

The normal gestation period of a mare is between eleven and twelve months. Abortion in horses is defined as the death and expulsion of the fetus before ten months. The causes of abortion are varied but they can be grouped under general headings.

Fetal Infection

The three possible routes of infection are the mother’s bloodstream, through the cervix during pregnancy, or the presence of infection already in the uterus at the time of conception. Infection may be caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses. A virus that is at present causing a great deal of concern world-wide is the rhinopneumonitis virus, or virus abortion. This causes a respiratory disease in all horses,male and female, but in the pregnant mare some six to eight weeks after the respiratory head-cold it causes abortion of the fetus. In some countries it has become the most common cause of abortion. The mare will usually conceive quite normally the following year and carry the foal. In some countries a vaccine is available against the disease.

Fetal Starvation

The developing fetus depends for its supplies of vital food material in the first few weeks on the secretions of the uterus and then later on the placenta. These mechanisms may fail for one reason or another and cut the food supply from the fetus. Death results. It may be due to malnutrition of the mare, extreme changes in her management, growth of twin fetuses or from hormonal or glandular problems.

Hormonal Deficiencies

Where the mare has been shown to abort because of hormonal deficiency, she can be given hormone injections throughout the term of a subsequent pregnancy. Seek veterinary advice.

In any case of abortion, no matter what you think the cause is, remove other in-contact mares to a separate, empty paddock. Then call your vet to do a postmortem and to take samples for examination. Burn or bury the remains of the foal and membranes and isolate the stall. The dead foal’s membranes and the uterine fluids from the mare are highly infectious to other horses if virus abortion was the culprit. Disinfect the general area where the abortion took place. Unfortunately, if all the mares have been together for several months the damage is probably done and the other mares are also likely to abort.


An abrasion is where several layers of skin have been taken off, leaving a weeping or bleeding patch. It does not go right through the hide. Abrasions occur round the back of the pastern, round the cannon bone (wire burns) and on the extensor surfaces of the legs and joints (gravel burns). The materials causing the abrasions are frequently rope (the tethered horse gets tangled in rope or sometimes it is the result of stringent methods of breaking in, when a foal is roped up); wire (the horse gets tangled in fences); and gravel (the animal falls when on a gravel road).

The best therapy is hot and cold foments followed by the surgical removal of tags of tissue that have lost their blood supply. Apply Socatyl paste (an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory) to the area, and bandage. Change the bandage each two days. Once the lesions have stopped leaking serum, they can be allowed to dry out and a topical astringent agent such as mercurochrome or acriflavine can be applied to the areas twice daily. Do not pick scabs off wounds unless pus is accumulating.


Abscesses can be caused by infection with strangles, dirty injections, or foreign bodies. Abscesses in the mouth are frequently caused by grain, grass seeds or a decayed tooth root. An abscess is effectively present in fistulous withers and poll evil. An abscess is really an accumulation of organisms producing pus.

Hot foment the area six times daily by holding a warm, wet cloth against the abscess site. This should be done fora few days until the abscess becomes soft and pointed. Once there is an obvious fluid accumulation under the skin surface, sterilize a razor blade or scalpel blade by holding it in a flame for thirty seconds. Nick the top of the abscess quickly with the blade and allow the pus to drain out. If possible, enlarge the opening to at least I centimeter in diameter; this will prevent the skin from healing too quickly. Next, wash out the abscess with 50 per cent per-oxide and water, using a large syringe without a needle four times daily. Continue to hot foment and massage the area. After four days, continue to wash out the wound three times a day with plain water until it heals from the inside out. Do not let the skin edges seal together prematurely as this leaves a cavity in which the abscess can reform. If the horse is affected generally, antibiotics should be given.


If a horse has had an accident, very calmly keep talking to it, as it is probably in a state of panic. If the horse is off its feet and entangled in wire or rope, hold its head to the ground to prevent the animal from standing (sit on the horse’s head if necessary). Remove any obstacles from around the horse, and apply a tourniquet or pressure bandage to bleeding points. Keep the horse warm and, if necessary, contact a vet.

A first-aid box should always be kept in the stables for emergencies.


Actinomycosis is a rare bacterial condition in the horse. When an animal is affected, however, areas of the jaw bone become very swollen, and may burst and discharge pus. The condition can be controlled by antibiotics. The condition is caused by organisms entering via tooth sockets.

African Horse Sickness

African horse sickness is a fatal viral disease of horses and is confined to Africa. It can affect the heart, the lungs, or both. The condition begins with a fever, and the incubation period is from two to four weeks. Some horses show slight symptoms of illness such as loss of appetite, conjunctivitis. labored breathing and an accelerated pulse, but the characteristic symptom is the raised body temperature which reaches 40.5°C in about one to three days. There is no treatment available.


Dietary deficiencies of certain amino acids, proteins, iron,copper and cobalt can all cause anaemia, but worms are probably the most common cause in horses. Equine infectious anaemia (swamp fever) and loss of blood in the gastrointestinal tract are also causes. Signs of anaemia are pale mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, lethargy, ill-thrift, and poor coat. When treating anaemia it is essential to first eliminate the cause. Follow this up with iron supplementation, and increase the protein level in the diet. This can be done by feeding the horse milk powder at the rate of 250 grams per day or soya bean meal, or meat meal or cottonseed meal at the rate of 500 grams per day, and giving injections of vitamin B complex and folic acid twice weekly until the horse’s health is restored


An aneurism is a dilation in an artery wall. In the horse this is caused by worm infestation weakening the wall of the artery and allowing it to distend and stretch. The wall maybe come so weakened that it ruptures, causing the animal to bleed to death internally. Alternatively, the wall maybe come thickened due to inflammation caused by the migrating larvae. In these cases blood supply can be interrupted to a section of intestine or to a limb.


Anthrax is a highly contagious, world-wide bacterial disease characterized by septicemia. The horse develops an acute colic and fever, and hot swelling may occur in the neck, throat or chest. In other cases, the symptoms are lack of breath with fever, and bloody discharges from the rectum. Death occurs in one to two days. The carcass should not be touched by anyone apart from the vet who does the diagnostic postmortem, and must be disposed of by burn-ing. Sudden death after a short, acute illness indicates the possibility of anthrax. In most countries the Department of Agriculture must be notified, and the property where the disease occurs put under strict quarantine. Anthrax is always fatal, and can easily infect other animals and humans.


