
This is an excellent way to heal the entire body, heal the heart, restore the immune system, cleanse the kidneys, liver and excretion system and also to clean the digestive system and to purify the blood vessels. This natural medicine is useful to improve brain’s function and to strengthen the memory. Also, it can be very helpful in the fight with cancer, and relieve pain in the joints.

You will need:
• 15 lemons (organic)
• 400 gr of sprouted wheat grain
• 12 cloves garlic
• 400 grams of walnuts
• 1 kg of honey

Method of preparation:
Preparation of the sprouted wheat: Put 400 grams of wheat in a glass jar and fill the jar with water. Let it stand like this overnight. After 12 hours, strain the mixture through clean gauze and rinse the wheat grains well.
Put the strained wheat in a clean jar. The wheat will sprout after 24 hours.
1. Next, grind the sprouted wheat along with the walnuts and garlic. Also, grind 5 lemons with their rind and mix everything in an enamel bowl.

2. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice of the rest 10 lemons and add it in the blend. Stir until you receive a homogeneous mixture.
3. Then pour over the honey and stir with a wooden spoon.
4. When the mixture is ready pour it into the jars and store them in the fridge.
5. After 3 days the amazing remedy will be ready for its consumption.

How to use:
Consume 1-2 tbsp. of the blend half an hour before breakfast, lunch and going to bed. The treatment should last until you spend the whole dose. In case someone is fighting cancer, the remedy should be consumed for every 2 hours.
If you want to use this medicine as a prevention for diseases, consume one dose once a year.
Those who had already used this remedy, claim that it promises good health, longevity, increased energy and youthfulness. This is because of the fact that this powerful remedy contains all necessary minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, bioactive substances and vegetable oils. It has the ability to improve all gland and inner organs functioning.

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