
Welcome to my bi-weekly online editorial, Brother Bart’s  Conspiracy Corner.  The exploits which led me to this endeavor are both colorful and arduous.  For brevity, let me just say that I began my career as an actor, then playwright, then filmmaker, then documentary journalist, then writer.  The entertainment field, especially theatrics and film production, laid a great foundation for understanding the art of illusion, which after all, is the craft of all conspiracies.  I also had the opportunity to work in television news for a couple of years.  After my first broadcast as senior editor, I heard the producer say to the anchor, “Good show”.  “Show?”  I asked,  “I thought this was News!” I quipped back with indignation.  “No Bart . . . It’s a show.”

Just to let you know how naïve, simple-hearted and idealistic I really am to the bone, even to this day, I was actually dismayed, disappointed and emotionally crushed when I found out this little known industry secret.  I quickly saw how corporate news (which is how 99% of the world’s population receives their disseminated information) is completely contrived from the top down like a disneyland dictatorship.  I am absolutely convinced that if a nuclear bomb was dropped on Washington D.C. and the owner of the network telephoned the news director telling them that they instead wanted the lead story to be about a cat that had twenty kittens, guess which of the two events would be at the top of the broadcast?  Trust me, that is how it works.

The employees of news organizations do what they are told by the owners who write their inflated paychecks in order to keep their jobs, just like any employee at any other company.  Doing what they are told in this case means speaking the scripted words they are given and not discussing any unauthorized topic.  If they rock the boat, they are immediately fired, loosing their exalted reputation and income, with which they are often obligated to pay off enormous incurred debt, striving for the materialistic dream they themselves have been brainwashed into spending their entire energies to attain (though you can not take it with you into the much longer eternity we will all have to eventually face) . . . So goes the completely contrived vicious cycle the majority, it seems, have forfeited their souls for, to the delight of the Powers-that-Be, who lured them into this trap in the first place for the very purpose of their obliged corporate submission, to pay off the debt they have cleverly lured them into owing, all the while addictively overfeeding them with what they market as desirable wealth, yet is really an unclean pittance to the puppetmasters themselves.

Every “anchor” and “reporter” in this privileged position has the threatening sword of instantaneous termination hanging over their heads and strictly minds their acquiescent behavior to maintain their cherished position.  (I was there.  I saw this with my own eyes.)  The anchors (or “ pretty readers” as they are called) do not write what they say.  This is done by the producers, who get their instructions from the news director, who follows explicit commands from the owner of the network.  The owners are a very small group of billionaires who control many more television stations, newspapers, magazines and websites than are comfortably imaginable.  While there may appear to be hundreds of “independent” networks, in reality these are all owned by these same few people who, though they now can technically legally own the vast majority of what media you see and hear, nevertheless often disguise their proprietorship through third party entities in order for you to have difficulty discerning the complete grip these handful of individuals hold on your perception of “reality”.  Because it is their perception of the reality they want you to perceive, it is generallyfalse.  That is to say, you are being repeatedly lied to, day in and day out, from morning to midnight, twenty-four/seven, three hundred sixty-five, by news organizations that have the seductive appearance of helping you see reality, when in fact it is as contrived as a wrestling match.

Before president Reagan so graciously and seemingly incidentally deregulated the media industry (though this was the main objective of his and his successor’s presidencies), the number of television stations and newspapers an individual or corporation could own were strictly limited, in order to promote open debate of alleged facts and separation from political influence.  With Regan’s help, monopoly restrictions on media outlets were greatly reduced.  Bush senior followed suit by eliminating more of the media monopoly restrictions.  Clinton virtually eliminated all the remaining monopoly restrictions.  Bush junior then threw out the very few restrictions which were left.  (Painstakingly insidious, isn’t it?)  Presently, the government has even given itself the right to seize all media control (in order to take hold of the few independent renegades which are left like our beloved Sleuth Journal) for the sake of a “national emergency” . . . whatever they decide that is!

In addition to all this, unbeknownst to practically the entire world until the publishing of these words, the United States authorities have required as of 2012, through sly mandatory adoption of proprietary digital encoding secretly written by the defense intelligence agency and passed off as civilian innovation, that all television and radio broadcasts be preceded by a ten second delay as to permit their interruption, cessation or imperceivable overdubbing and editing by monitoring intelligence agencies.  This is why the government insisted that all broadcasts be digital by 2012.  Funny, isn’t it, not a single news story about how newer, faster, better and more advanced technology is, for some reason, ten seconds slower.  When I investigated this, a high ranking broadcast engineer (who prefers to remain anonymous) said that the codec was written in such a way to deliberately loop the processing for ten seconds so that a theoretical expletive might be censored out before broadcast.  Trust me, in today’s culture of declining morals, the Powers-that-Be are more concerned about their dark secrets being inadvertently exposed than swear words of indelible familiarity entering overly jaded ears.  (In a later article I will tell you the prime news event I suspect they are targeting in the near future for censorship.)

All this to say, what is perceived is what is at issue.  That is why a slow, calculated objective was set and met to completely regulate what people see and hear through the media, all the while cleverly disguising the plan through the evil lie of “de-regulation”.  (You’ve got to almost admire the intelligence, skill and artfulness of such masterful criminals.)  These same entities call treasonous legislation “patriotic”, so that if you don’t support it you can be labeled “un-American”.  They give medals of “honor” to pathological liars, whom the public is misled are heroes.  They trick you into believing we live in a “free democracy”, when we are more enslaved than the Hebrews in ancient Egypt.  (After all, what is the best way to have a slave? . . . One in which the slave is deceived into believing they are free!!!)

