
It's gone after 3000 rpms. I don't hear it in reverse. I can hear it sometimes in drive usually when the car is cold and as it warms up it gets quieter or almost goes away completely.

It is not coming from the accessory side so I know it's not any pumps, belt or pulleys on that side.

I topped up the cooling system with the proper Honda fluid and it didn't change anything. (the overflow was empty so I filled it)

It's coming from the right side of the engine bay towards the bottom. (If you are outside and facing the engine)

The lower the revs, the slower the sound and the faster the revs, the faster the sound.

What could it be? two things that I know that have to be looked at are the brake fluid because it looks really dirty and the power steering fluid because even though it's supposed to be a sealed unit, it is dirty and the steering wheel is kind of stiff. Although, sometimes it become proper and light again. Not really sure what's going on there. My best guess is that maybe there is a clog in the reservoir.

So back to the main question, what do you think it is?

Another thing, this noise winds up in a way. When I first start the car the noise isn't there for a couple seconds and then it "winds up" is how I best describe it.

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