
Trying to figure out what you should serve at the next neighborhood ball? Want to know what to serve to finally hook your Mr. Darcy?

The Telegraph served up the recipe for the legendary White Soup referenced by Mr. Bingley in regard to his much-anticipated gala in Pride and Prejudice:

“As for the ball, it is quite a settled thing; and as soon as Nicholls has made white soup enough, I shall send round my cards.”

We’re not sure you can pick up all the ingredients at the local chain grocery, but it’s the perfect excuse to find an old-timey butcher that we know of.

Put a knuckle of veal into six quarts of water, with a large fowl, and a pound of lean bacon; half a pound of rice, two anchovies, a few peppercorns,a bundle of sweet herbs, two or three onion, and three or four heads of celery cut in slices. Stew them all together, till the soup be as strong as you would have it, and strain it through a hair sieve into a clean earthen pot. Having let it stand all night, the next day take off the scum, and pour it clear off into a tossing-pan. Put in half a pound of Jordan almonds beat fine, boil it a little, and run it through a lawn sieve. Then put in a pint of cream, and the yolk of an egg, and send it up hot. John Farley, The London Art of Cookery, 1783.

Head over to the original article for the modern translation, and don’t forget to dress for dinner.

Full story at The Telegraph.

Recipes with class.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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