
It is indeed a “marquee day” for Portland’s historic Hollywood Theatre!  Our bright new marquee, recently installed by Security Signs, is based on the design of the Hollywood Theatre’s original 1926 marquee.  It’s a sign that will light up the neighborhood for generations to come.

Watch video of the countdown and lighting on September 5th, 2013!

The new neon, illuminated sign is the latest sequel to many other Theatre improvements. New auditorium seats, digital projection systems, screens and sound systems were recently installed as well as a fresh coat of paint inside and out (done by pro-bono worker extraordinaire Joel Hamberg.) The marquee was funded by grant funders, businesses and over 1,100 people who donated to a Kickstarter campaign.  See the full list of donors below.

“This new marquee will be a great addition to the community and help the Theatre recapture its former glory as a cultural icon in Portland,” says Doug Whyte, Hollywood Theatre Executive Director. “Now all we need are more members to support the Theatre and help us continue to improve this beautiful historic building as well as providing unique events, entertainment and youth education.”

The Theatre is now actively seeking new members to keep momentum rolling. Members can receive discounted admission (and free admission at certain levels), guest passes and invitations to free monthly member events – not to mention the respect and envy of their friends. Word has begun to spread nationally about the unique programming offered at the Hollywood Theatre. With more members, the Hollywood can expand their offerings and reputation.

To become enlightened and sign up for membership, click here.

Thanks to all of our marquee donors!

Foundations and Organizations

Meyer Memorial Trust
Kinsman Foundation
Hollywood Boosters Business Association

The Faerie Godmother Family Fund
Hollywood Neighborhood Association
Columbia River Theatre Organ Society


Popina Swimwear
Neil Kelly’s Home Performance Division
Barran Liebman
Burnside Brewing
Whole Foods Market Hollywood
Pacific Power
American Cinema Equipment, Inc.
The Naga Center
Planet Argon
Maloy’s Jewelry Workshop
Laurelwood Brewery
The Celtic Corner
Becker Capital Management
The Mountain Shop



