
If you own a lot of pets, pet costumes, and a Roomba, then what should you do? Well, Helen likes to dress her cat in a shark costume and let it ride the kitchen floor on a Roomba. But this is not random enough, so she adds a duck.

Now the duck follows along the somewhat lazy cat on the Roomba. And the duck seems fairly entertained. Would a pit bull in a shark costume shake up this mix?

Well, it appears three is a party. They all are the mellow type of animal crowd, even though their scenery and apparel are quite atypical. This is just an average day in Helen’s kitchen. The duck, even though it does not have a dress, is the life of the party. It must be because it is just a duckling and so the animal is amused easily. And it doesn’t hurt that its best friends are in full on party mode.

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