If you’ve been thinking of starting an online business, then you are not alone. Starting an online business is a very broad subject, but like retailing, you may have a wide variety of options to choose from but there are basics you MUST know. Choosing the right niche, packaging it to appeal to your target market, ideal ways to market it, and more. There is so much to learn from those that have found success and know what works and what doesn’t. Eben Pagen is one of the top ‘internet gurus’ and has created an online empire larger than most without succumbing to the darker side of internet marketing.
Transparent, honest and quite talented in teaching complicated subjects in an easy to understand format, Eben has a habit of sharing a large chunk of his knowledge for free. I’ll warn you up front, he is going to tell you about a new product he has in the last 10 minutes of the video, but not before you have gleaned a great deal of VERY valuable information. It’s sort of like those resorts you are invited to spend the weekend on in exchange for sitting through a sales presentation. The nice part here is you can simply close the window in the last 10 minutes if you aren’t interested.
Marketing an information product is ideal for homeschoolers because it’s a wonderful way to share your unique homeschool experience with others. It just fits most homeschool families. Regardless of where you may be in your journey, you have much to gain by what Eben is willing to share in this webinar. Watch the video and learn the following cutting edge techniques:
How to package what you know into “information products” that you can sell for high prices online
The 2 key things you must have in order to build a successful “information business” online
The common denominators of “winning” online niches – and how to target one that works
A new type of marketing that is actually much easier and more fun than “high pressure” stuff from the past
The one question to ask to figure out exactly what to include in your information product – so it has the highest chances of success
Which type of product to start with if you’re building a new information business online
You will not have to jump over an opt-in or squeeze page, either. Or give up your email address. Just watch & learn! Take notes.
(I promise, this is NOT an attempt to sell you anything, there are NO affiliate links whatsoever, and I have no connection with selling their product. I simply want to share this great information with you, honest-in fact, if you do want to buy his product, let me know so I can get an affiliate link! )