Barbara A. Ballew

Marty, Mandy and Max Barrack

The Doris Diaries, by Julia Park Tracey

Jim & Sue Kelly

Michael & Alice Powell

Joan and Paul Sher


Abby DenUyl

Al Blodgett

Amy Silliman & Guillaume de Bergh

Anders & Lori Goranson

Andrew schpak

Ann and George Whyte

Anne & Jerry Brown

Ann-Marie Yost & Phillip Berryhill



Ashes the Cat


Brett M. Hulstrom

Christine & Michael Mason

Christopher R. Wilson

Daisy Santana

Dale Boss and Bob Mensel

Dave Riveness

David Wester

Don and Susan Harn

Doug & Cheryl Whyte

Emma Williams

Erik Andersson

George Goodstein

Greg Sanders

Helen B. Happy

James & Jennifer Jardee-Borquist

James Falvey

Janice Reddaway

Jim Gelhar

JoAnn Griggs

Joe & Emily Aley

John & Jackie Holland

John Rogers

John Rourke

Jon & Meredith Challoner

Jonathan Pak

Kari Smith and Doug Hanke

Kathy and Mike Kendig

L. Ainsworth

Larry and Tania Gitch

Larry Williams

Linda Wenning

Marina Mont’Ros

Mark Muse, Jennifer Faulkner and Lucille

Matt Smiley and JacqueLyn Lobelle

Matt Solhjem and Sara Engbloom

Matthew Ryan O’Meara

Morgan Cox

Natasha and Clayton O’Hara

Picture This Production Services

Robert Neyer

Roman “Bad Idea” Kuchinskiy

Sandy Polishuk

sarah bibb

Scott Ray Becker

Stacy and Aaron Harsh

Stephen Perona


Susan Dupere

Tami Parr

The Hale Family

The Oppenheim/Handler Family

The Stegemillers

Tom Cocklin and Jenny Greenleaf

Tom Vandel


A Parr

A. R. Nath

Aaron Levinson

Aaron Tuller

Abraham Ingle

Adam C Sager

Adam Pruett

Adam Watkins

Adam Whiting

Adán and Kathryn Dominguez

Adrienne Fritze, Artist & Curator

Adrienne Tilley

Aimee Traeden

Akiko Noguchi

Alan Locklear and Marie Valleroy

Alan Smithee

Alex Muller

Alfredo Moreno

Alice and Dave Larsen

Alice and Dick Vetter

Alicia Polacok

alison firemark

Alison Hallett

Alissa Pulcrano & Jason Woods

Aliza Kuperstock

Allen Menegay

Amado Lumba Jr

Amanda Plyley

Amber Ambrosius

Amber Bales

Amber Elstad

Amy Conroy

Amy Edwards and Brian Wieser

Amy Frey

Amy Key

Amy Pombo

Anais Tuepker

Andrea & Ruben Iniguez

Andrea Dobson

Andrea Siede

Andrea Winchell

Andrew Chang

Andrew Wiley

Andy and Crystal Bailey

Andy Coco

Andy Englehart

Andy Whipps


Angelita Surmon and Marc Hess

Ann & Brad Cosgrove

Ann Becklund

Ann DeNies

Ann Kendellen & Jonathan Harker

ann wilson

Anna Shelton


Anne Gire

Anne M. & J. Foley

Anne McLaughlin

Anne Parr

Annie and Aaron Kaffen

Anthony Bailey

Ariana Rosales

Austin C Appleby

Austin Southard

Ayn Generes

Azure Akamay

B. Foster

Barb and Mickey

Barbara Allen

Barbara Bava

Barbara Blackstone

Barbara Sabath

Barbara Sanders

Belinda Covell

Ben and Sue Donora

Ben Brown

Ben Holmes

Ben Parzybok

Benjamin Peters

Benton Barnett

Beth Gibbs

Beth Harrington

Beth Kerschen

Bev Hedin

Bev Wilkinson & Ben Nussbaumer

Beverly Hacker

Bija Gutoff

Bill & Susan Stone

Bill A.

Bill and Jan Perry

Bill Betak

Bill Cernansky

Bill Jemison

Bill, Christina & Camille Stewart

Blaine Betts

Blair Stewart

Boaz Frankel

Bob Nisbet

Bob O’Halloran, Sr.

Bobby Noah

Brandon and Elisa Cresswell

Breesa Culver

Brendan Wright

Brenna Holdaway

Brent and Devon

Brian “Chainsaw” Campbell

Brian & Elizabeth Middleton

Brian & Karen Howard

Brian Knapp

Brian Riffel & Hilary Evart

Brian Van’t Hul

Brianna Bertoglio

Brittnay Hobrock

Brook Cole

Brook Hubbs

Bruce & Suzanne Jackson

Bruce and Gwyneth Van Buskirk

Bruce Cantwell

Bruce P. Cutter

Bryn Hubbard

Bud Hartley & Maria Valls

Burt (Burt) McIntosh D.D.S.

Bux and Krissay

C.D. Warner

Cailan Collet

Cam & Jason Taylor

Cameron Harrison

Carey Booth

Carl & Michelle Hall

Carl Alviani

Carlene Reynolds

Carmen Farmer

Carol Carmick

Carol Jo Horn

Caroline Hostetler

Caroline Paquette

Carolyn Buan

Carolyn Gazeley and Brad Van Allen

Carolyn Wiesner

Carrie Novak

Carter Kennedy

Caryn Nelson

Cassidy Patzuk-Russell

Catherine and Robert Gamblin

Celia Lambert

Chad Mortensen

Charis Kennedy

Charles and Deborah Grant

Charles and Maria Tomlinson

Charles Freeborn & Cheryl Smith

Charles Meier

Charles Rynerson

Charley and Kim Kersten

Chelsea Petrakis

Chris & Lise Petrauskas

Chris Calvert

Chris Glaab

Chris Higgins

Chris Imondi

Chris Walas and Gillian Richardson

Chris Wood

Christa Mrgan

Christina Elmore

Christina Fidalgo

Christina R.

