Michael asks…
Where can I download a FREE ebook for keyboard lessons?
I figured that after I got a keyboard I would be able to go somewhere online and download like an ebook on beginners learning how to play a keyboard, but everywhere that I go wants to charge or asks for a credit card to purchase an ebook, and that I do not have (lol). Does anyone know where i can get an ebook on keyboard lessons without paying a fee? Thanks.
JakubSowinski80 answers:
I agree with the youtube solution. There are a lot of how-to videos that assist with learning how to play certain instruments. It’s how I learned to play guitar on my own after a while. If that doesn’t work, you could always visit a music store because they have those child work books for beginners and those help a lot.
Thomas asks…
How to stay in the routine of studying during your gap year?
I am very motivated and I know that I will be able to go back to study after 12 months off, but I’m looking for some tips to make it a little easier :P I’ve managed to get a tutoring job at the high school in which I graduated last year so I will still be in that kind of environment which is familiar, and I figure that’s better than going into long hours of retail or something far away from education. I’ll need to get another job though, but this is what I’ve got so far :)
I’m trying to keep my routine/year a bit similar to high school (as much as I can) and have decided to do another violin exam. This involves perseverance and will give me something to work towards.
I’ve been thinking about buying some textbooks to slowly go through during the year to keep my ‘school’ skills up.
Obviously I will be taking a break and will have some time off for myself and to relax, but I want the transition to university to be as hassle free as it can be.
Are there any other things I can do to prevent myself being sucked into the full-time money making world? Has anybody had this experience and could give me some advice?
Thanks in advance! :)
JakubSowinski80 answers:
Several world-class universities now offer free online courses to the public for enrichment, and taking them would keep your mind engaged in the academic mode without having to worry about grades.
I have a list of them here:
You could also take advantage of the time and read books in the subject you’re interested in studying as well as some classics. The Gutenberg Project has a lot of classics available for free download.
I deferred college and found it extremely beneficial to stay mentally active and to give myself structure and challenges. I had graduated from high school at a young age, and they invited me to be an “artist in residence” that year so I could still be a part of the community. Essentially this just involved me using their studio space for my art, and then giving the school what I created. I also took Spanish classes for enrichment with them. A local university had open-enrollment enrichment courses, so I took a few of those in addition to taking online courses with my university. My main advice is to make sure you create a blueprint for the year. You don’t have to follow it precisely, but you do need to have a feasible plan in place that you can follow so you don’t spend the time idly.
You might want to consider giving violin lessons to younger children if you’re really talented at it and know kids who might be interested. I gave guitar lessons for a couple of summers and found that it was a fun and fulfilling experience. Teaching others helps you to keep your own mind in motion.
Good luck!!!
~ skylark : )
Linda asks…
What is better for my son, divorce or my marriage?
I have a 5 year old son. Is divorce better than a marriage of fighting? I keep wondering, what if my husband and I can eventually be civil to each other so that my son has a financially better life with dual income parents, doesn’t have broken home, has a mother that has time for him, etc. However, my husband and I divorce my son probably won’t see as much fighting and miserable parents. Yet, my son will grow up poor and might not have the extras like, soccer or Karate or guitar lessons or name brand clothes.
What’s best for my 5 year old son?
JakubSowinski80 answers:
I was faced with the same question when my daughter was only one year old. By the time a child is 6yo, they are basically imprinted for life. If you have tried counselling and therapy and whatever to make it work and it was unsuccessful, then I say move on. Twenty, thirty, or forty years from now, what do you think will impact your son the most? Learning how to have healthy relationships and the importance of self-worth? Or how to dress expensively?
You can draw up custody papers that explicitly dictate extracurricular expenses are joint expenses or that they are your husband’s responsibility. He can go to free camps or play for the school. Extravagance and privilege do not automatically produce a well-adjusted child. Stability and love are the foundation of a great childhood.
If you are going to divorce, I believe that it is better done sooner than later.
Helen asks…
Good Website for Free Guitar Lessons on line?
I’m looking for a good website that offers free guitar lessons on line. I cant afford to pay for any membership or anything.
JakubSowinski80 answers:
If you have ever read the biography of any rock star, you will have realized that they did not “make it overnight”, as it so often seems. For most of these musicians, they labored away, in their bedrooms, practicing for years and years. There are few, if any, overnight sensations in the music industry. Almost every star today had a dream as a child to become a musician, a star, a songwriter – and they worked very hard for a very long time to accomplish that.
When it comes to guitarists, the number of hours required to become somewhat accomplished on the guitar is staggering. A young man of 14, who spends two hours a day practicing his guitar, will have practiced 7,000 hours before he makes the stage at the age of 24. A lot of this practice is actually useless, because of a lack of lessons and a lack of guidance. In order to succeed on the guitar, it is important to practice what you know, but also to expand into areas that you don’t have any experience in.