Arthritis is the name given to inflammation of a joint. In horses it usually results from an injury, but there can be other causes. In performance horses such as racing thoroughbreds and standard bred, jumpers and endurance horses the most common joint affected is the fetlock. Arthritis can be either septic or aseptic. When it is septic the initial symptoms are usually a sudden development of heated pain, with the joint becoming swollen and tense. Movement is restricted and there is marked lameness. The joint appears to be filled with fluid. The horse may have a temperature and the area over the joint feels hot to the touch when compared to the joints on the other leg. In an aseptic arthritis the injury is usually due to chronic work-load. In these cases the onset of soreness and lameness is much slower, perhaps developing over a period of months. One of the initial signs is decreased flexion of the joint. The joint area itself becomes enlarged (apple-jointed) and there will be a concurrent increase in size of visible joint capsules(wind-galls).

Antibiotics are essential treatment for septic arthritis. For both types of arthritis complete rest is essential. Make frequent cold applications to the part involved, or irrigate with cold water several times a day. In between. drawing agents such as antiphlogistine packs, epsom salt bandages,or other commercially available packs can be placed on the joint. Systemic anti-inflammatory treatments such as butazolidine or cortisone are often helpful in reducing the degree of inflammation. In cases of open arthritis (open joint), where there is an opening from the joint to the skin,it is best to seek the advice of a veterinary surgeon.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination simply means the artificial introduction of male semen into the genital tract of the female, as compared with natural insemination. This technique is feasible in mares. For information contact your veterinarian. The practice is banned by many breed registries, notably in thoroughbreds, to preserve the economics of the horse-breeding industry.

Azoturia (Tying-up)

The signs of this disease vary from mild to severe. In mild cases, when the horse cools down after exercise it may ‘dip’ when pressed over the loins or become stiff in either the shoulders or hindquarters or both. In these mild cases the horse has a shortened stride of either the front or hind legs or both. In severe cases the horse might go only a hundred meters before all its muscles jam and the horse is unable to move. The muscles over the loins become rock-hard and urine may be of a port wine color. Azoturia is extremely painful. It is usually caused by a high-grain diet combined with a low exercise level. The energy from the high-grain diet is stored in the muscles, and finally breaks down to forman acid. This acts on the muscles,-causing the condition. Classic cases are seen in horses fed hard-grain rations seven days a week, and exercised six days with a day off on Sunday. The disease hits them on Monday when they begin working (its name used to be ‘Monday morning sickness or disease’). The horse must be stopped immediately from any work that it is doing. Do not even try to walk it back to its stall. Warmth is helpful—double-rug the affected animal, or at least use one rug with a folded blanket or feed sack over the loins. Treatment consists of neutralizing the acidity with intravenous injections, and applying anti-inflammatory agents. Alkaline solutions can also be given as saline drenches by stomach tube. It is essential to rest the horse for several days after all symptoms have gone. Eliminate all grain from the diet. The horse should be brought back into work gradually, over a protracted period of several weeks. Control of the disease involves working the horse seven days a week, reducing the high-grain diet, or reducing throat content of the diet and replacing some of it with corn. Injections of selenium and vitamin E are helpful. Add electrolyte preparations to feed or water—these contain alkaline salts to neutralize the acid in the muscles and act as a mild diuretic to flush the acid and waste products from the muscles. A horse that has tied-up once is more likely to suffer from the problem again.

Back Injuries

Back injuries are rarely serious unless the horse has reared over backwards, is steeple chasing, racing or jumping, in which case there is a possibility of fracturing the spine. If a horse comes down in a fall, let it lie quietly for several minutes in case it is merely winded. The animal should then be encouraged to rise.

If there is no sign of attempts to rise, or if the horse appears able to use only its forelegs, it can be concluded that the back is probably fractured and the horse should be destroyed. Crushing or severance of the spinal cord produces typical signs of hindquarter paralysis. The tail is completely limp and the anus relaxed and open, possibly with feces dropping from the passage. In the male the penis will be relaxed and protruding from the sheath. Definite indications of paralysis are not always present in the case of fracture of the back. Sometimes the injury is a cracked vertebra with insufficient displacement to do any damage to the spinal cord. In these cases the horse can usually walk awkwardly and box-rest is advised—but your vet will advise on individual cases.

Muscle soreness over the loins is usually due to mild `tying-up.’ It is rare for a horse to strain these muscles. Additional supportive treatment includes ray-lamps and liniments rubbed into the affected areas.

Sacroiliac ligament strain is evidenced by wasting of the muscles on both sides of the rump. Usually there is a peak-ing at the back line between the points of the hip. The only satisfactory treatment is to spell the horse for at least sixteen weeks.

Saddle-rub is most commonly caused by an ill-fitting saddle and/or insufficient padding between the saddle and the horse. Rub the area of the saddle sore with methylated spirits to dry up and harden the area. If the horse must be used before the wound is treated, purchase a 5-centimeter foam rubber saddle-pad and cut a hole over the saddlesore. This will allow the horse to be ridden while the saddlesore repairs. Once the sore has healed, use an extra saddle-blanket to prevent recurrence.

Spondylitis (arthritis of the backbone) is more common in older horses that have been used for work or sport. Sometimes this condition is due to the horse being cast oreven flipping right over in a float or stable. Symptoms of spondylitis include dipping when mounted or palpated along the midline of the back. Treatment includes rubbing in a muscle liniment or warming the area with a ray-lamp. However, better results are usually achieved by using anti-inflammatory analgesic agents such as butazolidine. Chiropractors and physiotherapists have been involved in treatment with varying success rates. The difficulty is the huge mass of muscle to manipulate successfully.

Bandaging the Legs

Bandages are used for support when the horse is being worked or floated,or when a wound needs covering. Whether an adhesive bandage or a non-adhesive bandage is used depends on how active the horse is, the region of the leg requiring bandaging, and the frequency with which the bandage has-to be changed. It is very difficult (in fact, almost impossible) to bandage the hock without using a self-adhesive bandage. Where dressings need to be changed daily, it is best not to use self-adhesive bandages because they are expensive, cannot be re-used and can pull out .hairs quite easily.
When applying bandages to the various parts of the limbs, it is best to commence by using a wad of cotton-wool from a roll. Wind this once around the affected limb. Start the self-adhesive bandage so that there is at least centimeters on the horse’s skin, then wind the rest around the cotton-wool. Continue winding the bandage around the leg until the bottom of the wad-ding is reached, finishing off with another 3 centimeters on the skin. In the case of the fetlock and the knee, it is important to cross-cross to the opposite sides of the joint to get a firm holding. It is vitally important that the rear of the knee is not bandaged, and the bone (accessory carpal bone) left exposed. Bandaging over this bone will result in a pressure sore which takes a long time to heal.
Whenever restrictions such as bandages are applied to the limbs of horse, they should be checked twice a day for the first few days and then daily to detect any undue swelling. If the limb begins to fill below or above the bandage, the bandage should be removed immediately. If possible, the horse should be walked for exercise to reduce the swelling.

