
Clarabella Tattoo Wear have been serving the alternative scene since 1995. You may have met them at different tattoo conventions and fairs all around Europe. Their site is the ultimate source of getting your alternative tattoo apparel in a one stop shop. Offering rockabilly, punk and tattoo wear at your doorstep, their online alternative fashion boutique is where all the magic happens.

We went behind the brand to find out more about that magic and here Clarabella Tattoo talk to us at House of Coco about their exciting brand…

When did you launch the brand and what was the reason behind it?

Started out in 1995. Wanted to make a difference in the world getting away from mainstream fashion. Since tattoos was a big inspiration we ended up focusing alternative tattoo inspired clothing. It’s been 20 years and increasing the business each and every year. The brand has gone from a single dot in the ocean of alternative clothing to be a one stop shop for major buyers in the industry.

How many people are involved in the company and what are their roles?
We have three people involved more or less full time. Apart from that two more are working part time. So all in all it is a five person operation. There are no specific roles even though each have some special knowledge like fashion design, market analytics and trends and IT.

If you could start over with the business, would you do anything differently?
Focusing a lot more on social media as that one is a huge pillar in the business. Social media presence is such a huge magnifier that if you don’t exist in that space you don’t exist in any space.

What is the hardest challenge you have faced since you started the company?
Suppliers who don’t deliver what you order and a lack of time to do all the fun things that is part of the business.

Tell us one fact about you that people wouldn’t know?
Give us chocolate and we will love you forever!

2015 is here, where do you plan on taking the brand?
Since beginning of the year we have been very focused on bringing in new collections and brands that are still very close to our company mission and niche. I think we’re very successful in bringing in new brands and merchandise that adheres to what we stand for as a team. The response from both old and new clients is showing that we’re on the right track as our customer base increases for each and every month..

Which city do you feel most at home in, London, Paris or New York?
New York is such a big, mixed, colorful and exciting metropolis, so in this aspect almost none of other cities could outshine NY. You can find a massive amount of mixture of styles and cultures for many arts. Personally, I really like to meet new territories of fashion, art or business and I think NY is one of the best places in the world for this purpose.

At the same time I think London is the “NY of Europe”. Many many trends start here and go all over the world, sometimes in as little as a few weeks. And what is fascinating is that it has been working like this for centuries.

With all of these my answer is New York.

Three beauty products you can’t leave the house without?

Female related: Lipstick(s), perfume and wet wipes.

Male related: A wallet full of money, so I can buy all beauty products I want

Style means….?
One of the most important human attributes and an essential ingredient of our life. It is all about self expression what makes our life more colorful. It gives us the opportunity to show off, share, discuss and follow.

Best thing about London to you?
The weather? Just kidding…

London is a great place. Many trends start here so just talking a walk inside the city will give you a wide range of new influences to bring back home. It is always a great experience coming to London.

Statement shoe or statement bag?

Both of them is really important, but I think shoes are much more decisive in our outfit plans than bags.

You have more flexibility when choosing a bag, while a shoe can narrow the possibilities for a targeted outfit. So I’m rather a “shoe fan” than a “bag fan”.

If you had to, what piece of clothing from your wardrobe would you wear everyday?
I have a sweet red Marilyn dress with white polka dots. This is my favorite now, so I can’t wait for the event where I will wear it again.

Favourite love song?
a.) Porcupine Tree ­ Open Car ​

b.) Lana Del Rey ­ Young and Beautiful

Best place for a coffee?
Definitely the outdoors, preferably in a green park with friends, in happiness, far away from everyday worries.

Most memorable piece of advice given to you?

It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission. You want something? Go get it!

Guilty pleasure?
a.) Tons of donuts with plum marmalade. My grandma made it so perfectly and the taste of it just burned into my brain. I haven’t had one for years, but lately I found a bakery where they sell the same. I think I’m their best customer since then.

b.) Stealing beer mugs and pitchers from bars

c.) Watching muscle car related shows on TV.

If you could spent 24 hours in anywhere in the world, where would it be?
a.) A space trip in the Universe.

b.) A safari trip in Hell for 12 hours, another 12 hours in Heaven and then back to Earth

In future, how do you plan on expanding the company?
We’re expanding it as we’re talking.  We have tons of new things in the pipeline. New brands, new styles, new ways of communicating with the people who love our products. But we won’t forget where we’re coming from so it is very important so keep staying close to our roots. I think we’re managing that just fine.

Where can people find out more?


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