Malibu, California (PRWEB) March 17, 2014
In an age when many critics of big government believe it is too big and unwieldy to accomplish anything useful, there is one man in Malibu, California on a lone quest to fill the void left by an intransient Congress. He believes that he has found a new solution to Immigration reform that has eluded congressional leaders.
Meet Mark Jason. Not many of his long-time neighbors in Malibu know about his plan to help solve the immigration crises. They also do not know about the Malibu think tank, Immigrant Tax Inquiry Group, Jason formed with experts and immigrants.
They intend to solve the immigration problem that has all but stymied the U.S. Congress, and their plan is simple and yet quite profound.
It involves the lost art of compromise.
Jasons group is proposing an immigration compromise to both parties. One they believe will pass on both sides of the aisle by reserving citizenship for later deliberation. They believe that we should legalize immigrants now and tax employers (who gain financially from immigrants lower wages) in order to pay for needed services. Furthermore, that we can do this all this without considering citizenship, which may be the most innovative part of their proposal.
This modest employer tax when added to a separate tax for ‘cash-economy workers would yield over $ 100 billion. This would significantly offset the costs of immigrant services now paid by the taxpayers, such as, services such as health and education.
I want to restore basic financial fairness and good sense to what has become our immigrant system, Mark emphasized, and to unite families separated by deportation. Mark went on to explain in detail why he has decoupled citizenship from legal status for immigrants. If immigrants provide useful services without burdening taxpayers, and if they were granted a new legal status and benefits, as our Model proposes, then people on both sides of the issue could decide the question of citizenship after that and with much cooler heads.
His is admittedly an unusual vision of what legislative compromise on immigration might look like, but it becomes far more understandable when you consider the two (seemingly divergent) influences on the genesis of his unique proposal.
I knew both Ronald Reagan and Caser Chavez and I think that both of these men influenced me in creating this vision. My IRS conservative nature (Mark was an IRS Official during his formal working years) was in harmony with Reagans philosophy of personal responsibility. Chavez is a role model in how to treat the farm hands on my ranch and I have a wonderful extended family in Mexico. This was the first time I thought about my dual sides, law and order on one side and compassion for our undocumented labor force on the other, Mark reflected quietly for a moment, I see a vision of how we could improve the lives of immigrants that would set an example for other developed nations around the world. In the area of Immigration Reform the United States has a chance to be a leader again.
This writer pressed Jason, Director of the Immigrant Tax Inquiry Group, as to why this is a good deal for the employers who do not pay any special taxes now on their illegal immigrant help. His answer was this, What I do not want to get lost in this plan is the relationship between employer and employee. In our plan, it is a relationship where one side of the employer/employee relationship is helping the other so that everyone benefits. It becomes a sponsorship so to speak. Pressed to reduce his proposal to one simple statement he replied, The overall concept is that if you are living and working here, taxes need to be paid. Taxpayers all over the country know exactly what Mark is talking about on that score.
Jason also reported the approval of the taxpaying public is overwhelming. Weve had tremendous support from the public who think as long as the funds go for our wellbeing and for our undocumented immigrants and their communities and not to pork its okay. In fact, the flow of monies collected from the modest employer tax generated by Jason model would have a tremendous impact. The reason is because it will go directly to pay for and support vitally needed human services, like childrens education, community services, health services, and penal needs all of which would raise the level of the health and human services by a significant degree.
The breakdown of how the funds will be spent on the Immigrant Tax Inquiry Groups website (over the next ten years) is as follows, Education $ 40 billion, Medical Clinics $ 30 billion, Community Centers $ 10 billion, Penal/Delinquency Programs $ 10 billion and $ 10 billion for border security and other government requirements. At least, that is what this quixotic dreamer, and social reformer is hoping to accomplish. However, the reason he is doing all of this still remains a bit of a mystery. Perhaps, an unfulfilled promise he made somewhere along the way to himself on this very personal journey.
If you would like to learn more about Marks unique vision for changing the immigration system, go to, (click on read report)
Mark welcomes your comments and observation. He can be found at
You can contact Mark personally at 310-456-2604
Issued by
Media contact information press inquiries and interviews Mr. Mark Jason, Immigrant Tax Inquiry Group, 310-853-5018, and email address:
Mailing address:
22237 Pacific Coast Hwy
P.O. Box 769
Malibu, CA 90265
Mark Jason, ITIG Director is a California resident, was formerly a Special Agent for the Internal Revenue Service assigned to develop tax-evasion cases. He has also served as a budget analyst for the Chancellor of the California State University System.
His education and diverse experience includes continued work with Mexican locals near Puerto Vallarta to develop and operate a 100-acre farm. This farm produces more than 330 tons of honeydew melons annually, shipped to the United States and is a training center for modern farming techniques and stewardship of the land.
The Immigrant Tax Inquiry Group is a not-for-profit privately funded corporation.
Bi-Partisan, Immigration, Immigration Reform, Tax, citizenship