
If Day 1 of HOW Design Live was amazing, Day 2 was more than amazing. Okay, so maybe it didn’t quite top Day 1, but it was decidedly on equal footing. Check out some of the magic we experienced:

We saw the official 25th Anniversary poster for HOW Design Live by Delicious Design League.

The official #howlive 25th anniversary poster by @DeliciousDL – love it!

A photo posted by HOW Design (@howbrand) on
May 5, 2015 at 3:26pm PDT

First, Tina Roth Eisenberg blew our minds and made us all want to be her when we grow up.

Tina Roth Eisenberg is so magical! “If you’ve done well it’s your obligation to spend a good portion of your time sending the elevator back down” -Kevin spacey #howlive #howmoments A photo posted by HOW Design (@howbrand) on
May 5, 2015 at 7:38am PDT

Started the morning in the best possible way with Tina Roth Eisenberg at #HOWLive @howbrand @swissmiss @insikter

A photo posted by Cecilia Hellichius (@ceciliahellichius) on
May 5, 2015 at 8:03am PDT

Mid-morning, an eerily beautiful fog descended upon the Windy City:

Day 02: Seems like @karlthefog has followed us here in Chi-town. I’m so unprepared for this weather, but brought my own pen to take notes so at least I got that right! #HOWLive #vscocam #design #architecture #vanishingpoint #chicago   A photo posted by Paul Capili (@pcap_) on
May 5, 2015 at 1:28pm PDT

HOWie had some fun in the exhibit hall.

We spent some quality time with the official #HOWlive mascot #HOWie. We gave him a little edgy earring to remember us by. What a looker! #MOOatHOW

A photo posted by moo.com (@moo) on
May 5, 2015 at 2:05pm PDT

We heard from great speakers like Anna Glansén, Jeff Greenspan, Katie Lane, Rachel Sussman, Nick Campbell and Alex Center:

“Always be making something” @gspan #beyourownbrand #jeffgreenspan #HOWLive #howdesignlive @howbrand A photo posted by jpdesignsart (@jpdesignsart) on
May 5, 2015 at 8:55am PDT

Anna Glansén just blew our minds with her futuristic experimentations in #packaging substrates at #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/u0dXb2VUiN — The Dieline (@TheDieline) May 5, 2015

If you want to get paid, you need to plan to get paid – Katie Lane, attorney and negotiation coach #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/4sPdNkUQTw — HOW Design (@HOWbrand) May 5, 2015

Who knew legal negotiation could be so interesting and exciting? Wanna draft some contracts now! Awesome session from @_katie_lane #HOWLive — PrettyLethalDesigns (@prettylethal) May 5, 2015

Hey @_sussman_ thanks for sharing your amazing 10 year long project #HOWLive #howmoments time is really in my side!! pic.twitter.com/LsjD34d3Fa — Silvia Alba (@silvia_alba) May 5, 2015

THIS IS A SALAD @thealexcenter @howbrand #howlive A photo posted by Debbie Millman (@debbiemillman) on
May 5, 2015 at 8:40am PDT

THIS IS NOT A PIZZA @thealexcenter @howbrand #howlive A photo posted by Debbie Millman (@debbiemillman) on
May 5, 2015 at 8:40am PDT

Next we heard from Dan Formosa, Ed Gandia, Sam Harrison, Petrula Vrontikis, Lisa Colantuono and David Lesue.

@aarlisa @HOWbrand #howlive #howmoments @SVABrandMasters “it’s about how you make people feel through your story” pic.twitter.com/3CftHQ7U13 — Raziel M. (@ItsMeRazzie) May 5, 2015

“Creative leadership in high demanding businesses” ~ Petrula Vrontikis #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/FiYjnIPGLf

— Lee May (@mleemay) May 5, 2015

Future-proof your team by getting a seat at the table with these steps: #howlive w/ @davidlesue pic.twitter.com/zUCtPVEqaq — Workfront (@Workfront_Inc) May 5, 2015

As design becomes more popular, the demand for good design will grow – Obsoleting yourself – @danformosa #howlive pic.twitter.com/h4C6f26BZQ

— HOW Design (@HOWbrand) May 5, 2015

Ed Gandia removing the “ick factor” from email prospecting. #howlive A photo posted by lsvdesign (@lsvdesign) on
May 5, 2015 at 10:45am PDT

“We can be in reactivity mode or creativity mode.” —@zingzone #howlive pic.twitter.com/658rBnlbpQ

— Amanda Shayne Aszman (@AmandaShayne) May 5, 2015

Sam Harrison’s session also included balloons.

this just happened. #nomorebadmeetings#howlive#creativejoy A photo posted by Elmarie Jara (@ellajara) on
May 5, 2015 at 10:11am PDT

Those of us who didn’t want to become Tina Roth Eisenberg already then learned that they wanted to be Dr. Brene Brown (okay, so there was a lot of overlap).


A photo posted by Ana Amezcua (@amezcua80) on
May 5, 2015 at 12:44pm PDT

Brene Brown inspires us with her wisdom #howlive #howmoments A photo posted by HOW Design (@howbrand) on
May 5, 2015 at 12:38pm PDT

We enjoyed more sessions with Ted Vadakan, Tom Tumbusch and Laura Foley, Alexander Isley, John Maeda, Glenn John Arnowitz, Susie Stitzel, Paul Miller, Mark McGuinness, Jennifer Kinon and Bobby Martin Jr., Randy J. Hunt, and Michael Bierut and Robin Colangelo.

Jennifer Kinon and Bobby Martin, Jr. Talking about the mark, the symbol, the #logo #design system #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/WTgKEek6qX

— Lee May (@mleemay) May 5, 2015

Your inner critique is an asset. Imagine what mediocrity we’d create without that tool for creativity. — Mark McGuinness #howlive

— Chuck Borowicz (@chuckborowicz) May 5, 2015

We believe art should be accessible to everybody – @poketo #HOWlive #DPforDL pic.twitter.com/mPOJyVla1k

— The Dieline (@TheDieline) May 5, 2015

“Keep your clients close, but your manufacturing partners closer.” – Ben Phan and Paul Miller #HOWLive #productdevelopment #packaging

— Brady Loomis (@LadyBroomis) May 5, 2015

The seat is a means to an end. @randyjhunt #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/M92Ae3qpdU

— Neenah Paper (@NeenahPaper) May 5, 2015

.@johnmaeda delivering the Design & Technology Trends Report at #HOWLive pic.twitter.com/pY5upDQcUx

— Amanda Shayne Aszman (@AmandaShayne) May 5, 2015

@GibaGroup You were just mentioned! @LMFDesign <img src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f60a.png" alt="

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