NovaBall wrote:
DemonLS wrote:Nova,
You continue to be an ass about DePaul! This thread is talking about St Johns and you still have to bring up DePaul.
My comment to you is to focus on the top teams in the conference doing well in the Tournament like your Nova Wildcats. If your team underperforms once again in the Dance, then that hurts the Big East more than DePaul being a bottom dweller!!!!
Everyone needs to stop annointing Mullins as the next Coach K until he coaches his first 10 collegiate games! And in no way am I criticizing him.
Seriously, Nova....were you picked on as a kid? You need help.
This is a thread about the johnnies. And I pointedout hat in one game this month they contributed more to the conference than depaul has in their entire decade of membership. It's rue. Why do I say it? Because its truer, no johnnies fans shouldn't be down on the,selves. In a rebuilding yr they still have done more good than depaul has ever done (not to mention all the other good they have done)
I'm not going "focus" on nova pulling their weight. I think nova has done that the first two years. Without nova doing their thing the conference lands maybe 1 team seeded above a 4 in its existence (another early exit creighton team) and the haters like Stever would really be hating. The league wasn't entitled to a 1 seed last yr or a 2 seed the previous year, nova went out and took those seeds. And considering jay wright has 14 ncaa tourney wins in his career, including a trip to the final four, I dontee eek a need to wore worry.
You a perspective. pers14ncaa tourney wins coach Jay has: Star Wars came out in 1977. To go back to 14 ncaa tourney wins for depaul, one has to go back to 1976.
Oh, by the way, that includes their "glory days" as a 2 seed in 1979 and 4 straight one seeds from 1980-1984. That's righ, 5 years as a 2 or 1 seed, and a couple other in the 3 or 5 range, since the restless of Star Wars in 1977 and depaul doesn't even match jay wrighht's 14 tourney wins
And looking at Depaul's tourney failure's in the early how could you possibly criticize guys like weight or jt3. They look like john wooden compared to what Ray Meyer was doing!!
How many of those wins came prior to 2009? I was still a senior in high school back when Nova was still winning in the tournament. I'm not saying you don't have the right to criticize Depaul but I'm not certain you can criticize Depaul for choking as 1 or 2 seeds since three of your past 5 ncaa tournament appearances have been 1 or 2 seed chokes.
Also your logic that one win at home against what is clearly a terrible Syracuse team is more than anything Depaul ever offered, despite them actually have beaten tournament teams,is extremely flawed.
Statistics: Posted by MUBoxer — Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:59 am