Technology can surely be a wonderful thing! And in this day in age Hodgepodgedad and I feel it is important to incorporate technology in many ways into our homeschool. Now, there certainly needs to be a balance of time away from that technology – true outside and reading-a-book time (why we have a built-in afternoon quiet time habit). But technology is and can be a fabulous teaching and learning tool!
We decided to get the children an iPad for Christmas – a family present a couple of years ago. Hodgepodgedad watched the sales and we purchased one shortly after the newest iPad came out.
Over the last weeks I’ve been noticing just how much we use the iPad and thought I’d share some ideas. Many, I am sure you already know about. I’d love for you to share your tips in the comments!
Ways to Incorporate iPad and Online Learning into Homeschool
There are natural ways we use the iPad and other technology throughout the day. Here are a few:
For morning quiet time with GloBible app or Daily Audio Bible for Kids
As a reward when ready to go on time
After the basic subjects like math and language arts (and as a supplement or follow up to these subjects – Rocket Math and McGuffey reader)
Car schooling!
Afternoon electives – (Hodgepodgedad’s review) “a subscription online training library. For $25.00 monthly, over one thousand courses can be viewed online.”
Homeschool Computer Programming (review coming soon!)
Our Most Used and Some New Favorite Apps for Homeschool
GloBible app – an amazing resource
Scripture Typer – this is very new to us, recommended by a friend
Reading/Phonics – McGuffey Reader
Math – Rocket Math
Handwriting - Oceans Letter Writer
Geography – Stack the States, Stack the Countries and GeoMaster Plus
History – pull up the Tapestry of Grace website and browse the learning links
Literature – simply accessing links on the iPad (makes it so handy!) via Tapestry of Grace for spark notes on Pride and Prejudice
Nature: My Bird World – a beautiful app for learning all about birds!
High School: SAT Question of the Day (Annie Kate is reviewing this later in the month at The Curriculum Choice)
Magic Piano – fun with music
More Technology We Love
LEGO Movie Maker App
LEGO® Learning
WeDo Robotics and StoryStarter
Technology for All Ages by Hodgepodgedad – yes, Angry Birds for Physics!
All of Hodgepodgedad’s app and technology reviews at The Curriculum Choice
I think, we, as parents, can embrace the use of technology, and use it to its fullest potential for teaching. With close supervision and awareness, we can allow our children who are particularly gifted in technology platforms – the time to pursue learning opportunities and studies. Just as we allow time for those with talents in art or music time to practice their instrument.
Of course we balance computer and technology time with outside time, music, visits to great-grandmother, science lessons, hands on math activities and other things.
More Favorite Technology Resources/Apps
My Apps/Technology for Learning
Curriculum Choice Tech/Apps/Online Learning board
Defense in Depth by Hodgepodgedad – balancing the safety portion of technology learning
Plus some conventional tools…
The Tool Bag – Hodgepodgedad shares at Passionate Purposeful Parenting (also a great gift idea for a older son!) “My eldest son turned 14 in May. I was determined to find a birthday gift that would have lasting significance….We should count it a privilege to be a tool in the hand of God—just as my son counted it a privilege to have the tools to do work around the house.”
10 Days of Art for All Ages: Tips and Tutorials I invite you back over the next two weeks for art tutorials and tips galore! We’ll have video tutorials, encouragement and more.
See! Mamas can paint too – just takes practice. I had a GREAT time at a Paint n’ Party with my fellow friends and homeschool moms. I texted a photo of the finished painting to Nana and guess what she said? “Look at you… You ARE an artist!”
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
Collage Friday with Mary at Home Grown Learners
Weekly Wrap-Up with Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Homeschooling High School with Connie at The Daisy Head
Your turn! What are YOUR favorite apps and technology resources?
Download the Homeschooling in Georgia ebook today!
Download the Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue art tutorial today!