
Inspiration Feed has a list of 10 skills that you can learn on line. Here’s a sampling:

Learn how to create and edit videos:

Have you ever heard of such a thing as an online film school? If you have a passion for films, then you should definitely learn a little bit more about the subject. There are plenty of online schools that will teach you how to shoot, produce and edit your own videos or movies. Everything from how to choose the perfect computer, camera, setting and lighting conditions will be revealed to you in comprehensive tutorials.

Nevertheless, if you are serious about this career, you will need to purchase professional equipment. The rest depends on your devotion and passion. If you don’t feel prepared enough to direct your own movie, you can learn how to VideoBlog. Vlogs have become extremely popular in the past few years, and it is actually possible to earn money with them. Obviously, you will be able to learn all there is to know about Vlogging with only a few clicks on Google.

And looking to change careers? There’s this:

Learn how to become a certified Nurse’s Assistant:

There is no nobler thing in this world than to help others in need. Nurses and doctors spend more than half their lives helping people in need, and there is probably no way to understand how saving a life can feel, expect, of course, if you decide to get your very own online nursing degree. As I was saying earlier, life sometimes gets in the way of our dreams, but if you wish to become a nurse, it is possible to do so online.

Of course, the clinical and laboratory components will be done at specialized facilities, but the rest can be done from the comfort of your home. Before you enroll or pursue a career in nursing, make sure that you understand the responsibilities of the job. If you are an emphatic and compassionate person you will definitely find fulfillment in this job.

And want to learn another language?

Learn a foreign language:

When people are asked what they would like to learn, they usually respond “a foreign language”. The truth is that being fluent in another language is a great plus in a CV, and it can also land you a good job. English is not my native language, and to be honest, I never thought I would ever become a blogger, but here I am, and I don’t regret a thing.

When you do something with passion, results are soon to follow. Anyway, there are many sites from which you can learn foreign languages. You can also exchange knowledge with people who are trying to learn your language, for example. If you put a little effort into it, you can come out speaking fluently in about half a year.

And so much more, from learning how to code, how to blog and even how to become an illustrator. See the original article for more info and suggestions here: Inspiration Feed.

More stories about careers.

Photo credit: CG – Fotolia.com

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