
Whew! It’s been a while in the making, but I’m finally ready to kick-off this new website!  I thought it would be so fun to begin by offering you a freebie!  When you subscribe to my email newsletter and confirm your subscription, you will get access to this FREE Homeschool Planner with 18 pages.

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Here is what is currently included in this free Homeschool Planner for 2014 – 2015:

Simple Cover Page (1)

Daily Planner Page (1)

Weekly Planner Pages (4 Sets – 2 for 2014 and 2 for 2015)

Preschool Planner Pages (2)

Student Schedule Page (1)

Family Schedule Page (1)

Goal Planning Pages (2)

Student Assignment Pages (2)

I recommend printing out all the pages you would like to use and adding them to a binder.  I usually add divider tabs with pockets to the binder, too.  It definitely helps me organize and plan our homeschool year more effectively and efficiently.

If you like to plan each day individually, the Daily Planning page can be used to focus on your to-do list, what needs to be cleaned, assignments or ideas for schooling together as a family (or individual assignments), your menu for the day, and your appointments for the day.  This list also includes what I call my “Sanity 5″.  Each day, I try to spend time in God’s Word, exercise a bit, take my vitamins, drink my water, and have a focused, intentional time where I “play” and rejuvenate (a walk with the girls, explore creation, play a board game, read a book, etc).

I like to have my whole week spread out before me, so I made two different free weekly homeschool planning sheets.  I made the first version since I keep all of my homeschool planning pages in one binder and my calendar (appointments, menu plan, etc.) in another binder.  The second version is slightly different since I know some people want a planner with room for a menu plan and ways to add everything going on in their week.

The small, skinny boxes can be filled in with the various subjects you want to study, a box for appointments or cleaning, etc.  You can utilize it in many ways!

I loved planning for preschool, so I’ve included a blank planning sheet and one with specific headings.

(Not sure where to start with preschool?  I have a free preschool curriculum called God’s Little Explorers!)

My oldest daughter is using her own weekly assignment sheets this year, so I designed two of these!  One just has shades of blue and the other is a little more colorful.  To use it, I write the subject and assignments for each week, and my daughter checks off her list as she completes it.

I am not huge on having a minute-by-minute schedule since I much prefer a flexible rhythm and routine to our days.  However, I do know how helpful it can be to have a schedule in place–especially on those days when chaos seems to reign!  This homeschool schedule planning sheet allows room for five family members.  More than five family members?  Just print another sheet, trim the sides, and tape the sheets together!

Setting specific, measurable goals each month helps me stay on track with our learning, so I recommend taking a few minutes to plan your goals in writing.

I hope to add a few more free homeschool planning pages, so be sure to comment below and let me know what you’d like to see.  I can’t make any promises, but if enough people want something specific, I will definitely see what I can do!


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