A new and exciting alternative to face-to-face lessons is guitar lessons on line. Guitar lessons on line offer so many advantages that in-person lessons don’t that it is a wonder that all guitarists don’t now learn in this way!
Guitar lessons on line are a great way to help cement into place the skills you already have, but also to open your eyes to new techniques, phrasing, fingerings, and types of music that you don’t know. Unlike face-to-face guitar lessons, guitar lessons on line occur only when you want them, even in the middle of the night! You can stick with the style of music you like, and never worry about embarrassing yourself in front of another human being.
Guitar lessons on line offer you the opportunity to learn much more modern music, music that you have a connection to and want to learn. Who needs to learn an old song from the Troggs when you can learn something that is playing on American Top 40 this very week? Forego the one-on-one lessons and use technology to make learning the guitar fun again!
Another advantage of guitar lessons on line is that they are much less expensive than traditional guitar lessons.
Well a lot less expensive especially when you can go here:
and get guitar lessons on line 100% FREE!
William asks…
How do u learn guitar on your own without lessons like slash and hendrix did?
JakubSowinski80 answers:
They are geniuses with the gift of perfect pitch, they probably sat down as kids and played around with their guitars and saw that they just knew were the notes were suppose to go, that’s perfect pitch, a lot of musical geniuses have this, that’s why as children they could sit at a piano for instance and play without any knowledge of music, what I wouldn’t give to have that ability !!!!! Did you ever hear the end of Use Your Illusion ll, Slash at the end of that plays a short Spanish piece, that blew me away,…… I play classical guitar, that’s why that impressed me so much, I though wow that guy can play anything !!!!!!I also love his solo in Sweet Child of Mine. The only thing that I can advise you to do…..unless you have perfect pitch, is to go on one of the Internet sites and start with some either DVD’s, Cd’s, online lessons, or books, that’s the only way your going to learn without a teacher, that and a lot of study and hard work, if you really want to play this is the only way to do it, so try one of these and see what you think :
http://www.8notes.com/ (click on the guitar)
this last one also has a free electronic tuner on it’s home page, hope that you find something on one of these that will get you started, good luck !!! Bye. Oh I forgot, if you don’t find anything that you like on one of these sites go on youtube and type in guitar lessons.
Nancy asks…
Is square dancing only for older people?
My wife and I got some free squae dancing lessons. And we dont get out much but all I can think of when I heart square dancing is 70 year olds dancing. Am I wrong?
JakubSowinski80 answers:
Its not only for older people, its simply that a lot of younger people don’t know what they’re missing and never think to try it.
This is true not only of square dancing but of New England style contra dancing and most other forms of traditional folk dance. Its a great shame really, as these traditional music and dance forms are wonderful, fun community-building activities, but its not easy getting younger people interested in them.
I play Southern old-time music (traditional Southern square-dance music) on fiddle, banjo and guitar, and most of the friends that I play with on a regular basis are of my generation, give or take 10 years (I’m 50). I belong to an all-volunteer non-profit organization called the Folk Project, in northern New Jersey, that promotes and puts on folk music concerts, festivals, contra dances, and jams at peoples’ houses on a regular basis, and most of the members are likewise in their 40′s and on up. There are a few younger people who show up to festivals and dances — they’re mostly the teen and college-aged children of Folk Project members who’ve literally grown up listening to this music — but very, very few 20 and 30-somethings. Its a problem. We’re not getting any younger — and what happens to this musical heritage if there are no younger people to take it up when we’re gone?
So I would encourage you to try out those free square dance lessons. And look around in your area for contra dances as well. Modern Western Square Dancing — the kind done in most square dancing clubs — uses recorded music and more intricate and precise choreography, I think — which is why you need lessons in order to attend their dances. New England style contra dancing, OTOH, uses similar dance moves and also has a caller prompting the dancers, but features a LIVE BAND (Whoo hoo!!), choreography’s less intricate, and the dance itself is more casual (no club costumes required). And you don’t need formal lessons. Every contra dance features a beginner workshop to teach newbies the basic moves before the dance starts, and then you just learn by doing. You’re encouraged to find a new partner to dance with for each dance, and if you dance with people who know what they’re doing, you can get pretty good at contra dancing in one or two evenings.
I encourage you to try it :-)
Donald asks…
What are the kinds of poems according to message?
Homework. Help please?
