
How are y'all doing now that Christmas is a few days behind us?  We're still moving slow and on "vacation" while my son is home from school this week.  But, we're starting to pick up steam and I'm sure by next week will be all ready for the cleaning and organizing that comes with the start of a new year.  I already pulled out my 2015 planner and can't wait to get writing in it.  It's crazy to see that the planner sold out online, but you can check local retailers if you still want one or you can sign up to be notified when new editions are released - in April.  Um, that might be a bit late Emily.

I'm always amazed to look back at the end of the year to see what we've done and accomplished in the previous 12 months.  Of course, having a blog where you document much of your home life makes it easy to reflect and see what's happened along the way.  I did an analytics search to see which Honey We're Home blog posts were the most popular in terms of how many times the post was viewed and found the following Top 10:

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014

Home Decor Progress After 4 Years

This post shares all the early photos of our home from when we first moved in and our walls were bare to where we are now with drapes and rugs and grown-up furniture.  It's amazing to see how much we've done and how the once empty house has become home to our small family of three.  I've gotten more comfortable with my decorating style over the years, but find that I still question myself from time to time and sometimes make quick decorating decisions, and other times linger for months.

Prepping for Busy Weekday Mornings

I guess there's lots of households with parents and kids running around in the morning just trying to get out the door in one piece.  This post is one of the most popular on my blog and shares the tips we still use on weekday morning to make things run smoother.

Home Organizing Solutions

Each new year finds me full of energy regarding cleaning and organizing our home, so it's no surprise that "home organizing solutions" was the first post of 2014.  I have more organizing posts lined up for January 2015 too.

Organized Boutique Closet

My closet was one of the first rooms to get exposure on other blogs which helped grow my blog. In 2014, I painted some of it glossy light pink and rearranged/reorganized it to fit my needs.  Now, it's like a boutique I can "shop" in each day as I'm getting ready.  I plan to go through all my clothes again soon to weed out what I don't need/doesn't fit as I haven't done that in a long time.

Our Casual Breakfast Room

Early last year we purchased our breakfast room rug and it tied the room together along with the woven shades and barstools.  The bar counter is where our son eats breakfast and plays with legos or watches his iPad daily.  It's not pictured, but there is a constant chaos of crumbs and lego limbs below those barstools.  We were exited that Pottery Barn posted our breakfast room on their blog as that's where the table is from.

Clean & Clear Kitchen Counters

Last year, after putting away all the Christmas decor, I was relieved to make clean and clear spaces throughout our home so it could breathe again.  I left many spaces bare for a long time until I was ready to bring fresh life and decor in.  I'm not eager to put away Christmas this year, but I will do a deep cleaning and bring in white flowers as has become tradition every January.

All the Paint Colors in Our Home

I finally listed all the paint colors in our home and actually refer to it myself from time to time.  I hope you find this post a useful reference.

Wardrobe Wednesday - Stitch Fix Review

My friend referred me to Stitch Fix, a service that sends you five pieces of clothing every month based on a style/size profile you fill out.  I still subscribe to the service, and sometimes I keep everything they send, and sometimes I send a few things back.  Overall, I like the surprise and what they've sent me.

Organized Mudroom

This little mudroom got organized in January and also made it's way into the pages of a real, live book authored by my friend Cyndy at The Creativity Exchange.  I'm honored to be included in the book!

Popular Pins - Financial Edition - image via Helicopter Mom

Are y'all thinking savings and finances each January?  I know I am.  This post has great money saving tips and fun things to do for free.


Below is a month-by-month look at some of the progress we've made at our house in 2014 and other popular posts.


Curved Stripes Under the Stairs

I busted out the paint to continue the stripes in our entryway around the corner under the stairs.  It might be my favorite project of 2014.


Overstock Biltmore Wingchair

Like I mentioned before, sometimes it takes me a really long time to bite the bullet and make a major furniture purchase like a pair of chairs for our sitting room.  This room didn't get the proper seating for nearly 4 years.  These chairs made the room feel complete and I'm happy with the purchase.


DIY Black & White Striped Curtains

Paining white stripes on these black curtains was the biggest DIY pain in the rear.  You can read all the drama on the post, but I love how they turned out in the end.


What I Wore to Dallas

One of the blog conferences I went to this year focused on fashion and was a blast.  I'm still scratching my head on how I got invited because I'm no "fashion blogger", but I had a good time hanging out with my "home blogger" friends.  It kinda felt like we crashed the party.  ;) My post on what I wore that weekend was one of my most popular posts this year.

Back when I first started blogging, I did "Saturday Shopping" posts but had gotten away from it.  This year, I expanded my blog content to include regular fashion posts and it's been fun and well-received.  I'm a bargain shopper at heart and almost always shop online, so now I do a "Weekend Steals & Deals" post on Fridays.  I had been doing the research at home anyway all along, so now I'm sharing my good deals on the blog. These posts are also a way to earn money through affiliate links.  If you make a purchase from one of my links, I'll earn a small commission.  I'm not getting rich on these posts (I imagine you have to be a full-time fashion blogger posting outfits everyday or have a huge following or post very expensive items to really make a good living from it), but it is extra income that helps and I definitely appreciate everyone who shops through my links.  It feels like shopping with a friend when I share the things I've bought with you and when you let me know what you got.  Lately I've been experimenting with having a professional snap my fashion photos because I want to have good quality photos on my blog, but sometimes a quick selfie is just easier and more in the moment.