Christine Bourdette

Christine Caruso

Christine Henry

Christopher and Michele Knaus

Christopher Marin

Christopher Webster

Christopher Willett

Chuck Gleason

cira pollywog

CJ Webb

Claiborne-Newell Family

Claire Oliphant

Claire Willett

Claudia and Carla

Claudine Paris

CN McQuide

Cole Reed

Colin Williams

Connor Healy

Constance Strawn

Courtney Ferguson

Courtney Hermann & Kerribeth Elliott

Craig and Anne Lindsay

Craig Tumer


curly bob amos

Curtis Pachunka

Dan Clark

Dan Rasay

Dan Wheeler!

Dana Clark-Scott

Danielle Boss

Darcy Sharpe

Dave Benz

David & Kristy

David Bennett

David Blake

David Bodin

David D. Levine & Kate Yule

David E. Wheeler

David Luben

David Naimon & Lucie Bonvalet

David Rue

David S. Fine

David Zuckerman

David, Beth & McKenzie Finn

Davy Stevenson

Dawn Smallman & Greg Snider

DC Rahe

Dean Shelton

Deanna Cintas

Debby Dieckman

Debi Houghton

Demetri Larsen

Dennis Johnson

Devon Barrett

Diane Eklund

Diane Nowicki

Dianne Bocci

Dick Adams & Wendy Rankin

Dion & Val Robertson

Dominic LeFave

Don and Leslie Arbuckle

Don Gagne

Don Jacobson/Sharlane Blaise

Don Reiner

Dona & Sherry

Donald Winn

Donna Schuurman

Doug Hamilton

Doug Overfield

Doug Young

Dr. Anna K. Cox

Dr. Heather Hall Lewis and Chris Lewis

Dr. Marsha Johnson, AuD,

Drew Dawson


Duran & Alvin

Dylan R.


Ed Kushner

Eddy Shuldman

Edward Camarillo

Edward Davis Wood

Edward Kersh

Eileen Kirschner

Eileen Markson

Ela Twigg

Elaine Blatt and Ryan Bliss

Elaine Corwin

Elaine Marcus

Eli Swihart

Elinor Gollay

Eliz and Ryan Roser

elizabeth Altomare

Elizabeth Park

Elizabeth Spavento and Matthew Feitelberg

Elizabeth Vitu

Elle Martini

Ellen MacPherson

Emilie Currin

Emily Becker

Emily McGrath

Eric Christopherson

Eric Evans

Eric Slade

Eric Thornton

Erica Thomas

Erik Henriksen

Erika and Jan

Erin Grabowski

Erin Roberts

erin weisensee

Ethan Seltzer

Eva Piccininni

evelyn kochanowski

Evil Jim

Fawn Gehweiler



Fiona Adams

Forrest McAlpine

Francis & Ingrid Rochon

Fred Kawabata

Fresh Air Sash Cord Repair, Inc.

FuR Gebhardt

G Lief

Gabriel & Phyllis Berg

Gabriel Haffey

Gabriel Vogt

Gael Broad

Gary Ferrington

Geoffrey Pine

George and Liss Rogers

George Mandis

Gerson Robboy

Gillian Richardson

Gillian Turner

Gina Anzaldo & Bryan Stearns

Ginny Holm and Terry Wellen

GLoria Foon

Goggles Paisano

Grant Kaufman

Grant Kindrick

Greg & Leigh Schrock

Greg LeMieux

Greg M.