Bee Stings

If possible remove the sting. Apply ammonia, a strong solution of washing soda, or a paste of washing soda. If there are a number of stings, antihistamines can be given by a veterinary surgeon and antibiotic cover is often necessary.



Nose-bleeding can occur from a knock to the head. This should be suspected if the bleeding is unrelated to exercise, and particularly if it is from one nostril. Tie the horse up,so that its head is in the normal position, and apply cold towels to the forehead and nose. Horses in hard training and reaching the peak of fitness will often bleed a few drops (up to a cupful) from one or both nostrils after they have finished exercise. This is caused by either a rupture of a vessel at the top of the nose or, more dangerously, bleed-ing in the lungs. A veterinary surgeon should be consulted after any such bleeding attacks.

Leg wounds

The horse has many large blood vessels in the limbs. When these are cut it is best to stop the bleeding by tight pressure bandages and, if necessary, a tourniquet applied above the knee or hock. (The need for a tourniquet is rare, however.)Self-adhesive bandages 7.5 centimeters wide make ideal pressure bandages.

Blood counts

The normal blood count of the horse is given in the section Caring for the sick horse.

Blood Poisoning (Septiceleania)

Blood poisoning occurs where organisms enter the bloodstream either from the bowel or by penetrating wounds (for example, abscesses). The signs of blood poisoning are lethargy, depressed appetite, sometimes a fever, and a darkening of mucous membranes. This con-dition can be fatal unless the horse is treated properly,usually with antibiotics.

Boma Disease

Boma disease is an inflammatory disease of the brain. There is fever, paralysis of the pharynx, muscle tremor and lethargy. Paralysis is seen in terminal stages and death occurs one to three weeks after signs begin. Mortality is usually 60-70 per cent. The disease has only ever been recorded in Germany.

Broken Wind

Broken wind or ‘heaves’ is a chronic respiratory condition caused by emphysema of the lungs. Emphysema is a persistent over-distention of the air-sacs. As a result of this distention the walls separating one sac from another be-come thin and weak and finally rupture. In this way a number of sacs may ‘run together’ and form a large gap. This reduces the area available for the exchange of oxygen. In many cases it is the result of violent expiratory efforts such as coughing. It can also occur after bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly if the horse is kept in work while it has a virus. It may be due to feeding dusty food, which brings about coughing, or too bulky food, especially if the animal is habitually worked hard immediately after feeding. The animals affected are usually good feeders and are often in good condition. The two main signs of the condition are a double expiratory effort and a cough. The cough is fairly frequent and can be induced by finger pressure over the larynx. It is long, deep, and hollow and may appear in spasms. In severe cases the animal will exhibit signs when at rest. In moderate cases animals exhibit the signs only after exercise.

The movements are exaggerated during expiration. There is at first a short normal contraction of the abdominal muscles and after a slight pause a second more pro-longed contraction. There may be a slight discharge from the nose. Depending on the degree of damage, some horses will be useless to the owners. There is no likelihood of recovery.

Prevention: Attend to feeding. Avoid dusty feed. Avoid bulky food before exercise. Do not give forced exercise to a horse in soft condition, after feeding or while coughing from any cause.


Burns and scalds are extremely painful and animals will resent anything but the most gentle handling and dressing of the affected parts. All extensive burns and scalds (cover-ing more than 5 per cent of the body surface) should be attended to by a veterinary surgeon at the earliest possiblemoment. The burnt or scalded area must be covered with a clean, dry dressing (for example, gauze, a clean hanker-chief or a towel) and a bandage applied to keep it in position. Never apply oil, grease, flour, soot, baking soda,spirit, tincture of iodine or lysol to the burn or scald.

Where the burn results from a flame, the burned area will be devoid of hair. Any loose, charred debris can be removed by gauze soaked in warm, normal saline—one tea-spoonful of salt to 600 milliliters of warm, boiled water. If there is gross dirt or grease around the affected area, soap and warm water may be used before the normal saline swabbing. Alternatively, acriflavine (one part in one thou-sand) may be used in the same way, thus cleansing the burnt area at the same time. For first aid of trivial burns, use tannic acid, jellies, warm, strong tea oracriflavine (one part in one thousand).

If the burn is caused by corrosive acid, bathe the part with an alkaline solution which can be made by adding a dessert spoonful of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to 600 milliliters of boiled water. Washing soda (sodium carbonate) may be used in the same strength. If neither of these is available, wash the part gently with plenty of warm water.

If a burn is caused by a corrosive alkali such as quick-lime, brush out any of its remains from the animal’s coat and bathe the area with an acid solution. This can be made by mixing equal parts of vinegar and water. After acids and alkalis have been neutralized the burnt area should be treated with one of the local applications previously mentioned

Calcium Deficiency

If a complete commercial ration is being used, there is no need for the addition of calcium. When high-grain diets are fed calcium carbonate should be added because these are high in phosphorus and low in calcium. The calcium : phosphorus ratio should be 1.1:1. A horse suffer-ing from calcium deficiency may sometimes eat manure.


The knee is concave at the front like a young calf’s knee. Little can be done for this conformation abnormality.

Capped Elbow

Capped elbow is caused by the heel of the front shoe touching the elbow when the horse is lying down with its legs tucked beneath it. The bone is bruised, and a serious(watery) discharge forms to protect the bone from further mechanical damage. This appears as a fluid swelling on the point of the elbow. As long as the heel of the shoe continues to touch the elbow, the condition will persist, despite treatment.

Either remove the shoe, or place an Elizabethan collar around the fetlock. Once remedial action has been taken to prevent contact, the elbow can be drained by a veterinary surgeon and the blemish, provided it has not been present for a long period, will disappear.


Carpitis is an inflammation of the knee joint. It is caused by hard performance work such trotting, or jumping, or by a horse continually knocking a knee against an object. An X-ray may reveal a chip of bone at the front of the knee. It is common when immature horses are worked hard and long on hard tracks. The causative agent must be detected and stopped, and the condition can be controlled with cold packs, antiphlogistine, or by cold hosing. Rest for several weeks is essential.

