
Some time back I bought the Dave Gingery books in one volumn and began to study them. While I have a SB lathe and a Burke mill, I am in awe of the machines he built and may build them for the learning experience. A couple weeks ago I built a gas powered furnace from a Helium tank for filling ballons and a burner from a HF leaf burner. After some tweeking (complete chop and rebuild) of the burner I acheived a clean burn and melt in 15 minutes. While pouring some ingots I poured a melt into a round section of pipe set on a steel plate. When it cooled I realized it was perfect size for the two step motor pulley missing from my lathe. For a long time I have put up with a single speed pully. It worked out great and I am hooked! My home machine shop possibilities just expanded exponentially. I forgot any pictures until I completed the project but I took a few to post. Now to obtain some greensand, build some flask, start building some patterns.

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