XXUAMH1 is available on OTA(Over The Air) and Samsung Kies. You can update your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7270 with XXUAMH1 based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
So you are now invited to download and install XXUAMH1Firmware on Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7270 . So we recommend that you move forward and follow our step-by-step guide to install this On Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7270.
Note: Your device must be fully charged & Take backup of all the important data before proceeding it and no need to root the device.
Needed File to download:
• CWM or CWM Touch Recovery.
• SuperSU (UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.51.zip) / the latest version.
• Odin 3.07.
Get everything prepared with these requirements first:
• Turn USB Debugging on;
• Flash USB drivers for the phone from here on your notebook or comp;
• Charge the battery of the phone;
• The right model to use for our guide is the carrier + factory unlocked one;
Steps to Install CWM Recovery on Samsung Galaxy Ace 3
Step 1: Extract the Odin 3.07 you downloaded using Winrar or 7zip.
Step 2: Copy the SuperSU file to your device's SD card.
Step 3: First of all restart your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 in download mode by pressing and holding (Volume down + home + Power) button simultaneously until the android logo appear .
Step 4: Again press power button to go into download mode
Step 5: Now open ODIN from your computer, then plug your device to your computer while your device in the Download Mode, You’ll see the ID:COM box turning yellow with a COM port number upon successful connection with the phone.
Note: If there Added message doesn't show up, try to re-install USB driver or change your computer port.
Step 6: On Odin, now click PDA button then select CWM recovery file. Make sure you have checked Auto Reboot and F. Reset. Also, you don't check the Re-Partition option.
Step 7: Double - check and click Begin button in Odin. The installation process will begin.
Step 8: Click on the start button. When the process is completed your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 will reboot.
To confirm update your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, you will see pass message with green background on the top left-side of Odin.
Step by step guide – How to root Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 on on XXUAMH1 Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
Step 1: The first thing to do is to restart your phone in Recovery Mode like shown now: press and hold Volume Up + Home + Power at the same time.
Step 2: Then opt for these two: Install zip from SD card and Choose zip from SD card. Once in that mode, you should do this: go to the SuperSU. Then choose “Yes” to confirm its flashing.
Step 3: Wait for the process to end, then do as follows: go back to the Recovery Menu. Choose, next, the option that will restart your device; it’s the one called Reboot System Now.
Step 4: And the rooting is done. The app that lets you know if the rooting has happened is “Root Checker“. You will find it in Google Play store.
I hope every warning and instruction mentioned above has been taken into care.