
Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching sent over samples of her brand new, debut line of embroidery floss. She's pretty excited. Or in her words, "giddy and thrilled and dancing around hugging herself" because this project was a year in the making.

Choose from nine different sets of floss, each with a unique, carefully selected color palette that tells a story. No need to struggle to pick colors that look good together for a project, because Jenny already did it for us.

Each paper band has a tiny message on it, just for fun.

The floss colors won't run, bleed or fade when washed. Need some? Purchase packs here for $6 each.

Free pattern alert! You can also download a complimentary mustache embroidery pattern. Or browse all the stitching patterns and supplies on the website, including tote bag kits like this mountain design, my fave.

I'm not an embroiderer, unless it's to a story I'm telling, but I feel some friendship bracelets coming on...

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