovating and conversion optimized ad types available.

Not to mention the extensive customization abilities you get for the Ad-sets and banners to tweak them better and to blend them in with your website’s content.

So well all I can say is, if you’ve had a bad day with other Ad-networks, this is something you should try Infolinks, it won’t make you a millionaire the next day, but it will get you that startup-cash you’ve been wishing for, and trust me “little money” is better than “no money”.

Checkout Infolinks’ Social Media Profiles:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/infolinks/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfolinksInc

Google+: https://plus.google.com/+infolinks

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/infolinks/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NmL0SwdMHjOZBVd2o85RQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infolinks/

The post Infolinks Review – The Complete Site Monetization and Exposure Solution appeared first on Howmate.

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