Homesteading is so much more than growing and preserving food. It is learning the skills to provide for yourself as much as possible, as well as being adaptive to situations as they arise by thoughtful preparation. Jim Cobb is being highlighted by PREPARE Magazine with a giveaway at the bottom of this post! Also check for links to our reviews of two of his other books, too!
Our Friends at PREPARE Magazine are running a series of Book Reviews and Giveaways that are sure to help you add to your Preparedness Library. Here’s what they have to say about this book:
The Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness by Author Jim Cobb is the quintessential preparedness primer. It is suitable reading for both the novice and seasoned prepper. Almost every topic is covered in this book yet it still it goes into great detail without distracting from the primary focus of laying a strong foundation. Disaster Readiness is a broad topic but author, Jim Cobb knows his topic well and has done a fantastic job of breaking things down into clearly distinct chapters and sections to help the reader grasp the scope of being well prepared.
The chapters offer a wide range, yet build from “Why to prepare” to more specific details such as “Where to go” in a disaster. The Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness will take you on a sequential journey without hype or conspiracy. Unlike day to day life, this book is tightly segmented in its approach so that you are able to locate a particular area on which you need to focus and review to it regularly.
Jim enlightens the reader on areas usually untouched such as how Disaster Readiness affects relationships (Children, Pets and Elderly). This is a book that we highly recommend regardless how long you have been on the preparedness journey.
We here at PREPARE Magazine hope that the winner of this book will be both encouraged and share what he/she learns to help others. This is a foundational addition to your emergency preparedness library!
Full Disclosure:
If you don’t happen to win, or you’ve found this blog post after the Giveaway has finished, please consider clicking the links above or shopping through the Amazon links to buy Jim’s book(s). With the minor affiliate income from your purchase we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging – and ultimately we hope – encouraging YOU.
We do hope someone from our blog is the winner!! <img src="" alt="