Caslick’s Operation

Temporary stitching of the vulva to prevent fecal matter from entering the vagina and setting up infection that would threaten a pregnancy.


A male horse can be castrated (gelded) from the age of two months, but -the most common age is between eighteen months and two years. The modem method for castration usually involves a general anesthetic. Local anaesthetic can be used, however, if the horse will stand quietly. The castration wounds are usually left open to drain, as the most common problem after castration is swelling and/or infection. To prevent swelling building up, the horse should be exercised by lungeing or riding for twenty minutes twice daily for fourteen days after the operation. The more exercise the horse gets the less possibility there is of unwanted side effects. After each exercise period the wound should be hosed for five minutes so that it does not attract flies. The horse should be carefully observed for the first three days in case there is any protrusion of bowel or fat through the wound. This is most likely to occur in the first few hours and is more common in standard bred. If it is detected confine the horse, use moistened towels on the wound and call the vet urgently.


Choking can be a problem with horses because the esophagus (gullet. food pipe) is so long-1.5 meters—and so ran-row. In the heart region it narrows is even further. Choking is usually caused by a piece of carrot, turnip, potato, apple,or by the administration of gelatin capsules containing medication. Dry food such as corn, cut hay or chopped chaff, swallowed rapidly by a greedy feeder, can pack up in the gullet. The usual signs are difficulty in swallowing or complete inability to swallow, profuse salivation and evidence of spasm of the food pipe. The horse suddenly ceases to feed and makes several attempts to swallow or to get rid of the obstruction. There is marked evidence of distress. A veterinary surgeon should be called. If the obstruction is Inthe region of the back of the throat, the vet will attempts to remove it by using the gag. If the obstruction is further cloy the food pipe, a stomach tube can be used to gently push the obstruction into the stomach. Sometimes surgery is required to free the obstruction.


The term ‘colic’ means a set of symptoms that indicate severe or violent abdominal pain. True colic relates to those conditions arising in the stomach and intestines. False colic is caused by conditions affecting other abdominal organs, such as calculi (stones) in the bile duct, or ureter and acute infections of the bladder or genital organs. Colic is far more common in horses than in any other animal. This can be attributed to the small size of the stomach and its small digestive surface; the inability to vomit or unload the stomach; the great length of the intestines and the puckering of the large intestine which allows food or foreign bodies to lodge there; the great range of movement allowed to the intestine within the abdomen; the great frequency with which the horse is affected with internal para-sites; and the fact that the horse has to work at the direction of its owner. Colic is more common at night and is frequently connected with irregular feeding.

Dietary errors such as insufficient supply of water, neglect of regularity in feeding, and long fasts followed by the allowance of extra large feeds, or cold water are responsible for a large number of cases of colic. Preventive measures cannot be ignored in stable management. Im-proper food is most likely to cause harm when it is associated with sudden change of diet, imperfect mastication, greedy feeding or excessive quantity. Many foods, such as uncooked barley, corn, moldy food, badly made mouldy hay and wheat are notoriously indigestible. Overeating, as when a horse breaks into a feed shed, is a common cause.

Foreign bodies such as bits of metal, sand or earth will also cause abdominal pain. Sand is particularly a problem where horses are confined to small areas of sandy soil. Sand colic can still occur when horses are fed in feed tins off the ground—but the condition is more frequent in horses fed on the ground.

Water may cause colic if given in large quantities and very cold to a horse still sweating. Insufficient water and drinking from shallow, sandy pools can also cause problems.

Colic can also be caused by heavy work combined with irregular feedings. Many serious cases develop during high-stress work. Working the horse hard immediately after feeding may also cause colic.

Other causes, some of which cannot be prevented even by good management of the horse, are strangulated hernias, twisted bowels, defective secretion of digestive juices, lack of muscle tone, stricture of the bowel, wind-sucking and even nervous upsets, such as a long float trip or a bad thunderstorm.

The signs of colic can be mild or severe. A horse with a mild form of colic may be on its feet, with its neck out-stretched and upper lip curled back. It may look at its sides, paw the ground, yawn frequently (a common indication of pain), or just be off its food. In more severe cases the horsehorse will lie on the ground and roll continuously from one side to the other. The horse will begin to sweat, the mucous membranes will become darker and the pulse rate/heart rate will exceed 45. Once the heart rate exceeds 70 it in-variably indicates a serious form of colic which may require surgery. Because the causes of colic are so numerous and so varied, it is important to call the vet so that a full examination of the horse can commence in order to deter-mine exactly what is causing the colic. If the horse is lying down but not rolling, leave it be. If the horse is rolling, get it to its feet and keep it walking until the vet arrives.

One of the most common types of colic is impaction colic, which occurs when the horse becomes constipated. Constipation is indicated by reduced numbers of droppings per day, and reduced quantity, with the pebbles being very small and hard. The horse should be given a warm bran mash with molasses at each feed time until the droppings become soft. Some horses require bran mashes two to three times weekly in order to keep their digestive systems flow-ing.

Some hints on preventing colic:

Have the teeth checked regularly.

Worm regularly.

Provide a regular diet and water.

Don’t exercise on a full stomach.

Let the horse cool off after work before giving it food or water.

Adjust the food by consistency of the droppings; if the molasses to the diet.

Don’t feed green food unless the horse is used to it. Check food (especially bales of lucerne hay) for mold.


Constipation in newborn foals is quite common and is called retained meconium. It can be corrected by administering 30 milliliters of warm, soapy water to the rectum as an enema, and then using a finger to manually rake out the feces.

In older horses the condition is evidenced by hard, pebbly droppings in small quantities, and reduced frequency of defection. It can be corrected using warm bran mashes with molasses, linseed meal, boiled barley, increased bran content in the diet or 4.5 liters of medicinal paraffin oil. If the oil is administered by lay persons without a stomach tube, care must be taken to give the oil slowly so that it does not go into the lungs and cause pneumonia.


Coughing can be caused by viruses, allergies to dust or straw (which can be associated with broken wind), growths in the larynx of the horse (usually in old age), parasites(particularly migrating roundworms) which stimulate the horse to cough as they are brought up into the larynx for re-swallowing, pharyngitis caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses, and bronchopneumonia and pneumonia, both of which are caused by viruses, bacteria or foreign bodies such as medications that inadvertently go into the lungs rather than into the food pipe.

Coughing is not a disease on its own, but a symptom of many different conditions. In order to eliminate the cough it is important to determine what is causing it. If it originates from an inflammatory condition of the larynx, local cough pastes may have an effect. If the infection is bacterial, antibiotics will help, but if it is viral little can be done until the horse builds an immunity to the virus. Some countries now have vaccines against the influenza virus.

