Eastchester Public Library
The Friends of the Eastchester Public Library will hold their Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 2 p.m.
Members will be asked to approve the 2015 Slate of Officers. Non-members are invited to attend the Holiday Reception at 2:30 p.m. following the short business meeting.
If you are not already a member of the Friends, please consider joining. Friends’ dues envelopes are available throughout the library.
Book sale
Every Tuesday the EPL is holding a Friends book sale from noon to 3 p.m.
Preschool Story Time
Preschool Story Time Thursday session begins at 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Storytime is designed for children who are three to four years old and can stay in the program without a caregiver.
In-person registration is required. Registration has begun. In order to register you must show proof of age for child.
Limited to Eastchester and Tuckahoe library cardholders only. Non-residents will be placed on a waiting list.
“Mad about Math” returns for K – 1
On Monday, Dec. 8 at 6 p.m., we will have our third “Mad About Math” Storytime for Grades K – 1. We will be reading Lemonade in Winter: A Book About Two Kids Counting Money. This will be followed by a craft activity.
This program is open to all, but you must pre-register online and space is limited. Registration is now open.
Japanese Mothers’ Program
Japanese Mothers’ Program on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The program introduces popular English-language elementary-level books to Japanese parents and features discussions in Japanese, translations of the books with an emphasis on pronunciation. For more information about the program, please call 793-5055 and speak to Mariko.
Christmas crafts for grades K – 5
The library will have two Christmas craft programs for grades K – 5. Both programs are drop-inno registration is required, and will take place upstairs in the children’s room.
On Tuesday, Dec. 16, we will have a Christmas origami craft. On Friday, Dec. 19, we will make Christmas ornaments. On both days, you may come at any time between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
A solo piano recital
On Saturday, Dec. 13 at 2:30 p.m., the library welcomes back Dr. Yelena Grinberg, a Julliard-trained pianist, for another exciting and enriching solo piano lecture-recital.
The program will feature pieces in the key of F-Sharp from the composers C.P.E. Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Felix Mendelssohn and Robert Schumann.
The program is open to all no pre-registration required.
Taxes: Get ahead of the game
Each year, the IRS and the New York State Department of Revenue cut down on the amount of paper forms that they provide to libraries for public use. Popular forms, such as the 1040 for federal or the IT-201 for New York State, often run out quickly.
All of the needed forms can be printed out online. If the library does not have the forms you need at the library, we would be happy to print up any forms you need at the adult reference desk at a charge of 10 cents per page.
Programs for the disabled
The Town of Eastchester welcomes the participation of all residents and recognizes the importance of providing recreational programs in the most integrated setting. If special accommodations are needed to assist in the meaningful participation and inclusion of a disabled participant, please call Sally Veltidi, superintendent of recreation at 771-3311. The Recreation Department serving Eastchester, Bronxville and Tuckahoe is also part of the South East Consortium for Special Services, a nonprofit organization that provides year-round therapeutic recreational programs for persons with disabilities. The consortium offers a variety of weekly programs for disabled persons ages five through adult.
For further information, contact Jerry Peters at South East Consortium, 740 W. Boston Post Road, in Mamaroneck, contact 698-5232 or e-mail info@secrec.org. The website is secrec.org.
Bronxville Public Library
Children’s Museum
What could be more fun than hearing the “Wizard of Oz” story and learning how Dorothy encountered some basic scientific principles on her journey along the yellow brick road? Hands-on activities give each student a chance to make a tornado, a rainbow and more. A Westchester Children’s Museum “Museum without Walls” STEM program. Made possible through generous finding by the Friends of the Bronxville Library.
“Holiday Buying Help”
Parenting consultant Joan Tananbaum, leads an interactive workshop to help parents through the hoilday season. Topics include; holiday stressors, family anxiety, gift-buying anxiety and sibling disputes. Special emphasis will be placed upon holiday shopping and how to navigate the saturated field of “educational toys.” Open to parents of children ages 2 to 4. A story time and craft will be provided for your children while you are in the workshop. Please register by phone at 337-7680 ext. 34 or email at brokids34@gmail.com.
“Paws on Pillows”
On Sunday, Dec. 14, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. come help bring comfort to animals in Westchester shelters. Volunteer to help make beds and toys for our furry friends in need. These made-with-love beds and toys will be donated to help bring healing comfort to the dogs and cats at the animal shelters in Westchester. No experience necessary.
New York Dance
Holiday Vocal/Dance Concert
On Dec. 6 at Halstead Bar and Grill in Harrison, the New York Dance is having a Holiday Vocal and Dance concert at 3 p.m. The grill is located at 7 Purdy St. in Harrison, contact via phone at 835-8335.
Blood donations needed
The American Red Cross asks eligible donors to give something that means something this season–, a lifesaving blook donation. Blood donations often decline this time of year when donors get busy with holiday festivities and travel. Severe winter weather and seasonal illnesses, like the flu, can also have a serious impact on blook donations, but the need for blood remains steady. On average, the Red Cross must collect 15,000 blood products every day for patients across the cournty.
Eligible donors with all types are needed, especially those with O negative, A negative and B negative. To learn more about donating blood and to schedule an apointment, download the
Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767). The next blood donation happening in Westchester will take place on Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Mamaroneck Elk’s Lodge 1457, 417 East Post Road and in White Plains at Acadia Realty Trust, 1311 Mamaroneck Ave. in White Plains on Dec. 15 at 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Deadline for our What’s Going On section is every Thursday at 3 p.m. Though space is not guaranteed, we will do our best to accommodate your listing. Please send all items to laura@hometwn.com.