
Early June:  damage to front fence in front of Schwartz home on Upper Beachwood

June 3:  Deronda – many passers-by at 9PM, entering the open gate at end of Deronda.  Report by Alexis

tresspassers (many) get around the gate after it is closed – one comes out, the others go in.  Report by C. Kent

Memorial Day Weekend.  Upwards of 3000 pedestrians per day according to resident counts.  Cacophony of noise at the “gate” at the dead end of Beachwood

Emergency rescue little boy hiker who fell on Mem Day weekend

Cars completely blocking Canyon Lake Drive for photo ops

Last week May:  Prankster climbs “D” of sign for self-promotion.  Copters overhead for 60 min.  Arrest but then no further information.

Fence broken by visiting car:  Schwartz home upper Beachwood

May 15:  two long Arcadia Busses block entrance for over an hour while trying to turn around.  Residents and Stable blocked – no egress – for over an hour while 100 school kids frollicked on the easement.   These two busses then park, illegally, for more than half a day.  about 100 school children were left off to walk the trail

May:  4 copters and 9 fire trucks to rescue a woman hiker-turned-rock-climber in Hollywoodland Gifted Park.  90 min copters overhead at dinnertime

2nd Wednesday in May:  Market burglarized.  Serious taking!

Two burglaries this weekend:  one at My Fair Lady Flowers and one on Hollyridge at Doron’s construction site where a LOT of material and tools were taken.

Second to last week in April:  a burglary foiled.

Last week in April:  Charlie the dog wounded by a tourist drone in Hollywood Dog Park.  How do we know for sure they were tourists?  They could not speak English – or did not – before they ran off.  Dog had to be taken to the Vet.

skipped a few weeks here, but incidents continue:  cars parked in driveways, litter, people in the streets, animosity created by “bandaids” city applies

nearly every weekend:  illegal drones fly over from “the vista”.  a crash would cause a fire from the lithium ion battery

Sun Mar 6:  unlucky British visitor in a Rolls left his trunk unlocked up on Durand only to return and find the leather bag in there – complete with laptop – gone!  Vanished.  He said he thought it was a nice neighborhood.  Sad.

Sat Mar 5:  walkers 5 abreast in Upper B’wd:  that is Jwalking. Skateboarders careening down curves, and one smoking.  Report by S. Schwartz

Sat Mar 5 – 3-4 boys absconded with a UPS package off Laura and “T”‘s door stoop on  B’wd.  Jeff from the Antique Store was brave in confronting said boys and the package was retrieved and returned!  Jeff showed amazing  bravery and the boys showed amazing chutzpah, high fiving one another at that Market and tossing the Amazon box on the ground.  Alex helped, too.

Week of Feb 28:  car vandalized.  Report by Peter Desberg.

Tues, Feb 23 At approximately 11:15 this morning, a northbound car on the 2800 block of N. Beachwood Drive decided to pass the car in front of it and jumped into the oncoming lane of our narrow, two lane street. The southbound driver, who narrowly missed being hit head-on, screamed “Are you out of your fucking mind? This is a residential neighborhood—there are children here!” Much honking and screaming ensued.  Report by Hope Anderson.

Mon, Feb 22, Gate at top of Beachwood being propped open and just seemingly shut with a string.  Reported to Mike Shull

Sat-Sun Feb 20-21:  1000s of visiting people passing through Beachwood.  Counts beginning.  1000s!

Thur, Feb 18, Sprinter vans and no TCP numbers illegal and, on top of that, illegally parked at Canyon Lake Drive lookout

Tues, Feb 16, a resident as far down as 2700 block of Hollyridge reports that visitors circle back down Hollyridge to get out and, since his driveway slopes down, it appears to the visitors as a chute for their trash.  He is constantly picking up trash now.

Sun, Feb 14 report on last night’s crowd:  over a dozen people jumped the fence on the south side of the ad hoc “Vista” on Canyon Lake Drive to watch the sunset (report by Rio Phior)

Sat., Feb 13 at 12PM noon:  104 people in the street between Village and upper Rogerton (report by Sarajane Schwartz)

Sat., Feb 13 11:45AM:  30 hikers and guide in the street up Ledgewood (report by Rose Ware)

Tue., Feb 9 day:  trespassers all the way to the sign, video’d, but not ticketed.  Announced on channel 5 news. (report by Rose Ware)

Sat, Feb 6:  driver swerved and honked to avoid skateboarder zooming into middle of intersection at The Village.  Yelling ensued, then laughter among 4 skateboarders (report by Soren Kerk)

Early Feb.:   neighbor had their little girl spat on by a tourist who parked in a resident’s driveway and was asked to move. (report by Rio Phior)

2015:  Residents being told by visitors that they (visitors) would return and burn down their home

2015:   one man was struck- need more detail

Feb 8:  resident reports that neighbor got into a physical altercation with a visitor who parked in his driveway and refused to move by saying he could park wherever he wanted.

Continual:  people knocking on doors to ask for a bathroom

Continual:  people sitting on/in residents’ yards

Upper Beachwood uniqueness & distinction from official GP entrances:  no sidewalks on majority, no legally constructed park entrance; no parking for visitors; no bathrooms; no assigned Park Ranger (just a solitary non-uniformed person sitting adjacent his personal vehicle who is not instructed to collect data or distribute informative city-produced maps pointed to the official entrance to GP, and who has thus far cost taxpayers $$$$$).

Result of 5 years of non-contested GPS + City promotion results in more than a mile of visitor street walking, making the residential street resemble a national park.

Sat., Feb 6:  20 min late afternoon walk count:  95 visitors walking in the street

openly smoking marijuana smoking witnessed, with pipe passing, reported, and ignored by witnessing Ranger

♦ PAST Suspicious, dangerous, and expensive events (in addition to routine law violation)

2 report of physical altercations

2 fires set in the past 4 years.  No arrests.

2-5 (exact number please) helicopter rescues of hikers in the HOLLYWOODLAND gifted park

One careening truck without breaks causing much damage and clean up on Beachwood, but in the early morning hours so no one was walking

several (report please) cases of property damage to residents vehicles and homes

♣ Suggestions to the City –

City to lead approach to Google and other GPS services permanently to route visitors to official entrances to GP

City to lead approach to private websites that appear to drive tourists to these streets

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