All horses with coughs should be rested for one week after the cough has gone.

Crib-biting Crib-biting, like wind-sucking and weaving, can become a problem with stabled horses suffering, boredom.

On the edges of the wall, or any projection in its stall or loose box the horse then arches its neck and swallows a quantity of air, at the same time emitting a peculiar characteristic grunting sound. Unfortunately, as horses are great mimics, other horses in the same stables are likely to acquire the habit. Young foals have been observed using their mother’s hock joints as a source of crib-biting. Chronic cribbers are usually hard to keep in condition; in bad cases this can amount to emaciation. Sometimes crib-biting can be a cause of colic. Crib-biting is classified as a vice and generally lowers the horse’s value.

Painting the edges of mangers, rails and boxes with unpleasant-tasting chemicals does not usually deter the determined crib-biter for long. Muzzles (with bars across the bottom) work in some cases. They enable the horse to pickup grain and to pull at hay, but not to grasp the edge of the manger. Once the muzzle is removed, however, the horse will begin crib-biting again. It is claimed that the horse is unable to crib-bite unless it has a vacuum in its mouth, and the use of a hollow bit tends to do away with the vacuum. Crib-biting horses are sometimes kept success-fully in loose boxes in racing establishments with the aid of electric wires strung 45 centimeters in from the walls of the box so that the horse cannot touch any solid object. Wide leather straps or metal chains placed tightly aroundthe horse’s throat will prevent the ingestion of air and diminish in number the horse’s attempts at cribbing. Reducing the horse’s boredom by putting it out to pasture will reduce the incidence of cribbing.


Cryptorchidism, or failure of normal descent of the testicles, is a relatively common condition in horses. One testicle can be involved or both. After the age of twelvemonths it is rare for retained testicles to descend. The con-dition is hereditary. Retention of one or both testicles can cause behavioral problems and the horse may become dangerous.

In monorchidism, where one testicle descends and the other is retained, the descended testicle should never be removed without removing the retained testicle. The reason is that the horse may be sold as a gelding—yet cause serious injury by its unpredictable behavior.


Dehydration occurs when there is a net deficiency of body fluids. It can occur when the horse is losing a lot of fluids because of diarrhea, or through increased sweating in working horses. It can also occur where horses fail to drink sufficiently. (This sometimes happens when a horse is sick or working under stress.) Varying degrees of dehydration with disturbances of electrolyte metabolism are far more common than one would expect. Signs can vary from sub-optimal performance, to the clinically obvious hide-bound appearance seen in severe cases. Dehydration can be identified by analysis of blood samples.

To prevent dehydration use a commercially available electrolyte mix in the horse’s food or water every day. Some horses are reluctant to take the electrolytes, so it is best to add them to the horse’s water. Give the water following exercise, when the horse is thirsty. As the horse drinks the water, keep topping it up to dilute the salts. If the horse will not take the electrolytes in food or water—even after adding a sweetener such as molasses—then use a stomach tube. Many trainers of racehorses have them stomach tubed once or twice weekly with electrolytes to prevent dehydration.

To test for dehydration, pinch and lift a fold of skin on the neck directly in front of the shoulder. The skin should immediately return to its normal position. If it stays in fold for more than three seconds, the horse is dehydrated.


In the suckling foal diarrhea will occur as a natural phenomenon when the mare comes into season.

In both foals and adult horses diarrhea may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, the protozoan giardia, nervousness, oral antibiotics, electrolyte imbalances, parasites (this is very common) and dietary changes. Dietary causes include fresh lucerne. grazing on winter oats, bran mashes,molasses and damp feeds. The diarrhea may be apparently four to six times daily, while the horse is apparently otherwise normal. On the other hand the diarrhea may be more frequent and have a foul smell. This usually is due to blood and mucous membrane lining from the gut and is called dysentery. It is very serious and requires veterinary treatment urgently. The diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea is often very difficult. Sometimes massive wasting of body tissues can occur before treatment is effective. The diagnosis cause of diarrhea is based on microscopic examine the feces for worm parasite eggs and giardia, and cultures to locate causative bacteria. Blood counts are helpful in determining electrolyte abnormalities. Diarrhea in foals and horses is a condition that requires veterinary attention. In young foals particularly, it can progress to infection of joints and pneumonia.

The treatment of diarrhea cases depends on the of the disease. The owner should not deprive the horse of water, as this will only increase the possibility of hydration. The diet should be changed to increase the pollard and chaff, creating a bland diet and lucerne. Various treatment regimes under veterinarian.


A discharge means that there is an area of infection ing. This can be soft tissue (for example, an abscess_ muscle), an embedded foreign body, or decay oft – tooth. It is pointless cleaning the superficial discharge basic cause must be identified and treated.


Drenching usually refers to the oral administration of liquid medications. It is done for the purpose of correction of dehydration or feeding the sick horse.

It is also refer to the administration of these compounds via stomach tube. Stomach tubing is the insertion of a tube through the nostril and into the stomach of the horse is a delicate procedure, for if the tube enters the 11 n medication is administered the horse will die. Storring of horses should be left to a veterinary surgeon

Dropped Elbow (Radial Parallysts)

In this condition, which is caused by injury to thee ranerve where it passes over the front of the shoulder animal stands with the knee of the affected leg bent fetlock semi-flexed. .The lameness (paralysis) rapidly worsens, and if itduring a journey the horse may experience great in getting to a stable. The condition can also occur after horse has been lying on its side for some period operation (damage can be prevented by elevating the shoulder and pushing an inflated tyre-tube. The nerve may also be damaged by a car accident or a from another horse.

The animal can be put into slings for the first few or until it becomes accustomed to the loss of use of limb. Massage of the shoulder muscle for an hour daily is very helpful; sometimes electrical massage procedures help the muscle retain its tone. Beyond that, you can only wait for natural healing to take place. If no improvement after six weeks, euthanasia ma-only choice. Complete healing is a very long-term often up to six months.

The elbow will also drop, and the leg assume picture in severe lameness of the foot. However condition, the horse can draw the leg forward and


This is a filling of the head, legs, dependent parts of the chest, the prepuce and belly with fluid. It can occur as abnormal syndrome in mares in late pregnancy, but it is usually associated with a heart or circulation problem. If it occurs in one area (for example, one limb) only, the poor circulation may be due to infection or tight bandages.

