
Kai Ryssdal, the Marketplace team, and a compelling line-up of guests will join Houston Public Media in Houston for a live, one-night-only performance that takes a revealing and entertaining look behind the numbers.

The Dow. The NASDAQ. Weekly unemployment. Numbers like these parade through our daily lives, in headlines, on TV and the radio. But what if these numbers hold some surprises? What if each and every one has an interesting story? What if they can actually be presented with a little [gasp] fun?

Marketplace will explore, with this live evening event that’ll give you a new perspective on the news, the numbers, and where you live. Featuring in-depth interviews, fascinating stories, and the personalities you love. It’s everything Marketplace does best, but on stage and before your eyes.

Confirmed! Special guest David Eagleman, neuroscientist & author, Baylor College of Medicine, will join Kai on stage. Marketplace talent includes David Brancaccio, Adriene Hill, Ben Johnson, and Scott Tong. Stay tuned for additional guests.

And there’s one important number we can’t leave out—Marketplace is celebrating 25 years on the air! So let’s get together on September 30 and do the numbers, in person.

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