Greg Weber

Gregory & Melinda Maletic

H. L. Bauer Family

Haim Kenig

Hanna & James

Hanna Baker

Hannah Camfield-Bronstein

Har Rai


Harold Hutchinson

Heather Bulloch

Holly Hinson and Magda Gianola

Holly Spitzer

Holly Wilkalis

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Iain MacKenzie

Ian Burrell

Ian Langenhuysen

Ian Stude

Ian Van Ness

Ilan Schraer

in memory of Hawthorne Hunt

In Memory of Sam Senior

Ingrid Sandberg

J Bills, VFX/PDX

J Zalewski

J. Claire Dean

J. John Afryl

J. Rast


Jack & Susan Lazareck

Jack Bookwalter

Jack Cook

Jackie Tucker

Jackie Weissman

Jackleen de La Harpe

Jacob Carroll and Minh Nguyen

Jake Doran

James and Michelle Clem

James Moore

Jason Hobson

Jason K

Jason Sutter

Jasper & Kristin & Jesse Lieber

Jay & Debbie Hocking

Jay Owen

Jean Sinclair

Jeanelle Wittcke


Jeff & Amy Gwilliam

Jeff Bayer

Jeff Kapustka

Jeff Loftin and Mary Lopez-Loftin

Jefferson Craig

Jelly Helm

Jemiah Jefferson

Jen Bodendorfer

jen kilcoyne

jenna m

Jennie Olson

Jennifer and Michael

Jennifer Chun

Jennifer Winn

Jenny and Taggart Siegel

Jeremy Jones

Jeremy Mercer-Deadman & Caddy Kestell

Jerry Atlansky

Jerry Harmon

Jessica Anderson

Jessica Beer

Jessie Dettwiler

Jevan Lautz

Jill & Todd Quackenbush

Jill Neuwelt

Jim & Sandy Wygant

Jim and Sally Blackwood

Jim Casella

Jim O’Connor

Jim Wallis

Joahna Kuiper

Joanna Stein

Joanne Mikol

Joanne Skirving

Joe Fusion

Joe Kadera

Joe Keatinge

Joe McMahan

Joel Bernstein

Joel Leib

John and Anna Kenneke

John Donahue

John Donham

John E. Laine

John Floyd & Rachael Snow

John Rourke

John Scott Tynes

John Whyte

John/Vicki Cameron

Jolie Griffin

Jon and Judy Straalsund

Jonathan & Robyn Liu

Jonathan Davis

Josephine Kuever

Josh Monifi

Josh Piper

Joshua Blount

joshua hammerling

Juanita Heimann

Judy Lucas

Judy Stamp

julianna roberts

Julie Madsen & Luke Strahota

Julie Morris

Justen Harn fan

Justin Brown

Justin Mitzimberg

K. Bott

K. Tehrani

Kalyn and Steve Cohen

Kamla Hurst and Mark Yamagishi

Karen Belsey

Karen Martwick

Karin Dibling

Kate Carter

Kate Mytron

Katherine Harmon

Katie Christensen

Katie Nelson

Katlin Smith and Gary Kokstis

Katrina, Michael and Tisa

Keith and Susan

Keith Daly

Keith Kunis

Keith Main

Kelly Hinkle

Kelly Kendziorski

Ken Almonte

Kendall Stewart

Kendra M Hadlock

Kendrick and Emily martin

Kent and Laurie McVay

Kent and Tiffany Belser

Kevin & Marcia Coffey

Kevin Chambers

Kim Boehm

Kimberly & Matt McCullough

Kip & Anne Larson

Kira Higgs

Kirby Gnerre

Kirk Ohly

Kristen Gehrke

Kristi Mitsuda and Darren Heiber

Kristiana Weseloh

Krystina Johnson

Kyle Frennea

Kyle Morgan

L. Tippens

Lael Tyler

Lance Larson