Ear Disorders

Horses rarely have trouble with their ears. If there is an ear infection, the horse will carry its head on the side, or hold both ears in a lop-eared (horizontal) position.

Wind a wad of cotton-wool around the end of your finger and clean out the ear canal. If the infection is caused by ear-mites, these will be seen under a magnifying glass on the dirt on the cotton-wool; they are white and their legs can be seen moving. Ear-drops used for dogs and cats are suitable for use in the horse’s ear and will clear out the mites. The horse’s ear does not need routine cleaning out during grooming.


The main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate ions. These ions are lost in such body fluids as sweat, urine, diarrhea and saliva. Their function is to generate electrical impulses in the muscles of the body. Deficiencies lead to ineffective muscular movements and dehydration


Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain often associated with meningitis. It is caused by bacteria and viruses and can sometimes be a complication of strangles. Symptoms may range from dullness to head pushing and excitement. Suspected cases should be referred to a veterinary surgeon.

Equine Infectious Anaemia (Swamp Fever)

This is an acute or chronic viral disease of horses transmitted by biting flies, mosquitoes, or by injection of minute amounts of blood. It can also be transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated material. It is characterized by intermittent fever, loss of weight, progressive weakness,marked depression, and dropsy of the lower parts of the body. The disease also may exist in a subclinical form, in which the animal appears normal.

The disease is found in Europe, Japan, North America and Australia. As the virus is present in all the organs,blood, saliva, urine and milk of the horse, contamination of shared food and water supplies is common. There is no specific treatment for the disease.

Equine Piroplasmosis

This is a specific disease affecting horses, mules and don-keys, and is caused by the invasion of the red blood cells by a parasite. The symptoms are a high temperature and a yellow discoloration of the mucous membranes of the eye and mouth which after a few days become deep orange or reddish-brown in color. There is an irregular intermittent fever reaching 40.5-41°C. The urine may be a deep orange or reddish-brown color. The disease can be successfully treated with drugs.


Sometimes a horse suffering from an incurable illness or severe injuries must be put down. Drugs now available allow a horse to be put down with more dignity than if it were shot. However, if drugs are not available and the case is urgent, the horse can be shot with a .22 calibre rifle. The bullet should be aimed 10-12 centimeters above the eyes in the centre line of the forehead—the gun so angled that the bullet passes upwards through the brain to the spinal cord

Eye Disorders

• Cataracts

Cataract refers to an opacity which affects the lens of theeye. The lens becomes chalky so that light does not passthrough it. The cataract may be congenital (present in the foal at birth) or it may be progressive, which means that a small congenital cataract may become more extensive. The condition may be acquired during life as an extension from an eye infection, or it may result from injury. There is not yet a successful treatment for cataract in the horse

Fetlock Joint DIsorders

The most common problem with the fetlocks is an arthritic condition called ‘apple-joint’. This is often associated with wind galls or with puffy swellings at the side of the joint. Both of these conditions are caused by strain on the joint, usually when young immature horses are used for hard work, such as endurance, racing or jumping. The swelling of the joint and the windgalls are due to arthritis caused by overextension of the joint. If work continues the joint will gradually lose flexion, the horse will become sore and consequently lame.

If the horse is young, stop any forced exercise and spell the horse until three years of age. If the horse is older, rest for four months—but the prognosis is unfavorable long term, if the same hard work is contemplated. Antiphlogistine packs, epsom salts bandages or cold hosing for ten minutes four times daily, will help to reduce the swelling and heat in acute cases. The administration of anti-inflammatory agents (for example, phenylbutazone and cortisone) also is helpful in relieving this condition.

Blistering or pin-firing have very little long-term effect. Once the joints have enlarged and are hard, nothing can be done to reduce their size. If the horse has been in work and the joints are cool and not sore on flexion, the prognosis is favorable.

Other conditions of the fetlock joint, such as fractured sesamoids, dislocation of the sesamoids, fractures of the long-bones either side of the joint and deviation of the joint should all be left to the vet for discussion.


Fever is a rise in body temperature. The fevered horse usually looks depressed and feels hot, particularly its ears. The normal rectal temperature for an adult horse is 37.5-38.5°C. A stubby thick bulb ended thermometer is best. The thermometer should be shaken down to below normal temperature level, inserted along the wall of the rectum and left in place for one minute. The normal body temperature may be higher in animals during pregnancy,parturition, lactation and in the young animal.

Fevers can be caused by various organisms, viruses, toxic products, certain chemical agents, heat or sunstroke. A fever usually has three stages: a cold stage or shivering fit, a hot stage, and the decline of the fever. As a rule fever is a protective reaction of the body against invading organisms. Providing the fever is mild and not therefore endangering the nervous system, the heart or the digestive organs, clean stabling and good food alone are satisfactory treatments. The animal should be kept in a well-ventilated,clean box and provided with a comfortable bed. If the horse is normally rugged, it should have a light-weight rug sufficient to keep it warm without sweating. If it sweats leave the rug off. There should be a plentiful supply of fresh clean drinking water and the diet should be laxative and easily assimilated. If the fever looks suspiciously like a symptom of a contagious disease, the animal must beisolated. Once temperatures get over 39.4°C veterinary attention should be sought.

Filled Legs

Filled legs refers to swelling in the legs, usually from the coronet upwards around the cannon bone. It may occur in-one leg or all four. Where it occurs in one leg it is usually due to a blow or injury. Greasy heel is also a cause. Close examination usually reveals a small nick or mark, perhaps where the horse has struck itself, where a small infection has developed. The horse should be lightly worked, thencold hosed and an antiphlogistine or epsom salts bandage placed on the leg. An epsom salts bandage is made by spreading out a piece of cotton-wool sufficient to cover the affected area. Lightly sprinkle epsom salts over and dampen. Place around the affected area and bandage over. This should be repeated at least twice daily for three to four days. Spray the nick with an antibiotic solution.

Sometimes the hind legs or all four legs fill overnight, but after work in the morning the swelling subsides. This maybe associated with high-grain diets or a virus. If the swell-ing in any leg is hot and does not improve with the above treatment, seek advice as the horse will need antibiotics.