Why is all this being done? . . . To completely control YOUR perception.  This is the heart of all conspiracies.  Criminals do not want to be caught, right?  What is the best way to not get caught?  Flee?  No.  To disguise your crimes as acts of benevolence.  What is a disguise after all, if not a conspiracy?  Those in control have even tried to trick us into thinking that a “conspiracy” is foolishness.  You see this?  They call truth “foolishness”!  Pretty evil, huh?  (That makes you stupid for believing the truth!  Who wants to be stupid, right?)  The fact is, half of all crimes are conspiracies!  Half are done without forethought in the heat or emotion of the moment, and half are plotted out in advance . . . conspiracies.

Funny, isn’t it?  Someone wants you to overlook half of all crimes in the entire world!  Who would want you to do this?  The people committing the crimes, of course!  We have to understand that if a tiny spider less than the size of a dime can meticulously plan and trap its prey weeks in advance, the human mind, if inclined to evil, can do soooooooooo much more, soooooooooo much farther in advance!  These chess players of evil even progress from century to century by handing down their art to their offspring apprentices, who plot even more subtly with greater advance forethought as time goes on.  We are now living in that age!

My first article will be about what some have called “The Father of all Conspiracies”, the audacious moon landing hoax.  Even if this topic wasn’t my specialty (which it is), I might start with this one anyway, as it may be the most “in-your-face” manipulative “through-the-teeth” lie ever told by humanity!  After all, if half of all crimes are conspiracies, and conspiracies are simply lies, then this adventure that we are embarking on as writer and reader is one to discern truth from lies, a most important task in a world where at least half of all information is deliberately false.

While some say that the first sin to enter the world was that of pride by Lucifer, that sin was actually said to have been committed initially in heaven.  Some believe the very first sin committed on earth was not pride, nor murder, nor theft, nor adultery, nor idolatry . . . it was a lie.  It was not even committed by a human, rather by Lucifer himself, the chief of all the fallen angels and the instigator of all iniquity.  The first people on earth, in a state of innocence, were said to have been led astray by perhaps the most serious and devastating of all sins, and yet perhaps the most unsuspecting sin.  A sin, so devastating in fact, that the entire world and all of humankind would be mired in agony for millennia because of it, in ever increasing despair and self-destruction, because of the seemingly unstoppable fire of ruin initially sparked by just one simple lie.

If I take your coat, there is poof of that in the material which I possess and that you no longer have.  If I kill your brother, you can see his body and orphaned children.  Yet, if I tell a lie, where is it?  You see, a lie is the only sin that is not physical.  It is purely spiritual.  Satan, “The Father of all Lies” is also called “The Lord of the Air!”  (Can you see the air?)  A lie is the only crime that you can not touch and see, that in and of itself, there is no proof of.  That is why this misdeed is a favorite of evildoers.  While all have sinned and fallen short of perfection, some it seems enjoy the activities of corruption, destruction and deceit, while others who are also flawed, nevertheless strive toward good deeds and the betterment of the world instead.

Because I believe that all are equally intrinsically good and evil, life is not so much a battle between right and wrong as it is a battle between truth and lies . . . because this ultimately leads to good or evil . . . Truth leads to good.  Lies lead to evil.  Life is wonderfully simple!  Revealing “conspiracies”, if true, lead to good because they lead to truth.  It has been said that, “Some people love lies instead of truth because their deeds are evil and for fear that truth will expose their wickedness which is concealed by their lies.”  The word “wicked”, by the way, originated by the two-strand wick of an ancient candle, one representing truth and the other lies.  You see, the artful liar will mix falsehood and truth together, in order to better deceive you.  In fact, this is the ever consistent pattern of masterful conspiratorial liars, mixing error with fact, to better camouflage the lie itself, as well as the crime the lie is trying to conceal.

Like I said, I am simple-hearted, optimistic and idealistic to the bone.  Why then is such a naïve person now given the work to unravel intricate, evil and long premeditated worldwide reaching conspiracies?  Perhaps because if I can grudgingly admit that the world I love and strive for in holiness and perfection is, regrettably, filled with spider webs of unfathomably precalculated deceit, then you too may see the shocking, yet necessary to perceive for freedom and long-term wellbeing, truth.  Our quest, together as writer and reader, will be to sift the precious truth out of a sorrowful world of lies.  Sound like fun?  Not really . . . yet it is work which must be done!

-Brother Bart


Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing movies and television programs for thirty years. During this time he has owned five production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks and produced films shown on ABC, NBC, CNN, TLC, USA, BET, as well as The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. To discuss his films, he has appeared and been interviewed on The Daily Show, Geraldo, NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and The Abrams Report. Articles featuring Mr. Sibrel’s films have been published in Time Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, USA Today and many others. His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include “Best Cinematography”, “Best Editing” and“Top Ten Director”. As the writer and director of the infamous ”A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” which exposed the moon landing hoax, Mr. Sibrel has collected over the years innumerous military, government, industrial and private sources for credible firsthand verification of very real conspiratorial crimes against humanity. He will use these contacts and experience in exposing the true and unbelievably horrific intentions of the hidden minority who have diabolical intentions for mankind in his bi-weekly column “Brother Bart’s Conspiracy Corner“. When such concepts are speculative and unverified, Mr. Sibrel will acknowledge this and openly discuss the leading possibilities as a cautionary benediction. Be sure to visit his site at http://sibrel.com and subscribe to his Youtube Channel.

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