Boats are an absolute joy to own. Fishermen and nature enthusiasts alike find boat ownership to be entertaining, relaxing, and exciting. However, finding that a boat has been damaged can ruin an entire weekend. When boats are located in areas that have treacherous water, high traffic, or potentially polluted waters, protecting them will become the owner’s biggest priority.
Keeping Boats Safe from Other Boaters and Debris
One of the most common scenarios that results in damage to a boat is a collision with another boat or debris. Since a boat’s movements are somewhat dependent upon the water, it can be hard to avoid an impending collision during rough waters when in close quarters. This is especially true in a docking area. Another threat is debris, trash, or limbs that wash up into shallow waters. When the waves are strong, they can easily propel large debris into the side of a boat. Boat house lifts keep the boat above the water and out of harms way.
Preventing Unsightly Rings and Grime Deposits
When a boat is sitting in water for an extended period of time, it can develop a dirt ring at water level. These rings occur in a shorter period of time and become much darker in waters that are murky or highly trafficked. While cleaner waters don’t result in rings as quickly, they will eventually show as well. Cleaning this dirt off of the boat can be a grueling, time-consuming task. Since the boat must be removed from the water, the grime will dry on the boat, making it increasingly difficult. Rather than spending hours cleaning the boat, the owner can lift the boat above the water level to minimize the appearance of rings.
Sheltering Boats from Mother Nature and Natural Disasters
Generally, boats are equipped to deal with heavy rains and fluctuating temperatures. However, they are probably not prepared for natural disasters. When flooding, water spouts, earthquakes, and intense waves occur, significant damage could be done to the boat. Lifting the boat inside of a boat house will greatly reduce the risk of damage, sinking, or flipping. Disastrous events could cost an owner tens of thousands of dollars if he or she is ill prepared.
Purchasing a boat is a big decision, and every large purchase should be well protected. Boat lifts are one of the best investments for new boat owners, as they are one of the most preferred ways to keep a boat safe from damage.