First Aid Box

This should contain the following:

• Twitch

• Wire cutters

• Sharp knife. scissors

• Pliers (for pulling nails from feet)

• 4 adhesive bandages, 7.5 centimeters wide

• 4 conforming bandages, 7.5 centimeters wide

• 1 roll of cotton-wool

• 100 milliliters general antibiotic

• 6 (20 milliliter) syringes and needles, 19 gauge 500 grams epsom salts

• 1 packet of antiphlogistine

• 200 milliliters 5 per cent formalin Mercurochrome, triple dye

• Antibiotic lotion for topical application Antibiotic powder

• Thermometer (thick end bulbed)Peroxide 3%

• Antiseptic wash (e.g. chlorhexidine)


This is a weeping wound—such as an open abscess site. It may be due to an infected bone, the root of a tooth, or to a foreign body lodged deep in the body (bits of stick, wire,or a nail in the foot). Fistulous withers (infections of the withers), and poll evil (infections of the poll of the head),also give rise to fistulas. In the case of weeping wounds or fistulas, the source of the problem must be dissected out,for the wound will not heal with irrigation alone. Once the cause is removed, treatment is the same as for abscesses


Anal flatulence in the horse is rarely offensive and is rarely a problem. It is almost always associated with a diet, particularly when the horse goes on to fresh diet. Some horses always break wind when they start.

Flatulent colic may arise from an obstruction bowel leading to a build-up of gas in the stomach_also occur when a hard-fed horse is given sudden lush green grass. New hay, especially if damp. may excess gas production. In these cases the animal has toms similar to those of spasmodic colic but the continuous and the animal frequently crouches but lies down. It will yawn, paw the ground and look Insides. There are frequent attempts at urination. A veterinary surgeon should be relieve the gas by stomach tube.

Fly Bites

Fly and other insect bites can cause a number of diseases in horses, particularly in Africa and South America. In Australia, for example, they develop the so-called Queen-itch. The bot-fly, although it does not bite the horse. irritates by its loud humming. As it circles around seek lay its eggs on the hair, it can annoy horses to the erg that they group together for defense, or else bolt to from it. Flies can annoy horses to such an extent that they may go off their food or lose weight. Flies congregating around the eyes can cause a conjunctivitis. Flies will also irritate wounds on a horse.


A common name for laminitis (fever of the foot).


The term ‘fracture’ is given to the breaking of a bent cartilage. Criticism is often made in the press and public if a horse that breaks its leg is destroyed. Fracture is often caused by a kick from another horse. Or the animal may fall on its muzzle and fracture the lower jaw, or base of the skull or neck. Jumping may result in fracture of the legs, spine or pelvis. Spinal fracture can occur when the animal is cast for surgery. Struggling during recovery can result in fractured limbs. Horses while lungeing have fallen on their head and fractured their neck. Spontaneous fracture of the legs, vertebrae of the back, or the shoulder, can all occur even at slow work. It can occur as a result of muscular incoordination and is the most probable explanation of these spontaneous fractures when they occur.

Sometimes a distinct crack is heard. Great lameness is apparent immediately and there may be excessive mobility or deformity of the part. Grating or grinding may be felt on movement of the area. Inability to bear weight is strongly suggestive of fracture, but not conclusive. Muscular twitching may be present and patchy sweating may occur. Pain is usually present.

In cases involving the nose there is usually deformity and hemorrhage and breathing may be noisy because of obstruction of the nasal passages.

Fractures of the ribs may cause paralysis of a limb and,if complicated by a punctured chest wall, may allow air to pass to and fro from the chest.

In cases of fracture of the skull (sometimes caused by rearing up in a stall) hemorrhage from the ear is common. If the fracture is severe, hemorrhage may occur into the brain causing death. If fractures occur behind the mid-section of the neck, paralysis of the diaphragm may occur.

Fractures of the spine cause paralysis and inability to raise the hindquarters.

In fracture of the limbs with displacement, there will be shortening of the limb.

The diagnosis of a fracture may be quite easy or very difficult. A major fracture of a long bone is easy, but a split pastern, pelvic fracture, and fractures of minor bones are difficult. When in doubt, X-rays are advised. Fractures are always a serious affliction and it is best to consult a vet for diagnosis and available treatment, if any

The action of excessive cold on the skin may produce frost-bite, a condition resembling a burn. Horses are capable of withstanding very cold weather without suffering, as long as they are well fed and are allowed to grow their natural protective coat of long hair. Minor forms of frostbite can occur on the lower legs, particularly if the animal is forced to stand in mud and water in cold weather. The wet, cold conditions can cause death of the surface cells of the skin and damage to the deeper layers. As in burns, dilation of the small blood vessels of the skin occurs followed by oozing of fluid through their walls into the surrounding spaces. This results in the skin becoming swollen and painful. Sometimes the affected area may be the size of a matchbox. The condition is called mud fever.

Frost Bite

To prevent problems, do not wash the horse’s legs in wintertime but dry the legs thoroughly without delay. If winter pasturing the horse, avoid ground that easily be-comes waterlogged. Always make sure that animals get sufficient food to keep them in good general condition throughout the winter.

Galls and Saddle Sores

Girth galls and saddle sores are eroded areas of skin which can eventually die and slough out, leaving a nasty open sore. They are caused by constant pressure from ill-fitting gear.

Predisposing causes include:

• Low withers, allowing the saddle to be displaced forwards. High withers, which are apt to be compressed by the pommel (front arch) of the saddle. Narrow chest, making it difficult to tighten the girth,sufficiently to prevent the saddle moving.

• Poor condition, causing the skin to be severely compressed between the gear and protruding bones.

• An awkward or tired rider, who rolls about or sits lopsidedly.

• Sweating, or the skin being wet from rain.

Galls may sometimes be prevented by leaving the saddle on for about half an hour after the horse finishes work toallow the blood to return gradually to the squashed vesselsand thus prevent their rupture (hematoma) from sudden forcible distension. Gradual return of blood without rupture of vessels will still allow fluid through the bruised vessels into the subcutaneous tissues. Galls should betreated first with cold water and astringent lotions to prevent further distension, and afterwards with moist heat andmassage to promote absorption of the fluid.

Once a gall or rub does appear, the horse must not beworked until the sore is completely healed. Spray the area with acriflavine, triple dye, mercurochrome or an antibiotic solution. Commercial sprays are available. Determine the cause of the injury and if necessary adjust the gear. Thick foam saddle pads and sheepskin girth-covers are good insurance against recurrence.


A gelding is a desexed male horse.


Glanders is a highly contagious disease of the lymphatic system caused by bacteria. It causes nodule development,ulcerations and degeneration in the respiratory passages orin the skin. It is a very difficult disease to treat, and requires veterinary attention. Australia and New Zealand are free of the disease.

Infection be exercised in handling diseased animals, for example, at post-mortems.

