
Sometimes we gotta take matters into our own hands.  Sometimes those “matters” are those of beautiful skin.  Often we find that need to be economical with both our time and money but we still need to take time to ground and pamper ourselves.  How you ask?  By treating ourselves at home with an easy, low-cost DIY Facial Treatment.  Take it from me – an esthetician for over a decade – there are no excuses.  While I often advocate getting your skin assessed and your regime curated by a professional, there are definitely excellent DIY options.  Skin rejuvenation can be both convenient and accessible by following these simple steps.  They are a modified version of what we do during the real deal nd still will leave your complexion feeling clean, hydrated and smooth.

Step 1: Cleanse & Exfoliate

The first step of any facial is to cleanse because removing dirt, pollution, and excess sebum prevents surface impurities from contaminating the skin.  While using a good face wash starts this, cleansing is furthered by exfoliation.  Peeling the skin sloughs away debris, promotes cell-turnover and allows our products (and next steps) to penetrate better.  While there are many considerations to exfoliation, when doing this at home I suggest you use a gentle scrub or or peel.  Don’t be overzealous about peeling and leave any aggressive treatments to the pros.  For gentle scrubs, my fav products are the Pure + Simple Sensitive Skin Exfoliant and Face Mask and the Refining Peach Enzyme Treatment.  Beyond this, you can make your own peel.  Many fruits and vegetables have natural enzymes that digest dead skin cells, so simply mashing a tablespoon of these makes a great treatment.  Apply crushed apple, banana or papaya for five minutes before rinsing away for smoother, brighter skin.  If you have hyper-sensitive skin, dilute this in a 1:1 ratio with a spoonful of plain, organic yoghurt.

Step 2: Steam

Steaming the skin is beneficial for sweating out impurities and pore-congestion.  This step is imperative to do if you plan on doing extractions, but is also good for clarifying when done on its own. Simply bring a pot of water to a boil, remove from the hot plate, then add herbs from your pantry.  Chamomile tea has soothing properties, while sage leaves disinfect blemished skin.  Hover six inches from the pot, draped with a towel to entrap the steam.  Do this for up to five minutes.

Step 3: Perform a Face Massage

Don’t discount the power of facial massage.  Massaging the complexion is excellent for increasing circulation, which helps to treat dullness and oxygenate the skin.  This is best done after steaming, as your pores are open and prepped to absorb oil.  Use an all-natural oil in your massage to give you more glide and nourish the skin.   Olive or coconut oil as are most for all skin types and readily found in most kitchens.  But drier skin types can benefit particularly from avocado and raw sesame oil, while oily complexions are treated well with hazelnut oil and jojoba.  While there are many massage techniques, start with simple sweeping motions.  Done in an upward direction, this helps with lifting and promoting collagen production – done gently in a downward direction, this helps with drainage and treating puffiness.  Need a tutorial?  Check out my video guide on facial massage.

Step 4: Apply a Treatment Mask

Now that the skin has been infused with your vegetable-oil treatment, it is ready for a mask.  Mask help to push the oil deeper into the skin as well as offer therapeutic benefits.  Choosing the right mask is based on your skin type and needs.  While oily, blemished complexions benefit from a detoxifying clay mask, dry skin types will want to use one that is high in oil and fat.  Sensitive skins should use water-based masks as they help calm irritation and strengthen your barrier function.  For some homemade masks, check out my recipes for an anti-aging egg white mask or anti-inflam avocado and yoghurt mask.

Step 5: Tone & Moisturize

End your treatment by toning and moisturizing to balance the skin’s PH and lock in hydration.  Along with applying a good toner and cream, you should also treat the eyes and lips.  Finish your facial with a restorative eye treatment and lip balm to replenish your delicate areas as well as a mineral-based SPF if done during the day.  This gives your skin protection.

The post DIY Facials – Taking Beautiful Skin Into Your Own Hands appeared first on Holistic Vanity.

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