Lara Lackey

Larry & Verona Jacobson

larry and sandra huppin

Larry Blakely

Laura Duyn

Laura E Longenecker

Laura E. Hall

Laura Kosloff and Mark Trexler

Laura Niemeyer

Laura Schuchardt

Laura Zeigen and Allen Bernstein

Laurence Cotton

Lawrence Johnson

Lee & Lana Younglove

Lee Davis

Lee Ingalls

Lee Moyer

leon laptook and carole most

Lia Kershaw

Liberty & Wilderness: William O. Douglas Film Project

Linda & Dale Newton

Linda Freedman

Linda Kadas

linda l bergman

Lindsay Christensen

Lindsey Ekland

Lisa Cohrs

Lisa Horowitz & Maura Roche

Lisa Weiskopf

liz eisman

liz rodriguez

Liza Jacobson

Logan Wright + Maggie Reilly

Lon and Chris Staub

Loy Franklin

Lucas Charles

Lucy Anne Tillett

Lucy Pond

Lyn Nance-Sasser and Stephen Sasser

Lynae Ireland

lyric apted


Magenta Rex

Maggie Smith

Maggie Williams

Mai Kiigemagi, Pam Martin

Maj Britt Baker

Manzy and Houckers

Marc Ledbetter

Marc Thayer

Marcia “Sassy” Whelan

Marcia Mee

Marcie & Eric Hundis

Marie Ortiz

Marilyn Baker

Marilyn Zornado

Marina Menegol

Mark & Janell Niemann-Ross


Mark Reynolds & Darcel Warren

Marlena Griffin

Martha J. Logan

Mary Flamer

mary flower

Mary Grout

Mary Harrell

Mary Kay and Jim Lodwick

Mary Priester and Mike Papas

Mary T Heffernan

Maryanne Brown


Matt Christenson

Matt Rockweit

Matt Suplee

Matt Taylor

Matthew and Carin Packwood

Matthew Birchard

Matthew Ferrell

Matthew Gailey

Matthew Goshman

Matthew Regan

Matthew Tallman

Maureen and Bill Covell

McCubbin Family

McDermott Family

Mckenzie Finn

Meg Kilmer

Megan and Terry Daline

Megan Waddle

Melanie Rickmann

Melinda Francke

Melinda Musser

Melissa Durham

Melissa White

Michael Beardsley

Michael G. Schwern

Michael Hashizume

Michael Kolibaba

Michael Murray

Michael Palmieri

Michael R. Scott

Michael Santora

Michael Sevigny

Michael T. Kelley

Michael W

Michael Wild

Michele Heile

Michelle Kinsey Bruns

Michelle Warnke

Michelle Week

Mike and Rachel Hitchcock

Mike Banks

Mike Lay



Molly Scaison


Morgan Herring

Ms. Mary Greipp and Dr. Paul Reese

Music Therapy Services of Portland

Nabil Maynard

Nader Absood & Dana Small

Nancy Hugg

Nancy Jerrick

Naomi Marshall

Natalie McGuire

Nate Koenigsknecht

Nathaniel and Andrea Capp

Ned McSheehy

Nedra Rezinas

Neighborhood Friend of the Hollywood Theater


Neven & Christa Mrgan

Nicholas Libby

Nicole Funke

Nicolette Coiner-Winn


Noah Brand

Nóirín Plunkett

O Meiring

Old Man Shepherd

Omar A Rodriguez

P.H. Wells

Paige & Jimmy Short

Pat & Debbe Kettle


Patty Willert

Paul Ueltschi

Pedro Nunez

Peter Bilotta & Shannon Bromenschenkel

Peter Field

Peter VanDerVoorn

Phil Busse

Phil Nameny

Piney Kahn

Plum Tree Mortgage, Inc.

