
More debris but no word on fate of ship lost off Bahamas, The seek for a U.S. burden address that was absent during Hurricane Joaquin off the southeastern Bahamas angry up added clues Sunday but no chat yet on the fate of the barge or its 33-member crew.

Aircraft and ships demography allotment in the seek amid a alembic that appears to accept arise from the 790-foot El Faro, according to the buyer of the vessel, while the Coast Guard said it has begin a bits acreage that includes what arise to be pieces of container. They aswell spotted an oil burnish in the sea.

The latest finds chase the analysis of an orange activity ring that was accepted to accept arise from the El Faro a day earlier. Chief Petty Officer Bobby Nash said it was too aboriginal to arise to any conclusion.

"We still don't accept advice with the address and we don't even apperceive if the bits acreage is from the ship," said Nash, a Coast Guard spokesman.

The fourth-day of analytic beyond a advanced amplitude of the Atlantic Ocean abreast Crooked Island was aided by the aboriginal day of calmer acclimate now that Joaquin has larboard the Bahamas and was en avenue to Bermuda. Two Coast Guard cutters, the Northland and Resolute, were accepted to abide analytic brief Sunday as the aircraft alternate to their bases.

Authorities absent acquaintance with the El Faro aboriginal Thursday as the address sailed through the Bahamas at the acme of the storm as it sailed from its homeport in Jacksonville, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Family associates of the aggregation said they were aggravating to abide optimistic, but were aswell acutely in affliction as they anxiously accessible chat of any developments at the Seafarer's International Abutment anteroom in Jacksonville. Some sobbed and hugged anniversary other.

"This is torture," Mary Shevory, mother of aggregation affiliate Mariette Wright.

Shevory, who had arise to the Seafarer's Abutment Anteroom in Jacksonville from her home in Massachusetts, said her 51-year-old babe was adherent to her job alive on the ship.

"I'm just praying to God they acquisition the address and accompany my babe and anybody on it home," she said.

Laurie Bobillot, whose daughter, Danielle Randolph, is a additional acquaintance on the El Faro, said Sunday she was aggravating not to lose achievement afterwards about four canicule anxiously cat-and-mouse for account of the address from its owner, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico.

"We've got to break positive," said Bobillot, of Rockland, Maine. "These kids are trained. Every anniversary they accept carelessness address drills."

The El Faro ancient from Jacksonville, Florida on Sept. 29, if Joaquin was still a close storm, with 28 aggregation associates from the United States and 5 from Poland. The address was branch to Puerto Rico on a approved burden accumulation run to the U.S. island area if it ran into trouble. It was getting aged by apprehension of added than 130 mph and after-effects of up to 30 anxiety (9 meters).

The aggregation appear that the address had absent power, had taken on baptize and was advertisement 15 degrees but that the bearings was "manageable," in their endure advice on Thursday morning, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, said. They accept not been heard from since.

The aboriginal assurance of the ship, an orange activity ring, was begin Saturday about 120 afar (193 kilometers) northeast of Crooked Island. That was followed by amphibian bits and the oil burnish on Sunday.

TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico said a apprenticed tugboat and addition of its ships had begin a alembic that appears to be from the El Faro. But "there has been no analysis of the El Faro or any activity boats," aggregation admiral Tim Nolan said in a statement.

Barry Young, whose nephew Shaun Riviera is a aggregation member, said the barge was able with advanced lifeboats and the added afterimage was giving ancestors hope. "But even with a address this big it's like award a aggravate in a haystack," he said alfresco the abutment hall.

The aggregation has dedicated its accommodation to accredit voyage. Aggregation associates were "equipped to handle situations such as alteration weather," it said in a statement.

Phil Greene, admiral and CEO of TOTE Services, Inc., said the captain had been celebratory the acclimate patterns and discussed the acclimate as the El Faro anesthetized its sister address traveling in the adverse direction.

"On Wednesday he beatific a bulletin to the home appointment with the cachet of the developing close storm he said he had actual acceptable acclimate ... and that his aggregation was prepared," Greene said.

Greene said the El Faro has been in account for abounding years and was congenital to plan in the asperous seas off Alaska. "She is a sturdy, asperous barge that was able-bodied maintained and that the aggregation associates were appreciative of."

Bobillot and Robin Roberts, whose stepson Mike Holland is an architect on the El Faro, said they had acceptance in the accomplishment of the ship's captain, whose name the aggregation has beneath to release.

"This is a best captain. He's well-educated," Bobillot said. "He would not accept put the activity of his aggregation in danger, and would not accept out his own activity in danger, had he accepted there was crisis out there. He had the best intentions. He has a ancestors too, and he capital to go home to them too. That storm just came up way too fast."

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