
Alabama, Jefferson County, Birmingham

New Hope Baptist Church and Cemetery were established here on land with a log house donated by Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jackson Glass on August 21, 1884, for religious and educational purposes. The five-member church began with trustee Manson Glass. On September 19, 1884, James P. Cambron presented a request for membership for the newly formed New Hope Church in the Cahaba Valley Baptist Association.

New Hope Cemetery is owned and maintained by Grantswood Baptist Church.

In loving memory of our Ancestors buried here The oldest family member buried in NEW HOPE CEMETERY is Martha Keith Cambron Webber (7/19/1827-4/9/1920), widow of Jackson Cambron, Co. D, 21 Rgt., Georgia Infantry Civil War. Notablefamily burials include James P Cambron (1/13/1859-6/1/1936) and his wife Nancy E. Stone Cambron (11/9/1853-9/15/1943). One of several Glass and Cambron unions occurred when Jessie W. Glass (7/10/1866-12/6/1939) married Adelia “Dellie” Ann Cambron Glass (10/18/1878-4/11/1961). The oldest marked grave is their son John M. Glass (10/10/1901-10/18/1917), who died at age 17 of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic.

Members of the Glass and Cambron families have always been and remain active supporters of the church and cemetery.

MILITARY MEN known to be buried at NEW HOPE CEMETERY include:
31 World War I Veterans

17 World War II Veterans

2 Korean War Veterans

2 Vietnam War Veterans

Listed on the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register in 2012

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

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