
Hello Music Lovers,

I want to introduce myself and tell you about something new and exciting to the music world. Real music is exciting, it makes you think, and it conveys emotions and ideas. Music is a rare art; a combination of poetry, musicianship, theater, engineering, and management. It takes different skills to write, record, and perform music. Real artists are a truly a unique breed.

If you're like me, and I’m sure you are since you are a part of this forum, you can’t get enough. I love listening to music, reading about my favorite musicians, watching videos, and talking about them with my friends. There has been some documentaries on some famous bands, “the making of” of some famous albums, and “in the studio” with some famous artists; but there has never really been any T.V. shows that would give you a look into all areas of music, or a show that was from the record labels point of view.

I introduce to you not just a show from the labels point of view, but a show that follows the owners as they create a new record label. The first season will show how we create our label, find new talent, record their album, release their album, and take them on tour. Viewers will have an all access pass to behind the music industry. Since YouTube is the global cable box, we are creating a web-series.

I should take a moment to tell you that this label is a bit different from the major labels you are used to. We are creating an artist friendly record label. We are musicians and we love the art that is music; not this overproduced and generic garbage that floods our ears. This is a label by music lovers for music lovers. We want to release the best music.

This project is actually on Kickstarter right now: Tetmure Records - A webseries about the future of music. by Tetmure Records — Kickstarter

If you like the idea, help us out. This will not happen without support. On Kickstarter you can watch our videos and get more information about what we are doing. If you don’t know how Kickstarter works, projects are posted that need funding. Anyone who likes the project can back it and we will provide you with rewards for your contribution. We will also be providing backers with exclusive content for the next year.

I don’t want you to think this is just a post and ghost. We are creating this series for you, the people who really love music. I will also be back to answer any questions you have about the show. Ask anything, provide content ideas, or simply tell us what you think. We want your opinion. We want to make this show everything it has the potential to be, and we can’t do that unless you tell us what would make this show great.

Victor Maniaci

Tetmure Records, CEO

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