JakubSowinski80 answers:
Free verse, Naughty Thoughts, Life, Haiku, Love, Inspirational, Animal, Cowboy, Friendship, Adult, Funny, Wedding, Modern, Sad, Relationship, Political, Childrens, Family, Mother and Dad, soldier poetry, Holiday, Restaraunt and Club, Divorce, Angel, Giggle, Romantic, Mother’s Day, Religious, Lyric, Dark, New Wave, Death, Formal, Sex, Fathers Day, Creative Writing, Simile, Spiritual, Pet, Sports, Erotic, Patriotic, Limerick, Etheree, politics, Mother, others poetry, Native American, African American, Birthday, Christian, Baby poems, Seasonal, Personification, Life Lesson, smile poetry, poetry on drugs, Deception, Apology, Freedom Of Speech, Being In Debt, Hockey poetry, acne, Alliteration, Insurance, Mother’s Day, Loss, Heartache, Children, Passion and Pleasure, The Soldier, Narrative, Holocaust, Black, Def, Fathers Day Poem, Family, Silly Poem, Silly, Fear, Environmental, Loud, Music, Ballad, Thoughts, Poetry On Life, Game, child abuse, Gothic, Haiku, Nature, law, Classical, Poetry about Grandma, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving-Poetry, Relationships, Political, Traveling, Mexicalli Mexico, Valentines Poem and, HUMOR, Valentines Day, quote, Erotic Valentine, funeral poetry, Soldiers, Simile Poem, Saint Patricks Day, Poem on Abuse, Poetry on Abuse, Poetry of Abuse, abuse, grief, Love, Social Conditions, Life poetry, Memorial Day, Guitar, Rap, Dark Erotic, Satanic, Pain, Amazing Kids, Short Story, Being Alone, Beauty, Spiritual Development, Lyrical Fairy Tale, Mothers, President, Halloween, Hope and Faith, let me think, Breast Cancer, Environment, Christmas, Love Poem, Afganistan, Fairy Tale, Iraq, War, Sadness, OBAMA, Valentine, Faith ,Prayer and Belief , Faith and Belief, prison poetry, Spring , Grief And Loss, Mental Health, Birthday Ages, Other, Article, memorial, witchy poetry, Legend, Relationship, Multi Poem, Islam, Mothers Day, Women, Found, Poetry Structure, War, Chivalry, Personal, Adult, Iran, 4th of July, July 4th, Fourth of July, Michael Jackson, 4th July, Love/Hatred, American, Fast Food, Freedom, Faith, Prose Poem, Wisdom, America, Love-Hatred, Other, Urban, The End, Drinking, Gangster, Epitaph, Summer Time, Romantic Love Poem, Summer, one sided love, Irony , humorous love, Male/Female Projections, Job Market, Rebellion, Music, Fantasy and Thriller, Online Dating, Creative Poems, Erotic Poem, Hurting, Health Care, Fantasy, Presidents, Humour, Back to school, School, love, pain, Biographical, Teacher, Dentist, Ted Kennedy, Friendship, Sci-Fi, Feminism, Childhood, Language, Erotic , Eulogy, Philosophy, My Very Best Friend, Scary Poem, Friends, Halloween, Spiritual, Transformation, Creative, Deception, Christmas, History, Families, Thanksgiving, Short Story – A Halloween-thriller, Ideological, Haiku-inspired, Depression, Humor, Irony, Irony, Humor, Horror Story, Love-Fights, Christmas-Irony, Morals, Poetry, Unsolve cases , Bereavements, Christmas Story, A Christmas Story, Children, Communication, Humor, Child-parent, Christmas Sketch/Story, Christmas Story/Sketch, Biography, New Years, New Years Day, New Years, New Year, terror, Writing, Article (: formerly published), Children’s Short Story , Winter Olympics, Valentines Day, Men, Unknown death, Animals, Childrens’ Short Story, Thank you, Pets, Social, Humorous, Cat, Ethnic, Dark,
Steven asks…
What is better for a beginner Gibson’s Learn & Master Guitar or Rock House’s Rock Guitar Mega Pack?
I want to learn how to play guitar and I want to know what is a better way for a total beginner to learn guitar Gibson’s Learn & Master Guitar DVDs or Rock House’s Learn Rock Guitar Mega Pack.
JakubSowinski80 answers:
Hey Andy, I can only give you my personal experience. I tried Learn and Master Guitar first. It is an expensive package but had great reviews. I’m sure I could have learned using it, but my issue was the songs in the program. It may have been updated by now, but the songs were like Ode to Joy, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and stuff like that. I just couldn’t get interested in working on those songs. Then I saw the Rock House DVDs and they were inexpensive so I decided to give them a try. Honestly, they seemed to be more helpful to me because I liked the material better. But, the Rock House DVDs don’t teach any full songs really except one, Sweet Child of Mine I think. Mainly it is teaching you scales, riffs and techniques like hammer-on pull off, sweep picking, etc. For the money I don’t think you can go wrong with the Rock House DVDs. Maybe try them together with Justin Sandercoe’s free lessons.
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