Pouria and Lindsey Bastani

Priscilla & Karen

Quentin Carder

R and K Shannon

R. Armstrong

Rachel Greenough

Radek Hayes

Randall Dearborn

Randall Stark

Raoul Duke

Raphael Z. Kahn

Ray E Johnson

Rebecca Dudeiros

Reed Coleman & Scooter Sutterer

Reggie and Franklin

Rell Ohlson

Renee Perry

Ricardo Signes

Richard Glenn & Bert Boehm

Rick & Lee

Rick Minnich

ricka stork

Rita Seifer-Dunbar

Rob Laing

Rob Williams

Robert Atkinson

Robert whyte



Robin Anderson

Roger Anderson

Roger Braunstein

Ron & Gail Clark

Ron Lee

Rory Magnus

Rowan Dyball

Roxanne Christenson

Roxanne Horowitz

Roy Batty

Ruth and Herman Frankel

Ryan Barrett

Ryan Castro

Ryan D Gillespie

Ryan McKennie

Ryan O.

Ryan Taylor

Sam Cole

Sam Grover

Samantha Christenson

Samantha McGahan

Sandra Hetzel & Jennifer Keltner

Sandy and Jinny Ayers

Sarah and Gordon Brice

Sarah Bagley

Sarah Draper

Sarah Grenwis

Sarah J Hauser

Sarah moody

Sarah Wiebenson

Saville Easley

Scott & Lara Slonaker

Scott Beck

Scott Crabtree

scott lehr

Scott Lupatsky

Scott MacEachern

Scott Mainwaring

Scott White

Sean Fong

Sequential Art Gallery

Seth Johnston

Shade Rupe

Shadow Fann

Shaky Fury

Shane Lillie

Shannon Zambito & Sean Barrow

Sharron Huffman

Shawn Alvey

Shawn Nelson

Sheila O’Halloran

sheils-bailey family

Shelley Smith & Marc Eyraud

Sheryl Sheffield Price

Shoko Saito

Skip Van Meter



Stephanie & Stu Spencer

stephen & julie yates

Stephen Boek

Steve and Julie Heck

Steve Gaynor

Steve Jarvis

Steve Keller

Steve Ley

Steve Mattsson

Steven Bardi

Stewart Reed

Stuart Coates

Stuart Levy and Nancy Hoover

Sue Arbuthnot and Richard Wilhelm

Sue Caulfield & Mary Mack

Surah Hirsch

Sureshot Saddletrousers.

Susan “KuKu” Johnson

Susan Barthel

Susan Baty

susan bein

Susan Dupere

Susi Brothers

Suzanne & Robert (no last name please)

suzi clark

Swedish Topiary

Talia Eagle-Eyed Tiger Keen

Tamara R. Williams

Tami Wallis

Tammy Durham

Tara Johnson-Medinger

Tasha Hewett

Teddy and Tom McCanna

teness herman

Teri, Tobey, Sam and Alex Fitch

Terra Marzano

Terry McGraw

Tessa Goldston

The Bartell Family

The Celsi Family

The Fullbright Company

The Guth Family

The Martins

the thomas wilson

The van Butler Family

The Wachtman Family

Thom Lehman

Thomas Duff

Thomas Filepp

Thomas Lockney

Tim & Prudence Spofford

Tim Anderson

Tim Farley

Tim Gillespie

Timothy Brandis

Timothy Sherburne

TJ Acena

Todd Henion

Tom and Jan Harvey

Tom and Xande

Tom Humphrey

Tom Maxwell

Tony Zito

Tracy Ball

Tracy Klein


Trevor Halligan

Troy Hall

Tru Chatelain

Tsilli Pines & Matt Spiro

Tyler and Melissa Hunt

Tyler Deffenbaugh

Tyler Haulenbeek

Tyler K Hauptman

Uma Sankaram

Ursula Sperry

Uta & J.Columbus Smith

Valerie Hall

Valli Evenstar Stager


Victor Morningstar

Vince Patton

Virginia Darney


Viviana D. Bhatia

W. Small

Wade Keye

Wendy and Sonja Cutts

Wendy Hunter

Wendy Kohn & Heather Mosher

Wendy Mertl

Wes Ferry

Wolff-Cloud Family



Xanthe Gutierrez-Mizula

Yael Bridge


zachary edmonson

Zebulon Geary

Zef Wagner

Show more