DIY Envelopes

My crafty side seems to get going in the Spring/Summer and this post on DIY envelopes gave me something fun to do with my collection of pretty paper.


Black & White and Bright Home Office Tour

My home office is where I do the majority of my blogging and the room has evolved from grey and yellow to black and white with pops of color.  I'm more than thankful to have a room all to myself, although I enjoy having my son hang out in here with me while I'm at my desk.


Choosing a Dining Room Paint Color  and then we chose Comfort Grey

Thank you so much for helping me decide on a paint color for our dining room.  I wanted to bring in a pale blue/grey/green and your comments helped tremendously.


Faux Marble Console Makeover

What a transformation a roll of marble contact paper makes! This was the simplest project this year with the biggest impact.

Painted Wooden Boxes

My geometric wooden box still lives in my office and now hold the remote for a small t.v. I added to the room.

Storing & Organizing Kids' Artwork

The paper piles that grow and grow and grow when you have kids.  I finally dedicated some time to purging, organizing and preserving my son's artwork.  I guess y'all also struggle with this because it was a popular post this year too.

Back to School Kid Space

My son sure is a lucky kid to have such a cool red desk in his room.  Although he's only 4, he let's me know he has to go sit at his desk and do his "work".  The desk has held up well, but I moved it to in front of his window for more symmetry and to free up more space in the corner.

Dining Room Updates

Here you can see how our new paint turned out in the dining room and how the room looks with a trio of mirrors instead of the single one that was there previously.

10 Steps to Better Blog Posts

This post breaks down everything from prepping for a blog post to editing the photos.  Good stuff if I do say so myself.

Painted Mudroom Door (on the hinges)

I'm a lazy painter, but managed to paint all three doors in our mudroom this year (the other two lead to the pantry).  I kept the door on the hinges and show you step-by-step how I painted the door in this post.


Our Fall Decor

I got a late start on our Fall decor, but once I got going, I really liked the simple touches.


Weekend Steals & Deals | Boots and Booties

You are my people.  This post with affordable boots and booties was a hit.  Some of these shoes are still on sale.

DIY Advent Calendar

We didn't end up doing all the activities in each of the pouches (or we did them on different days), but we at least pulled out the card and read the activity.  I think my son enjoyed just seeing what we were "supposed" to do as much as he would've enjoyed actually doing it.  And the hershey's kisses didn't hurt.


Our Christmas Tree

We did something different with our tree this year in adding the words.  Our tree is still up and we don't have plans to take it down anytime soon.

Our Christmas Decor

This room was my favorite in terms of Christmas decor this year.  I love the color scheme and my son helped me hang the snowflakes.  We had two great big family dinners here recently and I think we all lingered at the table a little longer because it was such a great space to relax in.

Free 2015 Printable Calendars

Yep, it's that time again!  This posts links to 10 FREE printable 2015 calendars.

Thank You to My Blog Referrers

Since the beginning, blogs have grown largely through the support of other bloggers.  It's my belief that you only grow when you share and spread the love.  This year, many friends led you my way:

I Heart Organizing

Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers

Hi Sugarplum

Brooklyn Limestone

Veronika's Blushing

A Thoughtful Place

Pinterest Told Me To

Hello Happiness Blog

In This Wonderful Life

Hanging With the Hewitts

Centsational Girl

5 Blogs to Read in 2015 (+1 Instagram Account)

I'm still a blog fan and blog reader and wanted to share a few favorites with you for (maybe) something new for you to read this year.

The Makerista - Gwen and her family just moved into a new home and I can't wait to see what she does with the fresh space.  She has a talent for pulling together things in new, unexpected ways and photographing them beautifully. She also does a lot of bargain shopping/DIY projects.

Jenny Collier - Jenny's blog is full of encouragement, free printables, photography tips, and home decor/projects.  You'll love it all.

Jillian Harris - Jillian is the female co-star of Love It or List It, Too and her newly launched blog is good!   It's a editorial in style, but she shares food, decor, fashion and beauty at her site.  She's just too cute and has a spunky personality.

Jenna Sue Design - Jenna Sue is remodeling their home while running a design business in California.  She "slow blogs" meaning, not super often, but always quality posts.  You have to see her kitchen remodel.

Ashlee Proffitt - Ashley's blog is so clean and pretty.  She's got a shop and also does branding and design.  And she shares her faith often, being a pastor's wife and mom.

The Grey Gang - okay, this one isn't a blog- she went on a blog sabbatical in 2013 and now just posts on Instagram.  But she's good for a momma's soul.  Very vulnerable and posts out loud the things I tend to keep inside or shared at home between friends.  I'll post more of my favorite Instagram accounts on my own Instagram soon.

Thank You READERS!

Last, but never least, thank you for your readership and support throughout the years.  2014 has been a hard year with my Dad battling cancer, but it makes me not take anything for granted and so thankful for every blessing.  My blog is one of those blessings and this weekend, as I pulled this post together, a welcome distraction from the hard parts of life.  My Dad is doing better lately so we're getting a reprieve from the white knuckle days.  I don't want my blog to be a downer, so I keep lots of stuff behind the scenes, but please know that the parts I get to share with you make this blog so much better.  Without your readership and comments, this blog would be a lonely place.  I know your time is limited, y'all are busy, and you have a million blogs you could read.  That you choose to spend a portion of your day with me is very special and I appreciate it.  Here's a big virtual hug from me in Houston, to you, wherever you call home.

May 2015 be your best year yet!


keep in touch! 

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