i am gonna try to be a "normal" blogger with this post and start it out with a pretty title picture.
then i will say i am the best mother cuz i bought all this awesome stuff at the dollar tree for my perfect kids.
then i will be an excellent teacher and show you all the steps to make this most wonderful 4th of july treat just to see the smiles on your perfect kid's faces too.
after all the pics i took, hoping they are self-explanatory, i will hope and pray they are easy to understand.
(basically it's a decorated half of a gift wrap tube with small cuts made at one end, folded over a styrofoam circle and using cut up necklaces, hot glue, tape, cardstock and the cut end of a balloon weight, then stuffed with crazy candy and needless toys that clutter up your house)
then like a good blogger i will have close up pics.
from every angle possible.
then POOF!
i will wake up, look at this post,
wonder who the heck hacked my blog,
and fix at least one of the pics in the post as much as possible before i hit publish..
now that looks more like me.
seems like i am not a normal blogger who can write about their day and give you how-to directions in one paragraph with pretty pictures here and there.
doing that makes me sleepy (aka bored).
darn it all! what is my problem? :>P
so thanks again for putting up with my shenanigans and hope you stick around either by email or bloglovin' and i promise i will try to make your time worthwhile while you are here.
oh and maybe, just maybe, i will actually join FB, pinterest and twitter the right way to be a normal blogger...
anyway, lemme know if you are thoroughly confused by this basically wordless tute and i will explain in your reply.
in the meantime,
have a wonderful and happy firecracker 4th!
ps (the real truth in the matter is i am strapped for time to make a silly post cuz i got loadsa laundry to do and crazy kids to discipline!-GAAAAH!)