In horses, mules, and donkeys, infection can result fromthe inhalation of particles of nasal discharge floating in the atmosphere of the stables. The most frequent source is ingestion of the organism in water or food that has become contaminated with nasal discharge through the medium of mangers, nosebags, buckets and waterers. Sponges, rags and other grooming cloths also commonly convey the disease directly from nose to nose.

The incubation period can vary from a few days to months. The signs of the disease present themselves in two forms:

Glanders form (localised in the respiratory pass-ages.) Discharge from one or both nostrils of a sticky nature, snuffling breathing, ulcerations on the nasal mucous membranes, hard lumps in the glands under the jaw on the side on which nasal symptoms are apparent. Variable amount of fever. In acute cases, the whole face may become swollen, and the respirations of a characteristic wheezing, snuffling or snoring type. While the symptoms of nasal glanders are quite unmistakable, they should be differentiated from other similar disease.

Farcy form (nodule formation in the lymphatics of the legs, head, neck or other parts) Nodules or ‘buds’ and ulcers along their course. The ulcers do not show any tendency to heal. Both glanders and farcy can occur together.

In the case of an outbreak, destroy all affected animals as the disease is to all intents and purposes incurable. Dispose of carcasses (burn or bury). Other animals on the property should be isolated, as should in-contact animals on farms either side of the diseased animals. Call the vet.

Grass Sickness

Grass sickness is a very well-known disease in Scotland where it occurs year by year in epidemic form. Sporadic cases occur in England and Sweden, but most other countries are free of the disease. In Scotland it affects all breeds and any age group except suckling foals. The disease was originally thought to come from grass, particularly in horses having access to grass in the late spring after having been housed and fed on hard feed during the winter, but more recent opinion is that it is caused by a virus. Grass sickness is almost invariably fatal, as it produces non-reversible paralysis of the entire alimentary tract. The very rare cases that do survive would generally be better off dead as suffering is extreme.

Greasy Heel

Greasy heel is a dermatitis of the back of the pastern, and is particularly prevalent in damp conditions. The skin is inflamed and has a pussy discharge which forms a scab. Often horizontal cracks in the skin occur. The condition can become so painful that lameness occurs. Horses with white or pale-colored hair in the pastern region are more susceptible, as are horses that have had the feather cut from the fetlock, allowing water to run down the back of the pastern rather than drip off the feather.

Treatment is to ensure that the pasterns are dry all the time. Wash the affected legs down with an antibacterial soap or shampoo to remove excess exudate, towel dry gently, then apply mercurochrome, acriflavine or triple dye twice daily to the area. If this fails, an antibiotic, antifungalcorhisone cream should be applied three times daily after thorough washing and drying.


A hematoma is a soft, often painless swelling filled wit]blood. It can be caused by a kick, or by running into a:object. It is best to confine the horse to a stable for ten days, so that the ruptured vessel wall has time to repair. If its in an area that will allow a firm bandage, this will reduce the eventual size of the hematoma.

Most hematomas will eventually disappear of their own accord without leaving a blemish. If drainage of an especially large hematoma is desired, let it settle for ten day first. Drainage may be done under surgical asepsis, otherwise the hematoma will easily become infected.

Harvest Mites

The larval form of the harvest, mite is found in ‘grass, ha:and other fodder. When present on the skin in protected parts such as the heels and back of the fetlock, they produce marked skin irritation and often play some part giving rise to cracked heels or the so-called heel bug. The:can cause irritations of the mane and tail to form a dermatitis. This causes constant rubbing and loss of hair from the mane and the root of the tail.

Head Shaking

This condition is sometimes met with in riding horses, making them uncontrollable and extremely dangerous to ride. It should not be confused with head shaking as an attempt to escape from the pain inflicted on the mouth by a heavy handed rider. Irritation from ear mites, a badly fitting built too tight a throat latch or a sinus infection can all cause the problem.


Heat-stroke usually occurs on extremely hot, humid day in horses left to stand in the sun unprotected. Work in animals may also suffer heat exhaustion, but usually less severely. Heat-stroke is usually rapid in onset.

The symptoms are staggering, coma, labored breathing, slow an irregular pulse and usually a dry skin (dehydration). Rectal temperatures may reach 41.1°C or higher. Emergency treatment includes reducing body temperature by getting;the horse into the shade (an improvised shelter will do)spraying it with water, giving cold water enemas and applying cold packs to the head.

Veterinary attention is essential. Further treatment to combat shock involves administering saline or electrolyte intravenous drips. To help pre-vent laminitis, the feet should be immersed in cold water. Full recovery will take seven days of complete rest.

Hock Disorders Bog Spavin

Bog spavin is a soft distention of the joint membrane which is filled with joint fluid. It is most common in young animals or in those with more upright or straight legs. It is also more common in animals in which great strain is thrown upon the hocks (such as entire horses, aged stallions and breeding mares).

In recent acute cases the usual symptoms are heat, pain and marked lameness. Usually, however, the swelling is cold, painless, and fluctuating on pressure, and lameness is rare. Animals affected will commonly work well through-out their life without treatment and may experience few problems. In acute cases, cold applications with astringent lotions and massage are indicated. Provided there is no lameness or heat it is best left alone.

Bone Spavin

Bone spavin is the name given to a bone enlargement on the lower and inner aspect of the hock. It is regarded as hereditary disease. Conformation plays a large part. Whilst it may affect any hock, it is more likely to occur in hocks which when viewed from in front appear narrower or to taper towards the shank—and less likely in square hocks. Defective conformation also includes ‘small’ hocks, `tied-in’ hocks, ‘sickle-shaped’ hocks,and ‘cow’ hocks. These conformations constitute weaknesses, rendering the joint liable to inflammation under the stress of work.

Lameness is always most marked on starting after rest,but diminishes with exercise and in some instances disappears. The horse takes a short stride with the affected leg,the hock is not flexed normally, and as a result the toe of the shoe is frequently worn. Turning the horse in a small circle with the lame leg outside increases the lameness and the animal has a jerky way of taking the foot off the ground, possibly through increased pain when the joint is extended. Forced flexion of the joint will increase the lameness.

Hold the affected leg up in flexion for a minute or two and then release it and move the horse off. If the horse is lame from spavin there may be great aggravation of the lameness. It should be remembered that the same result will follow from sprained tendons, or any lameness at orbelow the hock.

In most instances the treatment for horses under twelve years of age is favorable—but not so favorable beyond this age. The best method of treatment is to pin-fire the affected area and apply a red mercurial blister into the punctures and around the whole enlargement. Repeat th

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