
I’m on the right 3 weeks after the Atkins, with my friend, Amancay before a night out.

I dabbled in the Atkins Diet at Uni (who didn’t?) and was intrigued to read Kim Kardashian took to the revised version The New Atkins Diet to help her lose her baby weight (she looks Ah-Mazing doesn’t she?! and I thought she did pregnant too, I hated all the critism she got)….I’m not sure if she’s becoming the face of the diet or not but she certainly inspired me to read the revised book to help shift the last of my post pregnancy weight!

… Despite fitting back into my pre-preg clothes when Alexander turned around 8 months old, my old shape has not fully returned. It’s one thing to get back into your old wardrobe and another to feel back to your best.

2 C-sections and kids later, my tummy has been the hardest to regain. Naturally, massive surgery and beautiful, big babies means the body will inevitably take time to return (that goes for 1 kid and natural delivey too for that matter) but I’m determined to keep working at feeling and looking healthier and leaner.

…My GP had recommended that my Mum try a low carb diet too to help keep blood cholesterol levels healthy and aid weight loss and after reading through the new diet three weeks ago, I decided to give it a go too. So that and the fact Kim Kardashian looks amazing. Did I mention that already?

First off, I was strict on limited carbs for the initial two weeks as the diet advises, finding refuge in tasty Atkins bars (I love the Atkins Day Break chocolate chip bars) when sugar cravings hit so I never felt deprived or hungry for that matter. Vegetables are carbs too and I ate lots of those, tasty fresh salads (with feta, mozzarella), along with lean meat, steaks, chicken casseroles, yummy cheese in moderation, olives, avocado, seafood, fresh fish and I didn’t cut out milk as recommended either. I need decaf lattes in my life!

Now towards the end of week 3 (you can stay in the stricter phase 1 for longer but can still lose weight in phase 2, the on going weight loss section) you can eat seeds, some fruit and nuts if you like, along with the above and I could and hope to eat like this forever. My body loves this way of eating.

I’ve long been aware of the health benefits of lowering carbs and eating low GI foods, especially as a PCOS sufferer with insulin resistance. Sugar adn white high GI carbs are the devil to me.

Having tried several diets since Alexander turned 3 months, I really feel this is the one that will work for me for the rest of my life. Not a diet but a lifestyle.

The results have been great, yes I’ve lost weight (probably 10 pounds in 3 weeks) and my tummy is reducing butmoreso , my PMT has almost been eliminated (along with acupuncture), no mean feat after a monthly 2 day PMT nightmare over the last few months (tears, loss of confidence and general hormone induced sadness!)

Limited carbs and sugar mean blood sugars thus moods are balanced despite PMT or perpetual child- inflicted tiredness and I’m rarely hungry, have more energy than I’ve ever had, I sleep better and can get to sleep easier and feel flipping fantastic.

Yes I’ve modified the diet to work for me. I’m not crazily strict (hello milk and yoghurt and I don’t count carbs) and I know if I stop for a few days  (Christmas and holidays) I will return to it again because it makes me feel so good.

I tend to only run twice a week as my accupuncturist said running releases cortisol (the stress hormone) so power walking is better daily and I’m determined to get back to yoga too! I’m a small UK size 10 now and want to get to an 8 ideally, a size smaller than before I had Alexander.

With the new Atkins diet, once you reach your goal weight you can add a little bread, oats, sweet potatoes and more fruit to your diet too if you so wish, still in keeping with the principles of a low GI, low carb way of eating.

Scientific research says it’s the healthiest way to eat and the way I feel proves it!

Have you tried it?

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